Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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they weren't at all interested in any of the more int ellectual pursuits. Not so with Gerrit , Always very keen on study at school he worked ha rd at the university, and managed to fit in motocross too. But doesn't he feel at all unusual? "Well perhaps I am unusual," he admits, " but I cer ta inly don't feel an y different . I think motocross is the best way of life possible. Per haps more un iversity graduates would take up motocross if they r ealized how fantastic it is. " I was quite successfu l at motocross while I way studying ," he reveals , " and my winnings were pretty useful when it came to paying my fees." He qualified as a dentist in 1972 bu t he' d alread y established himself on th e int ern ational scene . He finished 10th in the .1970 500cc World Series on a Hu sqvarna . And in 1972 he went completely profess ional as th e "Dutch dentist," agai n finishing 10th on his Husky as DeCoster gained his secon d title . "At the end of 1972 I weighed up all the offers Yamaha was interested in me too - and plumped for Maicos ." He fini shed fifth the next year , fourth in 1974 - his first year with Suzuki - third in 1975, and last year he was a very close second to DeCoster. There were just six points between us. "I've been getting better all the time, like the song," he says, "and of course my ambition is to be World Champion. I've never felt nearer to it than I do now . " O f course I sometimes get depressed about giving up a promising career as a dentist and when things aren't going so well, when I get my mi d-season blues then 1 think 'hell, why didn't you open a practice?'. But 1 gave up a good profession to be in motocross and 1 did it willingly, so 1 always end up concentrating on the job in hand. " I train hard , but I'm a terrible runner ," he admits. "I mean, look at mel When you 're built like an ox it's not easy to run hard ." He is physically big and stands out in the paddock, literally a head above the crowds . " People just don't rea lize how nice motocross is," he says, "of course it isn't as respectable as being a dentist but my experience with Suzuki - you can't buy that. When you' re working at the highest technical level with the most highly developed motocross bikes in the world , when you are going to the maximum test ing new bikes in Japan and working with a great team - that's what makes me smile. "Of cou rse 1 rea lize that when 1 can no longer win for th em then Suzuki will say that it is time for me to go . It will happen to me in the end. but the factory has a human side as well as the hard-headed business side. " Gerrit has always been a favorite with the crowds and he takes his public image seriously. " I always make a point of giving autographs personally, 1 think that is im po rt ant,' he says. " I get a lot of TV coverage in Holland too , but those guys can get me mad. 1 was once getting ready for a TV interview and the guy said to me that he wouldn't ask any difficult questions. Are you ready for that? He thought motocrossers were dumzniesl " " I know most riders aren't that articulate and don't come over very well on TV , but it's just something that you have to work at. And that's what I'm doing. "I think that 1 shall return to dentistry when 1 retire from motocross," he says thoughtfully. " It is a well paid job in my country and I do like to live comfon a bly. "But re tirement is a few years off yet. Like you say , I've been getting closer and closer to the world title every year." • ; . • 11II ~ - t J:-o. J:-o. ~ (j) '- .-I .-, ~ 0 ... .-I CI:l ~ ~ < Smith takes St. Louis, Mo. SOOcc National Carrera wearers Tommy Croft 2 nd, Chuck Sun 4th Pacing himself carefully in the broiling heat at St. Louis, July 24, Marty Smith finished 1-2 for first overall and the early point lead in the 500cc National MX series. On a day that saw the heat get to quite a few riders, Marty Smith and Tommy Croft took and held the early lead in the first mota; in the second, Croft crashed early and then had to work his way from dead last up to 6th for second overall for the day. Consistent 8 and 5 finishes put Chuck Sun in fourth overall position. Even in the heat, Smith, Croft and Sun all wear Carrera 5098 gogg les. Their unique contro l venting system lets some cooling air in but keeps the track out of your eyesl The winners wear . Carreras-how 'bout you? Carr era truernanon a: Coroor anon . POBox 2. Norwood. New Jersey 0 7648 If you don't ride so far, the way '1'1']< U lC ~ uu : T h e T ef l o n S up er Sm oo t h Cab le back w ill be shorter. Suzuki of Van Nuys Suzuki Super Sale .CompIebt line for racing bikes ·Requires no oiling ·Smoothest pulling cable ·Rexible throttle wire gives long life ·Heavy duty housing. resists stretch and abuse Drive a little - Save a lot! Prices Slashed on all models Write for Free literature Terrycable 1 Suzuki oi Van Nuysl PO Box 1321, Hesperia, CA 92345 (714) 247-2646 Out of state call toll free (800) 854-4691 Cdl, fnrr lld s N o 1 V o lume S u z uk : D p d lp r 1til j 1 :-.t,,·rr:l. tfl '/I, .' 1.~ 4 '-1 J lHO() ~' I", k" V"" " ,, I T~ .J~ VI'; " \1 , 1 , '. j (,u, 99 4 }HH . J .·,f " I " S ,t ' , DO lO,;" ~ r.·.· . .-, I" 11

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