76 RM 370 SUZ.
A1 _ _ - with extreo - must sell. $750 .00 '" meke
oller. 1714Il198-2179. 13013>d
Cuatom-f"rt raci ng rearsets
To your size & riding positoo. Barnett cable replaces
brake- rod. All aircraft construction. Satisfact ion
g....antoed. $SO - & up S rarb iker. 12131 82:H152l1.
74, 250 YZ. $500. 35mm Canon
TradefOf camera equip. Canon F-l . Pentax·MX. Nikon
F2A, Minolta XE-7, bike super condo (213) 697-8758 .
Classic mot orcycl es
1953 Voncertt Black Shadow. mint, $4600. 1946 AJS,
$1000 . 1962 Matchl.... $900. 1966 Velocene
Clubman. excel lent cond.• $2000. Call dayo 18051 544-
1332. I3OI3xl
73, 250 AoIro 31Xlp onds. 2 frames. Port lor 2 bikes in
booket 1 -250, 1 -200, 2-Fems. un~ $525.00 "es
74 Hondas XL 70, CT 90
au. helpl Cal alt. 4:00 12131~16. l3OI2xl
Bultaco salvage parts
Bikes in good oondition. XL 70 has less than 130 mi. XL
70. $222.00 080. CT 90 , $230 .00 OBO. St .... or Riel<
12131391-3142. I3OI2xI
1962-1976 parts &hipped anywhere. sat isfaCtion
g.....",-.1. Send $1.00 lor aa:esoories. pons & ~
_ ipmont catalog. S1eIIe Scott'. M-C Products. Box
1043. W~ "-k. CoJorodo 80863. l303J 687.
Good AFM racer. J &R pipes, 7SO front end wldual
dltc. Fibergless tank & ...... Clip ens. $1100 or best
3376 .13Ol2xl
oller. EIIBS. (4081732-4296. 131 1
Memberships open
MECHANIC'S SPECIAL RM 125. 75,basket case.
bfown piston, engine needs rebuilding, nu chainsprock_ tonsioner. hvy. dty. spokes. Would meke
xJnt. Il'ectlce bike or beginner', bike. $180 . 12131 281.
Dirtftlers MlC. Inc.. Di01J ';7 family & sing_ _
racing dub. _ngs <*den Grove.... AI 12131 5401157 Redondo Booch , TOtn 12131425-2533 Long Ileac:h
or Greg [714) Il98-5383 Weotminst • • l29I3x)
75 KTM 176 enduro
Low mileage. excellent cond ition, must see to
lIIJPl'edlIIe.t625.12131 348-3693. 1311
76, 250 Bultaco
Good condition. brand
MW. 'LulI' Ihocks. Aoking
$700 .00. 1213l 397-0314. 1311
Trailer - 2 rails
Big _
& oprings, lIOtoge box. smooth ride, $90 .00.
121 31828-47110 C311
'72 Kaw 500 cafe very quick
1975Yamaha 400 MX monoshock
Mint condition ,- rklden o nce a month, just bored lit
over. moncHI'IOds. works pipe . " 'id plate. etc. $7SO.
Calvin (213) ~ 181 , ofter 5 p .m. 12131 425-6931 . (31)
Priced to sell
75, 250 Ossa Phanton, Works Perlormance. M...-s.
DIes. Andres & much more. $450. 1213l ';7lHl453.
'Honda CR250, $485
76 Husky 250CR
New bike with 8CCe08OI'Y pons oil Il'evious bike.
01 pley
Redline, Girlings, Veoco, more. Set up lor _
or Moto-ll LooI