Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kenny Rob~rts Racing Specialties, Inc. 9600 Pioneer ave. Oakdale. CA 95361 209·847·5934 IAbove! Bengt Aberg's TT500 took a first-moto third. (Below! Mikkola. DeCoster. Aberg. Andersson. vanVelthovan. Weil. Banks. Wolsink Bauer. Broeck and the pack start moto one. " The Brand New Kenny Robert's 250cc MXB Monoshock Short Tracker for the rider who wants the ultimate in a race bike. . These frames. or complete bikes will be available in mid June. Also available. the following items designed & distributed by Kenny Roberts Racing Specialties: Triple "clamps. handlebars. pipes. brakes. wheels. engines. cams. heads. carburetors. sprockets. & the all new chain tensioner. Also: Helmets. gloves. t-shlrts, decals Sent out on U.P.S. daily All merchandise is of the finest quality available. Soon a complete racing catalogue SIT ON A GOOD INVESTMENT. BECK/ARMLEY'S FINEST TOURING SEAT AVAILABLE FROM BECK/ARNLEY CORP. AND YOUR REGIONAL BECK/ARNLEY DISTRIBUTOR ~~ ~14:\~ ~ ~JA \0".." ~","'iAII/~~ -it PAIlTS & Custo m ize y ou r b ik e w ifh o ur fines! fou r ing sec t. Its b ase is ru gg ed 16 gouge sheet m e ta l f or stre ng th , cov ere d w ith a one-piece h ig h.-den sity foa m for co mfort , a nd to pped w ith diamond -stitched N augahyde i n b lo ck or wa lnut brown for lo ng -la stin g great lo ok s. Fits m o st popu lar H onda , Ya maha , Kcwosaki , Harl e y Da v id so n. Suzuk i and BMW models ! BECK/ARNLEYCORP. $48 BROAD HO LLOW ROA D, MElVILLE 1.I., N Y 11746 , Cycle News Want Ads If you've got the goods, we've got the connections Hand Washable ~"J _ • • ~ ; "~~ Othman Distributing Co. . Box 356 San Luis Obsipo, CA 93406 (805) 544-6181 • Rtdin g • Rac ing • Street GLOVES Deale r Inquiries Inv ited 44 .'--_...,;",;",;,;............._ _... DEALERS A~TENTIO~l\' \13 \~Oo..4lJI\\I ~es \l3{\1d~~~O(C"C NOW ORDER ~" \~. OIRECT (DEALERS ONL VI HERCULES DIST . LIST . 9827 Ma son Ave. Ch atsworth . Ca . 91311 _1 213) 8 82·8272 (Continued from pag e 8) next to last lap in time to set him up on the back part of the course. When the Maico slid wide on one of the l;Qr· ners , Brad upshifted and shot by him for fourth place. Herbert kept chasing, but at the checkers Brad had him by four seconds. Gerrit "'-as 11 seconds behind, and jaak only a bike length adrift of Gerrit's Suzuki . Arne Lindfors , Svendson and.Angiolini . filled the top 10. Heikki was the winner with a winning time of 45.43 .7 for t he 20 -lap ra ce. Roger was four seconds behind and Bengt a distant 25 secon ds back with his cold getting the best of him . " Adolf Weil had moved up to sixth place but was forced to pit with a locking brake. Mechanic Karl-Heinz Heussner backed off the locking nut on the brake arm , and Weil got going but was out of any chance to catch up with the leaders. Rain in between the races took care of the dust, and made the track slip' pier and muddy in some places. In the start of the second race, Maico meister Adolf Weil took the holeshot to the fir st tum and led for one lap until Heikki Mikkola reeled him in and passed. Arne Lindfors took third with Angiolini, Wolsink and DeCoster fourth, fifth and sixth. Brad was fight ing the pa in . of his broken toe and smashed finger and cam e around 13th o n lap one. A first corner pile up on the tirst lap retired Aberg, Toon Karsmakers, Ake Jonsson and Sylvain Geboers. Weil crashed, Gerrit passed Lin dfors and Angiolini on lap two. By lap four Heikk i, Roger and Gerrit were rocketing out ahead 1-2·3 with Lindfors hanging on to fourth . Weil in fifth and .Andersson , Angio lini , Banks, Bauer and Van Velthoven in the top ten . Gerrit closed in on Heikki , and on the start oflap nine drove by Mikkola's Yamaha by taking the wide line on the start straight , squaring off at the end of the runway and driving hard up in to the woods. Mikkola wouldn't give up first place without a fight and the due) continued in the last few laps un - til He ikki was forced back after getting hit in the face by a sharp rock thrown by Gerrit's Suzuki. Heikki took the 12 po ints fo r second with Gerri t posting his second win of the season. Roger was charging late in the race to catch Heikki but came up five seconds ~ort at the flag , Brad had moved up to ninth by lap 10 with Jaak driving up to sixth on lap 12. Hakan Andersson fin ally made a good finish this season aboard his factory Montesa in fourth place, and' Enequist-sponsored Arne Lindfors collected fifth place ahead of J aak Van Velthoven. Team Honda had changed Brad's 17 inch rear wheel for an 18 for the sec ond race and h ad - micalculated the tire pressure. Brad" rode most of the race with a flat. His seventh place finish was won on guts and determination as he had to shift the Honda with the heel of his boot because it hurt too much to use . his broken toe . John Banks finished eighth on the CCM ahead of Bauer and Angiolini who rounded out the top ten. Peter Heerlings crashed in the second race on the back part of the course and was taken away by ambulance with a broken left collarbone. Mikkola 's mechanic went to the winner's rostrum to stand in place of Heikki who was taken to the hospital immediately after he crossed the finish line in order to repair the gash under his left eye. Heikki returned to his' caraan two hours later with four to five stitches and Wolsink said he felt fine , no problem. Second overall for the day was DeCoster with his 2-3. Wolsink was third with his 6-1 and Lackey was fourth with a 4-7 score. Results 1st molo: 1. Mikkola; 2. DeCoster; 3. Aberg; 4. Lackey; 5. Schmitz; 6. Wolsink; 7. Von Vatthown; S. Undfon; 9. Svendoon; 10. Angielini. 2nd moto: 1. WoIsink; 2. Mikkola; 3. DeCoster; 4. Andersaon; 5. Undfon; 6. Von Va/lhoven; 7. Lackey; S. Banko 9. Bauer; 10. Angiolini. ; 500ce World Championllhip point standings: 1. Mikkola 130; 2. Roger 101; 3. Wolsink 94; 4. Lackey 73; 5. Noyco 32; 6. Vln Va/lhoven 32 ; 7. Karsmak... 28; & Anderaon 26; 9. Schmitz 25; 10. Bauer 24.

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