Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • • 11II ~ t tt- O') ....... C'I C'I eu C = ~ start) to the second rider change at El Chinero . Hardin took over from Wallingsford , their bike still running rou ble-free. J o hnso n came in on a flat fro nt tire , which was changed before Roeseler took over. At C heck Four , near the fishing village of San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez , H a rdin had an l I -rninute lea d on R oese le r , With the' start differential , it meant that Roeseler and J oh nso n had a three-minute lead at the halfway point. In Class 21, Ogilvie hit Check Four 15 minutes in front of the runners·up, Rick Finger and R ic Secor (Eu ro pea n Sport Cycles 250 Hus). Ogilvie got a brief rest while a flat was replaced , then took off again . Right behind the Finger/Secor team , and ahead on time were Tom Kelly and Mik eJohnston on a KTM Imports 250 KTM . Payton , riding the lead 125 , arrived at the midwa y point with a 12 ~ minute actual lead over Steve Rio n ii'nd Scott Pfieffer ( Ya m a ha Mission Viejo 125 Yam) . Past San Felipe, the course went nort h through the long and d usty L agu na Diablo ( Diab lo Dry Lake) . J!akken took the third -running H usky across the lake at fu ll tilt with no p ro blems , despite Ru t t e n 's earlier ei zure. J u st past Laguna Diablo , Pa yton crashed while goi ng up a lon g an d wash . The thrott le st uck open a nd ayton was u nable to m ak e it back to the b ike before t he engine seized. Pa yt on m anaged to ge t th e bike restarted a nd wa lked alongsi de it for alf a m ile throu gh the wash befo re utt ing any load o n the engine. The course went through the Sa n at a is pass and headed into Check ive at Mike's Sky Ra ncho . From there t was up to Valle de Trinidad and El odeo. It was in this area that Finger an out of gas. " I tried pushing it , ecided that wasn't going to work, ied running and that wasn't going to ork. I saw Kelly coming and I stuck ut my thumb and pointed at the bike. e stopped , sa id 'get on!' and we coked to the pits. [ don't know if I ould have done it for him . . . but now owe him ," said Finger the day after e race. When Roeseler and J ohnson changed laces for the last time , they also eplaced a rear wheel which had veral dangling spokes. As Wallingsford , still out in front , d away fro m El Rodeo on the fina l g , everything had gone smoot hly m il he came blasting around a comer nd found a cow sitting in the middle the road . W allingsford ma naged to iss a hea d-on collision , but h is andlebars nicked the cow and sent im over the bars in a brutal crash. fter that , W allingsford 's memory wa s azy ; he t h ou g h t he might have ashed aga in . "[ woke up riding the ike in second gear on the cou rse ," id Wallingsford . He sp eeded up and ished at 2:51 p .m . . still looking a . ontinued on page 31) Marty Smith beats'em all 'at New Orleans Supercross Ellis third, Croft fourth, and Pomeroy sixth On a tight, narrow, and long-for-inside pack and getting some of that good track, Marty Smith led from the first dirt thrown in you r face. Which turn right up to the flag for a no- means gogg les you can count on to contest victory in the June 4 New protect you-and your lead. Marty counts on Carrera. So do Jimmy Ellis, Orleans Supercross. .Tommy Croft, Jim Pomeroy and a Track conditions were just about ideal- a good, sandy, not dusty sur- whole lot of others. face for excellent berms and good The winners wear ~ traction . But even when you're Carreras--how 'bout leading, you're lapping the last of the you? .. ,~ Carrera tnt emanonat Co rp orati o n. P OBo x 2. N or w o o d . N e w Jer sey 076 48 Increase sales this week! Call or wr ite today for i n f o r m a ti o n on "Advertising That Works." #21 TRICK ·OIL CUTS FRICTION Mighty Slick Lubricants Users hav e reported up to 50% less engine wear. Ask for Call 213-636-8844 213-427-7433 MSL at yo ur dealer . Deeler & Distributor Inquiries Invi t ed Minnesot a Syn thetic LUb ricants. Inc . U.S. Representative Fuller Enterprises P.O. Box 1987 Hunti ngt on Beach, CA 92649 7 14-840-2943 15

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