Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CAN DECOSTER HALT.THE ; MIKKOLA BLITZKRIEG? i I Fearless Finn , Heikki Mikk ola, co mes to the HANG TEN UNIT ED STAT ES MOTO CROSS GRAND PRIX (Co-Spo nso red by BELRA Y OIL ) with a substa nt ial lead over reigning World Champio n, Roger De Cost er of Belgium...and th e qu estion that is on every fan' s lips is "can th e Yamaha team rider sto p De Coste r from winning a reco rd sixt h World SOOcc Champio nship for Suzuki. It look s th at way at present fo r, aft er a fourth 'place in th e o pening GP of the season , Mikk ola has been highest point sco rer at every GP since. He was the last rider to ta ke th e SOOcc title ou t of De Cost er's hands (in 1974 ) and is the curre nt W orld 2S0cc titl e hold er. But no-on e is devaluing the incred ible De oster...a terrific favori te with the Carlsbad fans and justifiably term ed " the greatest ever" in th e world of mot o-cross. No less than fourteen Euro pean GP 'regulars' will be at Carlsbad, including three-tim e USGP winner, Gerr it Wolsink of Holland, and th e curren t fo p te n in points sta n dings. . Am er i c a' s h op e s a re w ell imarily by Honda team ace, Brad Lackey, who is fourth in World Championship points and .still in with a Bf Aet4 OAI( G ROVE f OAUT C,, "", • LAKE WOH LfOflD R( SORT Lackey Heads Up . US Challenge fighting chance of th e title. He is backed up by a str ing of American Nat ion al Champions and hom e-based stars. . Fou r World Cha mpio ns, 18 Nati on al Cha mpio ns (from both th e USA and vario us Europe an nations) and no less than 13 ind ividu al Gran d Prix winn ers! Th at' s the staggering su m tot al o f th e abili ties of th e sta rs that will race for over $40,000 in prize mon ey (cash and con tin gencies) at Carlsbad on Sunda y, J une 19th ! ..Or Will Wolsink Best Them BothTo ake It Four In A ow At Carlsbad? SEETHESTARSUPCLOSEAT CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER Pad fi\' (h.'f.' an II _ -_ _ ~-= 1 ' ,<:I'l L f 1"0'I1Il t S D E AIIIZA 'M AIL ER H ARBO R " I ~!> l lJ '" ti l ALH CA M PLA r.lO 0 11I M1SSl 0 1\j "oil Y 11/'.\1<'\ /' -1 1 TR A IH OV ElHoj'G HT TRA VEl r R"I L U~ PAAI( OCf A"- IH A, H C ....- 1)0 , ,- \ ••• f~• .' '''''' _ '"'" $000 Don't miss the terrific new so uvenir tee-shirt (the new design is depict ed below) and the monster 92 page Souven ir Program (wit h lots of color pages). Both will be on sale at conce ssion booths aro und th e track. And don 't wor ry abo ut lugging in a heavy foo d hamper. New. upgraded foo d concessio ns of fer a better-qu ality , wider selec tio n th an ever bef ore d at value for money prices! MONSTER PROGRAM. SUPER SOUVENIR TEE-SHIRTS ANDTHE BEST FOOD CONCESSIONS YETI 1977~ -\-".",,", .. ~ ,....,..,., ,....",., '1 " . » , ' . EVENT SCHEDULE For th ose fan s who want a chance to see their her oes and the exo tic Grand Prix racing machinery up clo se, race pr orn ot or s Tr ippe , Cox Associates have insti tuted th e novel idea o f rider sign-up an d technical inspecti on at Carlsbad's giant sho pping mall, th e Plaza Cam ino Real near th e j unctio n of El Camino Real and Route 78. The 2S0cc Support Class riders sign up between 3.00pm and S.OOpm on Friday , Ju ne 17th, while the GP aces appear with their bikes between 10.00am and noon on the morning of Saturday, June 18th. Tak e along your autogra ph bo oks! -Carlsbad, Califomia 5A IoI ONOJAf ST " H SUNDAY, JUNE 19th, 19 77, 9.30 - lOam: 250cc Pract ice. 10· llam: 500cc GP Practice 12.30am : First 250cc Race 1.10pm : First 500 GP Race Art Scholl Air Show. 2.30pm: Second 250 Race 3.10pm: Final GP Race. No Overnight Camping At The ' Track ... But Here's WhereTo Go FOR LAT EST CAMPING INFORMATION CONTACT : Carl sbad Chamber of Co mmer ce P.O. Box 597 . Carls bad , Ca. 92008 Tel: (714) 729·5924 HOWTO GETTO CARLSBAD RACEWAY VISTA L.cOSlA COUNT"., CLUB ~******************* * ************************ * * * ..OR AT YOUR NEAREST , ICKETRON,LIBERTY OR MUTUAL OUTLETS ************************************************13

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