Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Western hotline a: o ..J >- ;: w W ..J >- CIl a: a: w -, >- CIl - .... o • 0 il: Brad Henson rushed through the bus hes and did something no ORA rider has done in t hree years - won overall on a 175. . Cannon combining a second, third and first to edge San Diego's Scott Meyer in the mini class. The 125s and 250s produced large fields of riders eq ually divided between rnotocrossers and 'IT-flat track racers with Chris Ca nnon zapping the field in the 125 Main and Billy Hicks doing the job on the 250s. In 500 action, San Diego's Geoff Da wson p ut two wins and a second together for the overall. • Monte Roberts 17Ileads Craig Roloff 11151 and Mark Little in 250 Pro action at South Bay Park Speedway's opening night. The trio had to take a back seat to Richie Volk and Eddie Lawson, who dominated the opener. Henson wins DRA Snake Chase on 175 Yamaha By Jerry G. Welton RED MOUNTAIN, CA, J UNE 5 Lawson, Volk highlight South Bay ST opener By Rod Eschenburg CHULA VISTA, CA, JUNE4 Over 70 riders - alm ost equally divided between the four sportsman and the three pro classes combined to make South Bay 24 Pa rk's opening short track motorcycle program a success. In the pro classes , Richie Volk and Eddie Lawson thrilled the large crowd with tight racing in their heats and main events, with Volk coming out on top in the 250 Main event and Lawson getting t he win in the 500 three-heat series. Keeping t hem hon est were Ea rl Roloff. J r. , thi rd in the 500s, and T ra vis Pet ton , J r. , th ird in th e 250s. The speedway bike rid ers turned up with five machines, led by Steve Nutter and Larry Kosta. They put on a solid three-heat performance with Kosta coming out on top after Nutter slid out in the final heat. The sportsman classes all produced good racing with diminutive Curtis "Bad" Brad Henson ( 175 Yam) overcame heat, a tt rition and larger d isplacement motorcycles to take the overall win at the Desert Racing Assn. (DRA) Snake Chase at Red Mountain. Al Meek (400 KTM) led first wave of racers to the smoke bomb with Heath Hibbard (400 Yam) and novft:e Rodney Rod erick (250 Yam) following closely on almost parallel lines. Shortly after the bomb Meek's ride ended with a piston seizure and Hibbard jumped quickly into the lead. Bob Balent ine (400 KTM) had problems getting his bike started and . was the last bike off the line. Henson was running well at the bomb and progressively worked his way u p to second overall, but only after battling with Monte Lee (25 0 Yam) and Hi bbard. Coming down the fina l downhill grade a t the completion of the first loop it was clea rly Balen tine with approximately one a nd a half minutes over Henson who in turn was on ly a short distance ahead of Hibbard. After fighting a little dust at the start, Lee managed to maintain a good running position at the completion of the first loop with Roderick, Lonnie Peterson (400 Yam ) 500 Intermediates Dave Rogers (211, Steve Rotondo lT171and John Jackson go through a sweeping turn at AME's Sprocket's night opener. and Tim Plant (175 Can- Am) following with only a short space in between each of' them . When H ibbard came in to pit he took an unusually long stop which allowed Lee to slip past him . Peterson retired at this point due to a flat rear tire and Plant pulled in briefly for a shot of water and then continued on his way. Balentine. on his way out for the second and final loop , lost third gear at roughly the bomb. Not wishing to throw in the towel he continued hoping he could get by without it. About three qua rt ers of the way around the last loop Balent ine found himself missing more than just one gear and was forced to retire for the day with a sick transmission . T his moved Henson and his lightweight IT Yama ha into the lead. Henson rode fast but ca utiously from t his point on beca use he was tired and had already gotten off twice. Tim Plant , while ru nn ing sixth overall, unloaded hard on the second loop . Pla nt 's get off, coupled with the heat , for ced him to spectate for the rem aind er of the ra ce. At the finish it was " Bad" Bra d Henson with approximately th ree . mi n utes or so over the second-place rider Monte Lee . DR A has not ha d overall win by a ligh tweight since 1974 , when Bill Friant did it , and Henson is now the only ho lder of a black bar in the 0-200 class. The third rider in was Heath Hibbard , who came across with no problems except the heat. Novice Roderick purchased Monte Lee's old 250 Yamaha a short time back and in doing so must have bought some of Monte's talent. Rod erick ran strong from the bomb to the finish ending up fourth overa ll for the day. An amateur was in next at fifth overall. It was Tom Mattox, who in the past year had some incredible luck, all bad. Mattox p ut it all together today beating the next bike, another amateur, John Foster (175 . Yam). Foster got a front flat on the way to the bomb but was ab le to keep it go ing for the Lig ht weight Amateur win a nd sixth overall . Doug Beisner (250 Su z) was in next looking very pleased with the day's ride. Beisner finis he d slightly ah ead of the hard-cha sing Mike Mulconery (400 KT M), who himself did a n excellent job of worki ng his way up from back in the pack. Amateur Bob Coteman (400 Yam) managed to keep novice Rick Anderton (250 Yam) behind him to take ninth overall with Anderton rounding out the top 10. Grant Colbert (Yam) has had some problems with out-growing his bikes . He seems to have found the right bike to suit him and wasted no time working his way up from 23rd to 11th overall, third 250 Novice. R a m o n Lowe (400 Yam) was running well on the first lap bu t dropped back and in doing SO lost Senior division lead and the win to the ever -consistent Gus Paull (400 Yam) . Pa t McEvoy (400 Yam) was looking good for the length of the race, m an uevering arou nd rocks and thi ngs to bea t John Richa rdson (400 KT M) for the Open Junior/Senior Expert win . In the beginner race, m ost people would have expected an open bike to win . but Ch uck Sh a w (125 Can-Am ) sho wed the m the way home, lea din g the first la p and at the chec kered flag ahead of Jack Fuller (250 Yam) and Mark Cates on his lightweigh t Suzuk i. Resu lts in Resul ts Section. . Denton, Vidic kick oft Sprockets nightAMEMX By Lee Taylor BAKERS FIEL D, CA, JUNE4 A su pe r group of racers and spectators turned ou t to welcome night MX at Sprockets Park . American Motocross Enterprises (AME) offered a $1,000 purse for the Pros and 40% brass for the Sportsmen. In addition, N. Chester Cycle Parts donat ed new tires and other goodies to the winners of the 125 Pro a nd_ 250 Intermediate classes. T here were problems with th e lights , due to local ' electrical contractor walking out at the last m om ent . AME Presi dent Jerry Sho re got out the Yellow Pages . a nd went dow n the list until he fou nd a n electrical contractor to str aig ht en ou t th e situation. A m an by the name of Mr. Holmes ca me imm ed ia tely an d insisted on staying a ll through the races to be sure a ll was in proper wor king condition. AME had $50 in special cash awards, $25 of which went to the winner of the Backwards Pro Ra ce, Gary Dent on and the remaining $25 to Sherman Schneller in a drawing . Denton also won the 125 Pro race. The Backwards Pro Race was hila rious!

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