Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Nick Romero (3411. Duane Headworth and Ty Maddux ran strong but lost to David Seekins in 83cc Juniors at AME's Youth Division. (Below! Ooops ! Warren Reid cuts ins ide Jonas Gaaf on his way to a clean sweep victory in SSM's 125 Pro class . Seekins sweeps AMEYouth divisionMX AME night MX: Sturgeon makes winning Pro debut By Judy Greenberg VALENCIA , CA , J UN E 3 By Lee Taylor David Seek ins made a - cle a n sweep in the 83cc , 9-11 year-old Juniors Frida y n igh t at t he Dunes , Inthe fir st moto , Duane 26 Aft er a st a gg e r e d start and complaining that they would all be killed . De nton j umped int o t he lea d and took over th e race . Starting int o the th ree lap ra ce. Dent on was -l ead ing with G regg T oyam a in second and G reg Youn gbl ood in third . McCoy. run ning fourth , was u n happy and did everyt hing in his power to improve h is position . He was air bo rn e most of t he r a ce . passing p eop le in m id a ir . ch a rgin g int o the berms. backwa rd s yet a nd on ce pas t T oyam a wit h You ngbl ood ahea d of him . went sai ling a ro und a turn . practicall y land ing on You ngblood . Try as he might th er e was no catchi ng Dent on . who strea ked ( no p un int ended ) ac ross t he finish line to the add it ional reward . Jeff Vid ic took ho me th e lion 's sha re of t he purse for t he 250 Pros. The real battle took place between Dave Ha ugh a nd Ha l Stra uss (Mo n ·G . P. Spec.) Wh ile Vid ic was out in front with a b ig lead . Ha ugh started closing in on Gr eg Youngbl ood (C -A) in seco nd . H au gh was right on his ta il and had Hal Stra uss pushi ng him . In th e seco nd mot o , Vidi c aga in gra bbed th e lead , with St rau ss in seco nd a nd Haugh in th ird . St rauss was pu shed ba ck 10 fifth by Haugh a nd Youngb lood in second a nd third resp ect ively, th en sta rted moving up a nd fast , t rying 10 get by Osborn in front of h im . Osb orn went do wn in a bad cras h through a tu rn a nd Strauss, now in third went afte r Haugh bu t ran ou t of tim e by th e checkered fla g . First ove ra ll went to Vidi c , seco nd to Hau gh a nd third 10 Youngbl ood , • Results in Results Sect ion . .. r,» '. 'f'. ~.v.",.".· "' . 'o.A-' VALENC IA , CA, JUN E3 Kirk Sturg eo n (Suz- Su z, of Pomona ) made his entrance int o th e 125 Pros a sweeping victory. In his first rnoto , he grabbed Headworth tore out in front , wit h Ty Maddu x breat h ing down his neck. Maddux tried severa l times to pass Headworth 10 no a va il. T on y N agy wa s keeping th e th ird spot from R ich ard Ma llott , as Seeki ns ca m e ro aring through the p ack , p assin g Mall on a nd Nagy , falling into th e thi rd positi on . Seekins th en closed in on Maddux , getti ng by 10 go a fter Headworth . Pull ing up 10 his side in t he tower turn , th e two rid ers rod e as one down th e st ra igh t. Seekins took th e lead as th ey pa ssed th e tower , and stretched it out for th e flag . Maddux kept th e pressure on Headworth right 10 the end . In m ot o t wo , Seek in s a n d Headw orth were in a ' heel 10 heel battle fro m th e min u te t hey left th e ga te . As th ey hea ded for t he turn befor e th e csses, Seekins gra bb ed th e lead . Fro m tha t time on , it was Seek ins all the way , bui lding a sa fe lead for th e wi n . H e adw orth held se co n d th rou gh out th e m oto , while Louis Nagy fought wit h Nick Romero for third . Romero took an insid e shot 10 his advantage , putt in g Nagy be hi nd him . Louis Fra nco was th e ea rly fro nt · runner in t he firs t moro of the 83cc , 12 and over Ju n iors . Mike Foulk and Eddie Gr een ha d a battle for seco nd fro m the very beginning . Gr een shot by Foulk a nd pulled up 10 Franco . However , in tryi ng 10 pass, Gree n went down . In th e next lap , Foulk a nd Fran co both cras hed in d ifferent pa rts of th e tra ck. Mike Bess sud de nly found himself out in front. Fou lk and Fr anco wer e back in th e race , Gr een had trouble gett ing his b ike going , but managed 10 fall into fourth . Fran co finished second beh ind Bess, Th e seco nd tim e o u t , Fran co wheelied out of the ga te, cost ing him some precious seco nds . Gr een soa red th rou gh the pack 10 take th e lead, riding it through for th e win . as Bess held second. Franco worked his wa y by eac h rider to finish th ird . • Results in Results Sect ion . the lead from the sta rt. He had Bob R amsey right behind him and J erry Sh ore . n ow rid in g fo r Col e Bros . holding down t hird . Sturgeon had a beautiful lead and Shore was closing ' in on Ramsey as t he first mot a came 10 a close . T he sec on d time o u t . Stu rgeon again jumped int o th e lead a nd had Ramsey breathing down his jersey. A batt le for t hird wa s taking place betw een Shore and Pinckard . Andy Jannings (Ya m -Bill Krause) sta rt ed 10 close in fast on Dean T ay lor in fourth , getting b y o n th e in side . Then J ann in gs st arr ed o u t a fter Sh ore , closing qu ickl y. Sh or e, kn owin g he was th ere , was putt ing a ll th e pressure he cou ld on Ramsey. Ramsey was p ulling Shor e a long th e fen ce line leading 10 ' t he d ro p-off, but Shore was closing in th e sweepe r . As the whi te flag went out Stu rgeon headed int o his vict ory lap. Comi ng do wn 10 th e win' Ramsey a nd Sh o re were st ill c h a si ng . T he checkered waved Sturgeon home to top money, seco nd ove ra ll went to Ra msey and th ird 10 Sh ore. • Resu lts in Resu lts Sect ion . Reid, Warren and 8ell win at SSM MX By Danny Raymond ORAN GE, CA, MAY 28 Factory Ho nda's W a rren Reid sped to a cle an sweep during SSM's Pro division. Reid 's overall win came after two straight moto wins over FMFs Cliff Lett and R&D's Bra in Myerscough (Suz ) each of - .~. - ., .. whom failed to finish one moto. D&G's Brett Meyer th en went on to pick up second overall with a 4-3 score over teammate Mike "Little" Tripes. Meanwhile during first mota of the Open Pro di vision there was no stop ping Yamaha Support team rider Robert Marino , who took the first mota victory wire-to-wire , over Montesa's T.). Warren and Moto Meister's Dale Anderson . Marino and Anderson opened up the second moto with Ma rino taking a small lead until the halfway point when he was forced to the sidelines with bike problems. Warren and Goa t Breker put the move on Anderson through the checkers giving Warren the moto win and the overall. Breker's poor first moto finish gave second' overall to Wheelsmith's SCOtt Miller while third went to Suzuki-mounted Greg Bla ckwell, . Du ring the 250 Pro action , Bassett's') J im Gibson (Yam) took the first la lead while Doug Boyd , DG 's Mike Bell, and Cole Brothers' Cla rk Jones moved into a close chase for the lead .~ Bell quickly picked off Boyd and set' out after lon g -l:0n e Gibson. Soon after') Bell glued himself to the BassettI Ya maha until his chance came and ' shoved Gibson through a tight tum . Bell went on to breeze the moto win -t whi le Gibson , Tim Lunde (Yam) and Jones followed th rough the finish . 1 Aga in Gibson pulled the holeshot'J and work ed into a large early rnoto lead. Bell picked off Tom Cross and i set out after Gibson. Cla rk Jones and ' Tim Lunde were dicing for fou rth ! until J on es bailed off. Lunde took') th ird after a quick pass on Cross . 1 Meanwhile Bell was stead ly pulling uR J on Gibson until a tigh t part of the') course where a lapped rider blocked ' Gibson's lin e, leaving Bell open for the') pass and th e moto win . Gibson followed in second , Lunde took third 2 and Tom Cross fourth . • Resu lts in Resu lts Section. Rainey runs away { with Corona half-mile By Elaine Jones CORONA , CA ,JUN. 1 T he ha lf mi le Money ra ce saw Wayne Rainey explode off the line with Mike Minnig and

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