Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'75 Ossa Phantom 250 Moved up shocks. fmk kit . Marzocchi gas. air. oil shoc ks. extra fender, tire, shocks. Never raced • ex cellent condition .1213137B-3620. 131I '76.1 75 Yamaha YZC 9" , ear wheel travel. G.P. seat. cab le brake. Uni fitters• xlnt . condo Must .... Days 12131756-2804 ask for Andy - after 5:00 12131980-1268. (311 1975-XL 350 purchase new in 'n 400 mi . - wit h Cheng Shin tires. S&W shock . S&W fork kit. custom pipe with Super Trapp. land much mOI. l. Call (213) 535- 9263 . $6OO 13OI2xl . Dirt bike I Moped dea lership - Excellent location in Orang e County. com plete shop facilit ies. established over 7 years. Rep lV Cyd s News. P.O. Box 098. Dep t. BOH. Long Bea ch . Calif. 90B06 . 1 3112xl o } I 1976 Honda CR 250 Elsinore 5 & W front and rear. frame mods . Shoemaker prepared engine. $625 or best . Call aft er 6:00 p.m. 18051495-2 44 5. 13012. 1 72 Yamaha 250 DS7 Very good condition. extras. 3800 mi les. Must see. $450 01 best offer. Days 12131 5~ 1 00 . mg hts 12131 M odified tail. end Wit h S&W Freons, air/spring forks , Meuelers. Bing, stock mot or. Napa - $600.00. (7071 252· 75 99. 1 11 3 Wanted 360 Husky mag ~ng i ne. Call Russ 1 5051 883·n70 days, 1 505166 1·947 1 nIght . 1 11 3 Harl ey-Davi dson or Yamaha mechanrcs wanted. Must be exper ienced . 5 day week. good pay . Oal.·s Modem cycl •• 225 E. Basel in• • San Betanrdino.1714111114-6964.124ITFN) Wanted experience Ho nda service writer Experienced in Honda warranty and customer relatKlnship. Apply at Ontario Honda. 1I 70 W. Holt, Ontario. Calif. Contact Alan 17141 983-0695 01 12131 331 ·7115.l3OITFNI Honda mechanic 3 ve-s .xperience. See Jim. Whittier Honda. 14324 E. Whitt... Blvd.• 'JI/hittief . (213) 698-0065 l2S!TFN1 . Position wanted: Suzuki 76 Yamah-a RD 400 Service manager/mechanic . 5 yrs. expertence. Will ing to relocate Western U.S.• references. Wr ite: 24221 S. Crisman Rd. Bo. 55. Tracy. Calif. 95376. 13012x 1 K8 1s . SW. shocks. B.MW. bar s . new cond . 121313347575. 1 11 3 Honda seekmg ind ividual to be responsib le for the writing and production of techntcal publieatKln for motorcycle and power products. Position requires 2 years college with 3 to 5 years technical wr iting in a mechanical field. Sk ills in photograph y and knowledge of publicity product &Quipment would be helpfu l. S end resume with salary history to : Joe Bobetcttc, Am erican Honda CO.. toc., 100 W . Alond>'a . Gardena. Calif. 90247.13O13 1ll Factory KX125. new, $599 in the crata. 17141 745-1615. aft er 7 17141 743-237 4. 13OJ41ll Heliarc welder Full time. axperience necessary. salary open. Contact Hacienda Haights Honda. 507 N. Azusa. La Puenta. Calif. 917 44 .(213) ~1. 131/2x) New Honda dealer needs One swell Honda mechanic and one nice guy Honda parts person. Good chance to get in on the ground floor with a nice bunch of nice folks here at HondaHarley-Yamaha LA CaU or write Dick Hutch ins t2131 749-Q35. 2531 So. Main. Los Angelas. CA 90007. 12131749-6235.129ITFN) Mechanics wanted Must be experienced in Japanese and/or Brittsh bikes. Must be able to handle work OfderS, special projects, and must have own t ools. Call or see Lance Of Den ny at Rickey R8Cai; 444A E. Monterey. Pomona. CA. 17141 622-0533. 13112xl Wanted: Honda parts person. 2·3 years .xperience. 1213) 391 · 6217. 13114.1 Motorcycle parts mechanic in San Diego , experienc e only. Large inventory on Hondas - Kawasaki. - Suzuk is and BMWs. Call Liz at 1 7141 27lI-U35. (31) Racing manager wanted Imerested in managing races IMX. Enduro. Desert) full time 0I_ends.1714) 666- 129 1. C31141ll SERVICE MANAGER. Med ;um-siz. central coast Honda dlr. needs 8 seMce mngr . Must have good references. Send resume & salary history. P.O. Box 2396. Orc:un. Calif. 93454. 131I3Ill Customer relations Entry level position in customer relations dept. Responsible person to receive custom",'s leners Md calls. and inititate appropriate action. Technical background and Suzuki experience desired. Excellent company benefits. Send resume and requiremen ts to U.S . Suzuki Motors Corp.• 13767 "'eeway. Santa Fe Springs. Cah!. 90670. Anen: Chip HoYt lno philne calls pleasel . (311 77 BULTACO ASTR O. 25Occ. Set up tor T.T.. F.T.• new engine, disc brakes. Take over payments . $61.00 a month. Call &her 5:00 17141 991 ·9343. 131I paruman and mechanic needed in Long Beach area. Apply Oal. Brown S uzuki. 2441 Long Beach Blvd .. Long Beach. Calif. (31) Top pay for top mechanic Excellent shop a'n d dea ler nee ds mechanic immediately. Knowledge of 2 & 4 cycle bikes. plus good references a must. If you qualify, please call Mr . Joseph at (21314n-2017. 129131ll Kawasaki Suzuki mech wanted 36 Must be experienced in all phases of repairs, must have own tools , top pay ~us benefits, 5 yrs. min. exp oAlso need . lIP. co ur-t...person. 1 4151 796-352 5. 13112x1 RM250A good condition New tires, tubes , piston, cylinder, Diamond chain . K&N bars, chain ten sioner, Oury grips, Im pact dog levers. $590. 17141879-n 17. 1 31) Norton spoken here Uke new . extras. $750. Days (7141 630-7040 , eves. 17141675-3985. 13113 1ll '75 Hon da XL350 Clean off road machine. Bassani. Mu lhollands. Love that 4 st roke sound. $495.00 . 1 131 37 1-3245. 1 2 3012xl 77 IT 250 Excellent condition . only 200 miles, 8 ~ rear wheel tra vel. 17141996-3241 01 12131670-7940. I3OI2x I 1975 CR 250 Honda many x-tres. Mus t eee . CaIl.12131926-2609. 1311 1975.250& 1976 AW250 Maico new crank. new transmiss ion. 1 - '75. 250 Maico . $675.00 and 1 - 1976 AW 250 Maico. $875.00. Both in excellent conditKm . (213) 9654635. 1311 never run . Even ing s . $200 .00 . 1714) 673-7542. 1311 HUSKY AUTOMATIC. 19n. hke new. lie. for street. 1714) 492 -1551 . 1 311 7 6 BULTACO S HERPA T - Absoluta perfect cond.• trail ridden by adult. Don't buy a new trials bike until you ·v. seen th ;s one. Eves. 17141962-0356. 1 1) 3 DesperateI 750 Yamaha. Trac:kmaster frame. dtsc brakes. Barnes wheels. Schel equipped. MANY spar. parts. $600.00 01 beat off... t 1714)~14 . 1311 70. 250cc BULTACO PURSANG. 21 " front wheel. Ridden very little. only 1 owner. very good condition. $300.00 01 beat off... . 12131989-3972. (31) 250 CZ. dunebuggy, 56 Ford P/U '75. 250 CZ. $450. 1B35cc dunebuggy & trailer . $1200. 'S6 Ford pickUP . $600.1714 1 ~19 . 13 1 1 HIGH SP EED TRACTOR '7 4 Husky . 4OOWR. 6 speed. Fork kit. LTR, Curnutts. 2 pipes. 2 Vesco tanks , Sun. new top end. 100 + MPH. $700.00 . 1 2131 76 1· 311 8. 13112.1 '74 Yamaha 175 MX 7 4, 250 CZ red frame. Purchased 3/75. ridden less than 10 times. never raced. $550 or best. Call for more infOlmation. evening s 12131397·2533. 1311 76 RM250 Suzuki. $645 9 ~" travel F & R• .5tage 3 DOrtng. milled head. gas i reservotr shocks. Terry for k kit , Yokohama. Tony 0 fander. Puffer seat. Must sel l. 12131 337-8743. 1311 Husq-..a Works Perfor ma nce shock. $50 .00 . 12131 2Bfr5946 or 12131288-1 487.131 ) 76 Suzuki RM 370 A Ridden vetY litt le. super clean. Vesco tank. $795. <213J 344-3626 131I . 1966 Rickman Triumph. $395 Clean . fast . reliable old tru mpet desert sleel. Good mot or & trans.. glass perfect w /extra t8'nk. engine out of frame. I have no . ime l12131693-U39. (3 1) '72 YAMAHA SC 500. $450. '70. 400 MAlCO. $300. Champion 360. Turner engine. disc brake. $1000. (714) m -5B3B. (31) Brand new Ind ian 175cc endurO$. Umited suppty. $575.00 . Part s ava llabl.. Ca ll: 17141 968-0862 (31) . CAMPER FOR SALE 01 trad e. B' King'()'Road se lf conta ined. jacks. & Bounce Awavs . AC, DC. Will trade for travel trailer or take 6' camper shell plus dollars or min i bike. 12131696-8752. 1 311 '76 KTM MC5 250 GP C.M .C. ~7 Professional. Fox airshocks , super clean. fast and rell8ble. Must be seen to really appreciate . 8 mo nths old. W ill deliver. knee surgery forces sale, $1150.00. Call Jay 12091255-3884. 129/3xl Motorcycle trailers Ducati 350 MK. III Repair motorcycles Mak e money dotng · what you enjoy . M .R.l. prepares ~ ~mcs courses for H.S: s. colleges. and vocattOflaJ schools across the U.S. You DONI have to pay hundr eds of dol lars. NOW w e can give you the same complete. easy to use Pl'o wam for only $34.87 total. Can you afford not :07 Send Check or m.e . today: Motorcyde Research Instit ute, Box 1091. Golden. Colorado 80401 . Money back guarantee . (31 I2x) '75 Smuggler 18 ft . Sen com, shower. 80 gals. water , hokts five ml c. Lots of exnee. very dean. $3400 or beat offer. (213) 9283426. 1311 75 Husky 250 GP '76-IT Yamaha 400. $850. Also 75 Still in the crate ! Unfinished proteCt bike engine together - everyth ing etsE: ~lts togethBf. 12-front wheel w fdisc & hydraulics, Cenant . .R.. fork, new cue-one and glass seat. Veglia A tach. M lkuMl plus many other parts Incl. tires. Mov1ng . - (OICed to sel l. $325 0 .8 .0 . 1213 1397·5523 evenIngS. 13012 1 . Late 7 4 - radial. M ikuni - new plastics - alloys. Must see - SacrifICe $395.00 firm - . ""as. 1 3134(). 21 6919.1311 we made - Brand new. still in the crate. 19n TZ2500 water cooktd Yamaha road racer. Contact Dan at Competition Acc8SSOl18S. 1513) 372 ·7607. 131J61ll Looking for a fresh scooter? M int condo 400 CZ Now - Buy factOlY direct. Save 20 % Ca~M8lt Plating. &J7 South Hill Street. Los Angeles. CalifOlnla 90014. '0 Super buy 2.3, or 4 rail. Big wheels. springs and shocks. $275.00. 1 2131530-3799. I27ITFN) Ossas Finisher pins Yam 350 RD 1975 Project bike. excel lent ecee. . loaded with extras. Ready ride . Priced to sel l. $900.00 . (213) 267·9656. (31) One owner. super condi tion . Shoemaker torque potted. original + desert tank . longer travel. etc. A bargain at $375. 1213) BB7-0BB9. 131) 250 ~ mil... . Trackmaster frame. 76 PhantOln eng .... Betnas wheels. spare front wheel. shocks. & IT &Quip. $800. Also have 2 play bikas . 1975. 250 Stiletto & 1973. 175 S tiletto . Both .... 5-speeds and have Bog. shocks. 250 - S4OO.00 . 175- $350.00 . Days 180517631759. Nites 18051 ~19. 1311 Most ot rne FinISher Pins you're w earing SPECIAL - SPE CIAL 1974. 200cc Carabela dirt bike. a proven w inner. Spare engine & part. $325.00. Mu st pay for wif e's golf lessons. Call Greg after 6:00 p.m . 12131695-5752 or 1 7141990-1476.1311 A.JS. Matchless too . Genuine parts , quality accessories plus 20 years factory experience. Brian Slark-Classic Motor cyclas. 1690 '0' Plac.nt ia. Costa M.... Cal. 92627. 1714 1542-8411 . 13013.1 S&W fOlk kit. Works Performance shocks. Metzeler front. Greet playbik.t $600. Ask for Oav. 01 Nelson 12131626-7953. 1311 CR·125 ENGINE - RANDSBURG HOUSE FO R SALE. Lg . 2·bd. rm. house w /encl. pati o. storage shed and unfinished basement area suitable for work shop . Ride from your back yerd . 17141374-5091 a fter 6 p.m. 1311 plus earty M k III and M k IV Matisse items . Giant inventory. Jack Byers. Target Product s. 2724 W . Ma in. Alhambra. CA 9 180 1. 121312B4-3238. 127ITFNI 7 6 RM 370 suzuki, ridden only 5 times . never raced. (213)~.I4ITFNI Suzuki '76 Maico AW 250 New S&W shock s, Terry cables. Sun fro nt rim & 8 gauge spokes. Andr e bars. engine gone through. Metz~er fron t. Mu ch lTIOfe. This bike is excellent. $600.00 . Call Ryan 12131328-94n. 1 11 3 WE have ALL 125 Zundapp and 250 Mon .... pam. '76 KTM 175 1976 YAMAHA VZC bike complete without engine. $325 fwm. 1714) 9B2-0B06 aft ... 6 p.m . 1311 Wanted experienced Honda mech. Honda. 1170 Ho~. Ontario. CA. 17141983-0695 0112131 331-71 15. I29ITFNI '71 Yam. 250 dirt Very good mech. ccoc., many mod iftC8tions. a great fun bike. $325. Call Steve after 6 14151 34 1-0236. 1 3012x1 RICKMAN. RICKMAN. RICKMAN! Senior technical writer 3 years experience on Hondas. commission. large QUItOtity of work for fast mechanic. Contact Ontario before 3 p.m. on weekda ys or anYtime on weekends. $550.00 . This is a st ea1.12131598-0563. 1311 ~. 13 1 1 '76 Bultaco Pursang 250 Help Wanted '76 Yamaha YZX 125 Fresh eng.• excellent cond .• too many extras to list ••Call Immaculate cond. , 76 rod kit . MS skid plate. tool bag , Pettvs. Honda seals. Sun rim (rearl. K& N. Terrvs, J bars. $795.00 01 best. Eves . 12131 347 ·27 11. (3 1) Holeshot machine-RC replica 75 Honda 250 M1. G.P. c:yI•• 36 Keihin, FMF. T&M . & stock pipas. saw fork kit. saw shocks. Redline SWIngarm. Rowe CIT. RC & stock tanks. $700.00 or beat . Call etter 5 e.m. Ken 12131567-8103. 1311 175 desert/enduro racer 175 Can:-Am. 8" fr. & rr. W ·R 6-speed w fMX ·1Itop end. Magnesium MX ·II hubs _ and 0 ,10 rims. Eng. 100 % rebuih 1 vr. ago but not fldden since. $395. Late eves. 17141598-5350.131 1 '76 YZ 400 & Suzuki 250 TS Terry kit in front - Wh ite Bros. long travel in rear chain guide X cond o$895 or best - TS 250 street, fast. needs ."'ernal work. 1714) 675-1907. 1311 RD 350 road racer . 7 4 engine by Shumak e. new PZ2 rear reinforced swingarm easily converted back to street. Man y spares and tool incl uded. TZ-aank. very fast. Call before 2:30 p.m . 1714163 1·1 722. $700. 1 31I BMW R-9Q S 1975 Project bike. excellent cond •• 3000 miles. many extras - priced sai l. $2750 .00 . 1 1312B7·9656. 1 11 2 3 '0

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