Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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print it. but let 's stop printing every letter some malcontent sends in . I am sure that all AFM members, like myself. are sorry that Angus MacDonald's son crashed and wish him a full and speedy recovery. I'INSIDE s t Springer at the DuQuoin mile tt- Suzuki's RM C O') CARL WHITE Redondo Beach. CA AMA Grand National .... 6 B 250cc Excellence A Look at Europe As Mr . Whit e knows from personal ex perience, Cycle News does not run "every letter some malcont ent sends in . " Everyon e's percept ion of what should and should not be published is influenced by th eir p ersonal viewpoint on a given issue . . . Ed . r 10 Ge rrit Wolsink. Dr. of MX 12 Speedway Bast and Penhall. the U.S. Team 14 New Stuff J Trick things for a scoot Motocross Cat Western Hotline 18 Sears Point sidecars 17 Tripes. j enn ings and Glover Northern Dateline 26 Cent~al Pipeline , 28 30 Results , Calendar , .•.. 33 Kenny Roberts ON THE FRONT PAGE: Mike Bell flicks the Suzuki RM 250C into a berm du ring a rid ing session . Mike Bast jubi lant over the victory of a tra nsfer position to the Europ ean Speedway Finals. Photos by Dave Hawkins and Dennis Greene. Ch arles C . C layton . Pr esid ent Bo b i SCOll , Ass't. 10 rbe President Sha ro n Cl ayton . Publisher Ed na Mew ron . Secretary to rhe Pu b lishe r Advertising De bbi e W ilk im . SOlIn Mjp'. Jim Ryan . Sales MKT . C h ris Kolber. Assista nt Editorial Joh n D. Ulric h . Ed u orcDa le Bro wn . A!iSista nt Ed itor. O .)\'(" H aw ki ns. A.'I:r;ist an t Editor. Graphics and Production Prod uctio n : j ud v Klinger, Ka t hy Williams Ty po Kraphy : \ 1a r in n H a ra shi ra , C arolvn Bra n h a m . La bo ra rc ry Pr odu cti on ; De-nnis G reene . Circulation R beba Sm ith . YJana~t'r . Pam H arris. J uan ita Bla n ton . Di a ne Fe lten . Don n a Gabard . As..isram s. . Accounting '. . ~1 ikr Klinge r. Man ager, Ken 'Lori n . Assisram . j ean ne Ha m mon d . Ac cilio . Receivable. Pamela Dickerson , Asst. AC'ClS. Recei va b le . R hon d a Va n Do n ·n . Colle-erion Depr. Trish a Burton . C redi t Depr. Services and Support Jim Pisarci r. Nane-ne Henson, recepuc nisr. West 2201 C he rry Ave .. Long Br ach . CA P . O . Box - 1 . Lon l( Beac h , C A 90 1'1 01 191' (2 13)427-7433 ; l. . A . Line 636 ·8 844 . East P.O . Box 805. Tucke r . GA 30084 . (404) 934 7850 . Subscription One yea r . second c lass mail S15 : 2 years , S("co m.l class ma il. $27 ; 3 years . second class m a il. $37 .50 . . CL ASS • ~ ...e.... fllll Copyright C ycle- New s. Inc . 197 7 . Trad e:' muir. re gistered U.S. Patent O ffice . All righ ts reserved . Published wn'ldy except ehe firs t and last week of th e calend a r yr ar by Cycle News. Inc. . P.O . Box 498 . Long Bea ch . Californi a. Second dUi postage- paid at Long Beach. CA 90801. Editorial stories. cartccne . photos. etc . are welcome . Addressed . st a m ped envelope 4 UlUrrs mum of unpcrcbased editorial ma tt er . Reprinting in whole Of pan. onl y by permiseicn of the publishers. Advertising TatM and circulation infonnation will be- sent upon r

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