Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• / ... , • MX Jimmy Ellis - takes 1st Overall, Olympic Stadium Supercross , Montreal , Canada on a Can -Am , of course . They're th e bikes the winners ride, the same basic bikes you can buy . See the MX -3 250cc and 175cc right now at your Can-Am dealer's. Update-I 5/29 605 Sprordwa y. Californ ia Production Road R ace 1st 250 Produ ction Class Go rdon Seim . 175 T NT Also: 1st 4 10 Production C lass Sponsor: Vallry Cyc. of Salinas 5/28 Monlerey. Cal ifornia Short t ra ck. 151 200 Nov ice Class Rocky Pem be rton 175 MX ·2 2nd · Alan Ma im 175 MX ·! 'rd · Kevin Crowlry 175 MX -2 Spcescred: Va lley eye. of S ati n~ 5/15 Ntw Alban , Rosewood M /C Club ~ H r. Hare Scram ble Rod Coo pe r hI O Vf>r,11I on 250 Q. . Sponsor: Oree nrose Sp r. Crr . 5/15 Golds bo ro , N .C. ! H r. HUll:Scrambl es ht O verall Rid y RiddJr 250 Q . Spo nso r: Ca lla w.. !' Mo b ile Hom n 5/15 Braver Dam Scrambles ht O verall J('r ry Btascayk 25 0 MX ·3 Sponso r : Si mo na r Servic e 5/13 Statde I nterna t iona l R a cr wa y ~1 0l oc r0S5 1st Over all Lon Lewis 250 MX ·' 2nd Bla inr Elledg e 250 MX -' Lew is's Spenser: Ca scad .. Cycl e-& Spt . Elledge's Sponsor: T ot em L.illkM Cyc. 5/8 WoodJJid~ Motocroa Sa ndpoi nt . Id a ho Mot oc ross Rock ."Ha rd land 250 MX · ~ 1,,1 O~rra ll S po nso r: Spo ka ne Suzuk i 5/8 Shelton, W ashington M Oi CKrOS5 151 250 Pro Class Buck Mu rphy 250 MX ·3 Sponsor: Kem C ycle . Kern . Wa . 5/8 Bentle y. M ichgan Enduro l si O ver a ll Larry Cam p bell 250 Q. Sponsor: C & C Cyc. 515. 5/7 [I_inon R u ew .ill Y TTScrambl" 151 2!)O Begi nner Cl ass Ro n. W iWnlon 5/7 Lo c California H, Shon rra ck 151200 No vice Class Ib l Hook u s MX ·2 Sponsor : J orgy's ~1 / C Sis. 5/1 Leneie , S .C. Brown Mt . Lit" End uro l st Senior C lass Bill Inmon 250 Q. Spo nsor : \\' .iII)'04"' S Cye. 515 . i /24 B yr on , Illinois Mcr ccross l st 250 Expert Ron Downen 250 MX ·3 Sponsor : Fox T ra il Mtn . Jv!oL ol'l'yeles by Bombardier. 9

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