Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I.INSIDE -= . ~ E , 500cc Nat'l MX Injured f lag person 6 Team Honda wins Gary Scott Benefit TT. . . . 8 15 wins Ascot for fourth time 250cc Communist-eross 10 Russkies dominate 250cc MX GP Brad Lackey •.•... . ... . 14 An American MX hero ' Ogilvie's 0 -37 Desert ... 18 Harley wins one 20 30 32 36 Localheroes : Speedway North Swiss 125cc MX GP Rahier again! 37 • Central. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Brad Lackey poses with booty from his trophy case looking, in hIS own words, "like Pomeroy ,,11 dressed up for a dance :' On cutoff pockets sit Federation In t e r n a t i o n al e Motorcycliste(FIM) meda ls from the Motocross des Natio ns and Trophee des Nations. Around Lackey's neck ha ng medallions from severa l international races, including the Finnish International Motocross Gold Medal. Hangtown Silver Cups from years past ride on his hips. As a crown, Lackey wears an a uthentic Finnish wolfskin hat. a present from Heikki Mikkola. Outrageous staged photo by Dave Hawkins. Chuln C. CI.a .yton . President Bob i Scott , Aut. co the President Shamn Cla yton . Pubhsher Edna Mr"W(on. S«rlMary to the publ Advertising Debbie Wilkins. Sales Mgr. Jim Ryan . SOlin Mgr. Chris KoIbfot. Assistant Editorial John D . Ulrich . Editor-, Dale- Brow n . Assistant Editor. Dave Hawkins . Assistant Editor. . Graphi~s and Production' Production: Judy KlinK". Ka~h y William•. Ty pograp hy: Mar ion Hacuhital . Carolyn Branham . Laboratory Production: Dennis Greene . Circulation Rht'ba Sm ith . MOInaK'""' Pam Ha rris , Juanit a Blanton . Diane Fehen . Donn a Cabard , Auistanu . Accounting M ike Klin~r . Milnill(eT. KIMt Lorin . As.s tstanl . jeanne Hammond . Accu . Rece iv...bte . Pamela Dickerson. Aut. Accu . Re ce ivable . Rh onda Va n Dere n . Cottecnon Depr. T risha Burt on . Credu Dept , • Services and Support. J im Piu rn l . NanNlr Henso n . IT«'pf ~is1. West nOl C ht"TTY Ave. . LoOK Beach. CA ' P.O . Box 498. Long Bra ch . CA 90801 (2:1') 4!7·743' : L.A . Linr 6~6 ·8844 . East P.O . Bo x 805. T ucke r . GA 78,0 . ~OO84 . (404 ) 9'4 · Subscription D ne yra r. seco nd class mail $15 ; 2: yt'an. second class mai l. $%7: 3 )'ran. seco nd d ay lTIail. 137 .50 . Attention desert fans For the last co uple of months I have watched the u ne a r ned n umbers in America n Motorcyclist Assn . (AMA) 0-37 desert racing rise until they are almost at 900 . Sign -up sheets are o ne answer to discoveri ng who t hese guys are but lots of folks don't sign up until race day morning. not leaving any time for writing names and numbers during the b usy period. The solution is simple . The stewards should give me an updated list, so riders can get credit by name for their exploits. Time is the important thing. I have to type and deliver the story to the Palmdale bus station by 7:00 p.m. Sunday in order to have the story appear in the paper that hits the bike shops on Wednesday. Jack McEvoy and John McCown have done a super job of keeping me posted but the rest of the stewards just seem _to fo rget. I have asked several times very politely but now I have to say "Get off your b utt " and get the numbers out here. It 's your riders and your story being let down. Another note for all concerned: Lately we have had lots of riders from other o rganizations a nd I don't think they are fully a wa re-of the gospel ru les of 0 -37 desert . Pit racing is strictly for b id den . T his mea ns b lasting around ca mps and up and down fire ro ads. People come to the d esert no t only to race bu t relax , so when some nerd drives around in his d une buggy at midnight or makes 40 speed runs up' the road scattering dust on people's dinner, the outcome will not only be . disqualification but maybe some irate racer following you back to you r camp. Use your heads and think of others. -. GARY LAUDIG Cycle News desert reporter Littlerock , CA Laudig has neverJailed to send us a D· 37 report , giving his best Jar desert coverage in spite oj personal disaster after personal disaster. Last week , Laudig returned home to Jind his new Ford Courier stolen. He wrote and shipp ed his story on time anyway. In th e past Jew months, his luck has been terrible. Someone stole his B ell Mo toStar and Ma lcolm Smith back pack. His bike trailer got a flat, and Laudig had tt:! leave it parked on a roadside to get to the Palm dale bus station to ship the st ory. W hen he returned, his trailer was gone . Someone broadsided his Mustang at an intersection, tweaking the transmission, but the insurance company wouldn 't cover the transmission damage because they didn 't believe it could be uireck related. Once, Laudig was stranded on th e course when his bike broke. Another rider gave him a ride back to the pits , but Laudig had to. make a choice oj whether to organize a rescue Jar his bike or else leave it in the desert , and make it to the bus station with that week's story . He headed [or the bus station. Luckily, [riends were able to recover his abandoned 400 mono. Laudig is the most dedicated and determined desert reporter we've ever had the pleasure oj associating unth , We hope his readers appreciate him as much as we do . . . Ed . Half/Fast M.C. Ha lf/Fast M .C . recently had its thi rd annual picn ic a nd we wou ld like to t ha nk th e following people and o rganizations for helping to make it a great success: R ust a n 's Ya maha , Midway City; Premier Yam a ha , Huntington Bea ch ; Performance Specialties, DG Anaheim ; Bill Walters Leathers, North Hollywood ; Cycle Parts , Santa Ana ; Pasadena Suzuki, Pasadena : Ron Messick , College Motor Homes . I rvi ne ; R&C Detailing, Irvine; ' Charley's Raceway , Midway City; Keeler Foods , Santa Ana . . Thanks to all of yOlt and we're looking forward to doing business with yo u again in the future. Pat Manning This is in response to the letter concerning the June 26 incident at Willow Springs, published in Cycle News issue 128 (july 20). The whole situation was unfortunate for everyone involved . I was not happy about not being able to ride for the rest of the day , but I don't believe that Pa t Manning's actions were "a smokescreen to cover up his own error in judgement." I don't believe that I should have been suspended because I ha d been backing off about 5·10 miles per hour through that section, but in the 2 ~ years that I've bee n road racing a nd acquainted with M anning, I h ave never known him to do anything that he didn't think was right. I ad m ire Manni ng g rea tly a nd will co ntinue to support. him a nd h is raci ng in the futu re . PAT EAGAN Santa Ana, CA Sears Point. party It is considered proper etiquette to thank the hosts after an enjoyable party. So I'd like to thank Sears Point Raceway and the Camel Pro Series for the party thi s last weekend . There was one guest who made this party a big hit. On behalf of myself and all the other spectators who didn't sit down 'til the sixth lap, thank you Ken Roberts . I saw it and still hardly bel ieve it. Nobody can ride like KR . KENT STEPHENS Pleasant Hill , CA (Continued on page 46) WELL,7H/HHT.... WElL,7H/JlJIT. -· Wfll..1Hlf If tt, ... fOK 71fEfn5TfEW THE fTT/ff fAME ItEEKffVE wo. ANP flJKTVNEA~ MAPEOF. "fl/IJI$ NIYEP FQR71flfPK!l WHEKIWEp{eIP! WHO m~LlUfIlP AfDKfGONWJUEj -4 BOB AND SHEILA RICHTER International Raci ng Radio Crew Inc. Resed a , CA VERN HETH , President Hal f/Fast M.C . Westminster , CA 1/,)(HE~~f(KA' Copyright Cydr NrWi. In c. 1977. Trade- m ar k rrgintTC'd U.S . Pate nt Office. All rig hu reserved. Pu blished ~ltly C'Xttpr: the' fint a nd lut Wttlt of rbe calm dar year by Cycle Ntwl. Inc.. P.O . Box 498, Long Br a ch . California . SC'cond d . . poalagC' paid at Long Bra ch. CA 90801. Editorial .torin. ca n OOnJ. ph OtOl. C'tC . a", wrlcomr. AddrrtRd . .tarnprd m W'l~ .....18 rerum of un pu rchued C'dltori l marret . a Rtprinti.. in wboaC' or pan on ly by penn_ on of tbe publuna. Ad vrnising ratn a nd circulation information will be ~nt upon '"'1- . See S.R, D.S. Thank you to everyone for all the cards, flowers. phone .ca lls and the moral support comes from the flag p erson who was injured at Willow Springs. June 26 . She is home and recovering with her leg in a cast and she will not lose her fool. Sh e is even ha ving thoughts of being at Ontario Speedway on July 31 for the next Pat Manning race. That flag person , Sheila Richter, is a member of the International Racing Radio Crew ( I R RC ) 'a n d wife of President BOD Richt ~r. She would like to correct the report tliat Pat Beacom was not injured seriously as first reported. He was . He in fact shared the same ambulance with her to Antelope Valley Hospital. When Bob Richter reached Beacom he had no pulse and Bo b had to apply CPR to bring him back. She wou ld also like to add " I was not standing motionless in t he middle of the track" as reported , ·By req uest, Sheila and Bob ha ve asked that Pa t Ma n ning lif t the suspensio n order on J o hn Glover. O nce again. her sincere thanks and appreciation for a ll the prayers. BE7HE JTJIJIJ OFA lI/ltlYllI E CARfER!'ft1tTCH $t77EA'~At HAYf7W$Ol ~ :f. lfPht1H"A'1 " ....~ Pr, ( . . ), Yf/fO o a 0,. a .'

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