Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ca lendar listi ngs are a free reader service. All information is the responslbllltv of the event promoter. To be certain. call the phone n umber list e d before going to an event. June 15 SPEEDWA Y RACING Inland Spdwy.. san Bernadino . CA. 1st race 8 pm. 21314460069 Also June 22. R.A.C.E. HALF MILE AN D TT Corona Rewv .. Hwy . 91 & Buchannan, Corona , CA . A ll ~~~e1~3S.1705. CMC M OTOCROSS South Bay Park Spdwy.. San Diego . CA . 1-805 S from Chula Vim, take J unction 117 and go E 5 mi . All CMC classes. incl . Pro Entry $7. CM C lie. req·d. P.O. . Box995. Chu la vlete, CA 920 1O . 714/420-7414.Also Jun e 22 June 16 SPEEDWAY RACING Irw indale Rewy ., Irw indale, CA. 1st race 8 pm . 7141 492· 9933 .A lso J une 23 CMC NIGHT MOTOCR OSS Portland International Rcwy ., Portland . OR. ~5 N to Delal Pk. exit . Mini through ()pen classes. 100% Pro p.b.. 30% trophies. P.O. Box 17010. Portland. OR 97206 .~ . Also June 23 CMC MOTOC ROSS Asoot Speedway. Gardena . . A. 2131375-5687. Also J une 23 C 'ROUGH SCRAMBLES Sacramento Rcwy .• Hwy. 16. S of M_ AFB. Gates open 6 pm . Entry $5. opec. $2.50. M ,nis and up . 9161362 ·26S3.Also J un e 23 June 17 CMC NIGHT M OTOCROSS Il"'WindaIe Rcwy_. Irwindale, CA .• at 605 and 210 Frwys. Pi! open s 4:30 p.m.; sign 'til 6:30; prac. 6-7:00 ; race 7:30 p .m . E-V second Friday of month is Points Night. Buy entry at track niohr nf lIIVM'It. 714JS57-3323. AJsoJune 24 ClASS A SPEEDWAY Cal Expo Rodeo Ar ena. Sacramento. CA. AMA senct. 8:15 pm stan. A lso J une 24 SPEEDWAY RA CING Orange County Frgrds., 88 Fair Dr.• COSTa M.... CA. 1Sl race B om . 714149 2·9933. Also June 24 SHR NIGHT MO TOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch . Brentwood. CA . Comer Camino Oiablo end Vasco Rd. Gates open 4 pm . race 7:30. Entry $8. 100% Ex. p .b.. troph y ~. all-corners M ini monev race. 4151634-3328. 634-1667.Al so J une 24 AME NITE MOTOC ROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia, CA. Prec. 7 pm, race 8. Post entry only . $6. Pros $10.100% p .b. to Pros. 30 % trophies. $4000 med . covg . 2131881 ·5778 A1soJ une 24 RA.C.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwy ., Hwy. 91 & Buchannon , Corona. CA. M ini thru Open, . 100% p .b. to Ex. 7141689-1 913. 7351705 .Also J une 24 SHORT TRACK Medford Rcwy., M edfor d, OR. M ini. 100. 125. 200 . 250 end ()pen cIassaI. Entry $4 . 503J779. 0866. Also June 24 AME YOUTH OIVISION MX Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. Mini track . All cresses, Pee Wee t" "; 105cc . 33 % brass. Prac. 7 pm , face. Entry $6. mernb. req'd., $8. $4000 med . COY. '1 :lI8Ill ·577B. Also Ju ne 24 [)'36 TT SCRAMBLES Lodi Cycle Bowl, Lodi , CA . Gates open 5 pm. prac 5:307:30. 'ac e 8. Mini thru Open classes. Entry $4. Class "C " traction only. No camping. 2091368-7182 . Also J une 24 . A FM STAOIUM ROAD RACE 605 Speedway . 4900 Ri_ grade Rd. Irwindale. CA . 605 Fwy to Los Angeles St. exit . Lightweight, M iddl "i)'"ght and Heavvwei"'" ~N€ . plus GP. $500 t $12 ea. class. Heats, semts. mains and trophy dash. 4996 Argyle Or., Buena Park, CA 9062 0. 7141523-3892. put!' Pro p .b . _ x riders pay only $3 ed miaion (e.cept Prosl. 6021705-1490. AMA 125cc NATIONA L M X M id land MX. M idland . MI . S u p port class TBA . CM C M OTOCROSS Frenchie's Resort. 8 mi. south o f Garberville. CA . M in is through 350 Open . Entry $8. Semi Pro $15. Sem i Pro p.b. liquid Filled Racing Team . 7071 3-4061 . 44 [)'36 HAL F MI LE Santa Clara Cnty . Frgrd s., San Jose, CA. A ll short track classes. min i to 5OOcc. Entry $6 per mach in e. Am ateur and Sem i Pro. Sign up 7:30·10:30 am, prac. 9:30-1' , 1st race noon . All America n M .C. 4 151327-4461. /. / r---------~ I I SUBSCRIBE NOW! I I I I Thi::::s~:~;~;.e. ~~~,~.~.~~.~r, ~ ~~.~~.e.~i~i.~~ I I I " '1 I • I L; - - - - - _ _ _ MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, 2201 Cherry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90801 or call (213) 427-7433 CYCLE NEWS (1 year). $15. 0 50 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (2 years) 27. 0 100 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS 13 years).. 37.50 0 150 ISSUES Please bill me ,., , ,. . , I enclose check or money order Name (P le a s e p r in t le gibly) Addr e ss C ity S tate ZIP Pl ease fi ll in your com p lete a c c ount n umber and c ard ex p ira ti o n date below: ~ I_L.LJLlLl...l....l....L...L...L...LLL L , - The Issuer at the card ,den l!' tied on ttus Item IS auth onred to pa y the amou nt shown as TOTAL upon proper nreseeta tlon I pr omtSe to pay such . TOTAL Itogether w'th any other charges due ther8Ol'l1 . subject to and In accordance i g n a t u r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with the ag' eemenl _ ; . I ,ng the use of such card. - CRC TRIPLEHEADER Indian Dunes. Valencia, CA. Shado w Glen erea. Jackass GP. 3 mi. course , fin . pins. trophies. $ to Ex. Entry $12 mail . $15 post, Ex $15 (post only). Team race . on GP course. 3 pm , 2 riders. 1 bike, post entry $8 per rid er. $2 ,., ,..,., .. 0 ,.. 0 ,. 0 I I I I I I I I I I I Card expi res Date of t h is order 49

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