Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INTER-AM HANDLEBARS Rudy Ga lindo (TZ750 D Yam) leads Pa ul Ritter 1860 Due ) into the last Open GP turn at Sears Po int. Ga lindo won. g-one wit h J ohnson and Do n Bai ley both suf fering wit h wea ke ned bat ter ics bu t sti ll m iles a hea d of t he rest of t he co m pe t it io n . . . . . 'Mo nd ay's big- hike Exhi bit ion :vas a Buddv Robin so n d a y with Robinson switd;i ng his fou rt h pl a ce heat t,o a win j ust the opposite of t he pn'vlous d ay 's, Th e t rack was bad and h.e was 'd ro pp ing his Ya m ah a :,'ay early III the co rn ers bUI was ho ldmg th e groove wh ile seco nd -pl ace Ra y Dug-an would go in deeper but wind up in rhe m a rbl es, whi c h event u a llv a llo wed • Mer ten s the second p lan' . Resu lts in Results Section . Mamola, Nicholas, Galindo top GP at AFM Sears Point By Ken Mull ins SONOMA . CA . MAY 15 Rand y Mamola (Ya ma ha Motor Co . Yam ) set a bli st ering pace to win 250 'C P at an American Federation of Motorcycli sts (AFM) road ra ce a t Sears Point Ra ceway. Mamol a was never passed , lea ding th e ra ce from the fir st lap. Da ve Garoutte (Ya m ) crashe d h ard in fast tu rn 10 while running seco nd a nd trying to ca tc h up . Ga ro u tt e esca pe d injury. The batt le for seco nd th en turned over to AI Co llins ( Yam) a nd jack Bak er (Ya m) . Passin g back an d fo rth m an y tim es. Co llins finall y beat Bak er a t th e flag . Doug Dr aper ( Ya m ) was al on e in . fou rth spot. Ca n -Ams di d wel l t his day wit h wins in bo th 250 a nd 200 Pro duct ion . Lee Ge rke rod e th e wheels o ff o f h is Kawasa ki W es t -sp onso red TNT 175 to beat la n d speed record ho lder Gordon Seim (Can -Am ) and J o h n C herma k ( Ber ke lev Ya m a ha ) in 200 Prod uct ion . S,'i m ' co u nte-red wit h a win in 250 Produ ction . J od y N ic ho la s rode a H on d a MTI 25R to beat Dou g Draper (T A 125 Yam ) in 125 G P. Ni ch olas. a former A:\IA Nat ion a l winner . a nd Dra per . current AF:\I G P points lea de r . pu t o n a gr eat race in whi ch th e Iead ch a nged m any times . The sta n of O pe n GP se t th e stage for a supe r race between Paul Ritter o n a n 860 Du cat i and Rudy Gal indo o n a TZ750D Yamaha . Ritte r led rhe fir st half o f the ra ce , fo llowed close ly by Galindo . th e Du cari pulling better ofr't'be co rners a nd t he OW 3 1-rep lica having the top end . Ga lindo passe~ Ritter to take fir st p lace and held It unti l the last lap where Ritter regain ed th e lead in the ca ro use l, o n lv to be pass ed at th e end of the next straight. Gal indo wo n by a few bik e len gths . Bob O cano was third o n a Honda . Result s in Results Sect ion . Booth bests Sidewinders amateurTT By Robyn Fisher CLAC KAMAS, O R . MAY 22 With a ll of th eir races but one raining out , th e amateur riders were a little nervous about th e dark clouds overhead. " O ld Man W ea t he r" allowed th e race to go on . T he turnout of ri ders was affec ted by th e weat he r a nd some of th e clases had to be com b ine d . In th e regular 100cc class, Bu gsy Booth ( Yam) , a nd Ryan Fisher (St. J ohn's Yamaha ), ban k-d for firs< pla ce . Booth eve nru a llv won OUI. but nOI unt il th e boys. Fish er. II . a nd Boot h . 12 . put o n a g re a t sho w of a b ility a nd good . clean . hard riding . • Results in Results Section. NorCal speedwayCal-Expo, Folsom tangle By Greg Joyce SACRAMENTO, CA, MAY 20 There was a large number of beer drinkers on tap to witness the second night of speedway racing at Cal -Expo . The tra ck Joel Jamieson photo These are the handlebars that many top riders win with and tens of thousand s of riders swear by. SOLID ALUMINUM: flexibility and superior strength . STEEL MX: tradit ional bar, heliarc welded cross brace . CHROME STREET: brill iantly chromed , the final touch for any street bike. Whatever your requirements, INTER-AM's emphasis on CONSISTENT and SUPERIOR QUALITY gives you handlebars you can depend on: THE PROVEN ONES FROM THE EXPERTS send 25c lor cata log and deca l su rfac e was in exce llent co nd ition. and it set the stage fo r som e of th e closest racing th a t a nyo ne has eve r see n. T eam racing ha s been ad ded to th e program thi s season o n a o ne -event per-night basis. a nd th is week Pa ul Orlandi found h imself ri di ng for rhe Folsom team in pla ce of Steve Bast , who sh owed up too la te to ride . Fol som 's res erve r ider . Denn is Robinson . will not be ra cing for a wh iie du e to a broken colla r bo ne th at he suffered last week at th e Folsom racetrack . Folsom team regular Larry Shaw and his new partner Orland i sq ua red off against Mike Rooney a nd Mike Faria of th e Cal -Expo squad . When th e tapes shot up , both Ro on ey and Fari a lea ped out into the lead . throwing t ogether a tw o -man roadblock . Try as they might . neither Shaw nor O rlandi could sneak by th e two Mikes and so the Expo team tied up the sco re for th e seri es. nine to ru ne , Lance King took top hon o rs in the J u n io r Scratch Main , staying just out of reach of hard- charging - St eve Lucero . Bob Holmes, riding in th e Second Division Handica p Main . d in ch ed till' win after leading the pack for the full five laps . 37

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