Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE 1977 KZ400 SERIES. THREE OFTHE BEST VAWES IN MOlURCYCLING. 200 feet . but h e d id win out on th e Crash " and took home $56 . .Sm ce the damage to b ike and bod was zsligh t, that wasn 't too b ad a da y's work . . The b ig mo ney in this class went to 20 ·year·old Craig Mock on a 750cc T ri u m ph . Mock set high m ark of 335 .feet , just 15 feet short of th e top . and ,wort h $800. He also picked up two first p lace tro phies on Sa turday, as _ well as a case of Pennzoil, 2' H illclimbing is a sport for all ages, and even the W orld ch a mpionship is .ope n to all. In th e sportsm a n climb on (Sa tu rd ay, the you ngest rider was Ga ry H all, son of the DeAnza Park owner. Young Ga ry also competed on Sunday. rH e wasn 't a win ne r , but he showed the form that will m ake his a na me to .rem em ber in future climbs. . The old est ride r , ente r e d i n -Sa ru rd ay's races on ly, was 62·year- old George T errell of Placerville. After ;wa tch ing him ride . one spectator shook his head , " Are you sure th ey got ·tha t age right? Ma ybe it was supposed no be 26 -year·old." ~ r! Out-of-staters put on a good show , zb u t except for two second pla ce etrop h ies for Utah riders on Saturday, -al l the brass and th e money went to ,C a liforn ia ns. most of them from - ou t hern California . T here can be S 1 it tle doubt tha t Southern California i .lea ds when it comes to motorcyclists in ' genera l and hill climbers in particula r . And the best of the very best wer e at DeAnza. • ~" Best Kawasaki motorcycles have always given you more for your money. And now, with the medium weight KZ400 series ,you have three more ways to go. The KZ400 Special does everything efficiently and economically. Its powered by the same four-stroke engine as the others, tuned for maximum gas mileage. A kickstarter and drum brakes keep it simple. And easily affordable.* The KZ400 Standard is a happy medium between luxury and frugality, with a fourstroke overhead cam vertical-twin that gets any job done. Its unique crankshaft balancing system helps smooth this 36 hp powerplant for maximum comfort. Disc brake and electric starter see to safety and convenience. And chrome exhausts add that touch of flash. - The KZ400 Deluxe is the showboat. Complete with fairing, windshield, locking saddlebags and luggage rack like no other bike in its class. Custom fitted, painted and trimmed for pure pleasure. But its not all show. An electric starter gets you off to fast starts. And a front disc brake assures quick, safe stops, See the KZ400 series , at you r Kawasaki dealer today. Prices start ~ Results jSUNDAV .. . MONEY CUMB: ~ ()'25Occ ClASS: 1. Elden Peterson $600 IBuli. 2. ;.W es Evans $300 IBul). 3. Clyde Peterson $200 (Yaml. •4. Kerry Peterson $100 IH-DI. 5. Dick De Rosa $75 (Vam). 25 1-50 1cc CLASS: 1. Cl yde Peterson $600 (Yam-onfy rider over the top), 2. Kent Morgan $300 !Yaml. 3. Kerry Peterson 1200 IMail . 4. Neal Mackel $100 IVam). 5. Woo Evans $75ISuzl. I 502.QPEN ClASS: 1. Craig Mock $600 ITri). 2. Jim True + 300 (H.QI. 3. Tom laRue $200 ITri). 4. Neal Mackel $100 ITril. 5. W oo Evan. $75 ISull. BIG MONEV WI NNER: Clyde Peterson: Total $1010. BEST CRASH W INNER: Cliff Lamb: $56. SATURDAY ... sportSman dimb; trophies onty 2: amini class; Larry Sil a (Y v aml. 125 ClASS: Perry Edwards (Vam). 175 ClASS: Ollie Kiener !Yam). ? 250 STOCK: 1. St ova Stith !Yam). 2 Kern Argyle. Utah (Bull. 3. Dave Powall (Suzl. ' ± = 0 MOD: 1. Clyde Peterson !Yam). 2 Elden Peterson IBull. 360 STOCK: 1. Larr y Silva (VarnI. 2 . Scott Killpack - Utah (Vaml. n 360 MOD: 1. Craig Mock !Yam). 2. Larry Silva (Vaml. ~ 400 STOCK: 1. Bob Bayuk (Vaml. 2. La,ry Silva !Yaml . , 400 MOD: 1. W as Evans ISull. , 450 STOCK: 1. Chuck Peterson (Mail. 450 MOD: 1. Kerry Peterson (Mail. 2. Elden Peterson (Mai). o 500 STOCK: 1. Craig Mock (Varni. 2. Jim Collier !Yaml. 3. Ed Shaver (Vaml. 4 . Butch Couture (Vam). _ 500 MOD: 1. Ron Thompson (Vaml. 2. Clyde at$99S~ Kawasaki know w hy you ride. - Manufacture' " sugges ted list price , 19n KZ 400 S. exCluding freight , de aler prep . titl e, state and Iocalluss•.at participating Kawas aki dealers. IFYOU'RE NOT ADVERTISING IN CYCLE N EWS. .Y ELOSING ·BUSINESS! OU'R I w out d like to th is message to the rid .... and deeJers of the following bra nd• . SUZU KI: The 2 new models of RM 250' 5 are the tires1 Suzukis h'fll' made and are probably the best 2 stroke racers in the world today . HO NDA: You Honda people have complained fOf years about nol having. r8Cer . we ll, the CR 25O's ere great and they are drrt cheap - there are thousands at used ones around , If you cannot .fford. new one . CAN AM: This is the most powerfu l 250 engine gOIng . They lIl"e the result of years 0 1 power develo pment and are made riQht nell t door . KAWASAKI: The KX 250 Kawasaki has the largest transf er pan: area of the new generall on 0 1 bik es and has a tre mend ou~ pote ntial as a winrwltf. I did not mention Yamaha. Harley Davidson . Bultaco or Ossa because we already know they are proven winner s. Any of these 8 engines are ready and willi ng to win 8 Nationa l Championship. What l am trying to say is - let's get 10 work, I f or one am tired of seeing 1 or 2 brand s win every time, aren't VOU ~ If I left out yOUr brand . dan', despeir, the re . re 4 more just as good as those ec tee . Suzuki Inventory Reduction Sale All RM Models Must Go! Prices you cannot refuse Call Now! Don't Miss Out WE can mail order anywhere in the U.S.A. nl Suzuki of Van Nuys ·1 Peterson (Y aml. 3. Kent Morgan (Yaml. .. 650 STOCK: 1. Mike Gebhardt mr). 2. Ron Powell California 's NO.1 Volume Su zu k i D ealer iTri). o 650 MOD: 1. Ron Thompson (Varni. 2. Tom La Rue . IT,ij. 3. G«wg Sauer !Yam). .' OPEN CLASS: 1. Ron Thompson IVam). 2. Kerry Peter"," (Mail. 3. Ken Miller ITn . 4. Tom laRue IT"). ) HIGH MARK: Ron Thompoon !Yaml2B21t. 2415 Brown Rd., St. Louis. Mo. 63114 . Phone31 ~42~ 0' call Char lev Chap ple 3131735-5453 16141 Shennan W a y . Van Nu y s . CA 213 994 2800 213 99 4 2882 3 b lock s W e s t o f the S a n D,ego Free vvav 17

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