Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Triumph Motorcycle America president Brenda Price, Sales Vice President Tom Cates, and the '77 BonneviRe. " Trium ph people do . stick together," •• Triumph just ~ight, alter all By Charles Clayton ANA HEIM , CA , MAY 6 . Every Tuesday night 100 mil lio n Americans gather before the TV scree n to watch a biker cha ra cter named "T he Fonz." It is no accident that the st ar of A merica 's number o ne T V ' program struts a ro und o n a Triumph m ot o rcycle. If eve r a two-whe eler ca ptu re d the spi ri t of those " Happy Da ys" it was the cle a n -cut ve rti ca l t win fro m Meriden . England. Meanwh ile . the br and t ha t, should be be nefiting fro m all t hat free TV exposu re h ad fallen on unhap py days . Labor , management, and fina lly pol it ical prob lems nearly scrap ped the m a nufacture of Triumph motorcycles. Bu t no w t he worst is past , a nd future supp lies of Me ride n Triumphs seem assured . - I rea ch that co ncl usion after visiting · the new Tr iumph d istr ibut o r . operation a nd mee ting the bo ss-lad y. Brenda Pri ce . President of Triu m ph Mo to rcycle Am erica , Inc . Ch armin g , pretty, with some resembla n ce to the Queen . Brend a is m arried , but uses her m aiden name in her ca reer. Sh e had been a Triu mph Engi nee ring acco u nta nt since th e d a ys of Ed ward ' T u rner, who re t ire d in 1964 . Brenda was hired by th e Me rid en wo rker s to come , to th e U. S. a nd set up the ad m ini st r at io n of th eir American sales. " We Triumph peopl e d o stic k together," Bren d a says, re calling th e siru gg le . to keep th e br and from follo wing BSA , Ma tchl ess, etc. u po n the scra p heap of Bri tish in d ust ry. T om Cates, V. P . in cha rge of sal es. affi rms that they sti ll have 500 lo ya l Am erican Trium p h dealers , a n d they intend to se ll a bo u t 6 ,50 0 -7 ,00 0 Bonn ev ille s here th is ye ar. T hat 's about o ne T riu m ph a mont h per deal er on the average .. . m odest by Tokyo sta nd a rds . " Bu t righ t now we a re givi ng p arts priorit y." T o m adds. Pa rt s stocki ng , on a sing le m odel th at doesn't cha nge very much . will be centere d in A na hei m, N ew J er sey, a nd a new wareh ou se in Chicago . Fine a nd dandy. But we've heard promises from T ri u mph dis t ri b uto rs before . W hy sho u ld part s su d de n ly becom e ava ilable now? " Beca use we have d ir ect backing fr om the fa ctory." Brenda Price explai ns to the ske ptica l reporter. Before. o rders had to go' through m id dl em en . " Now th ere is a direct lin e to the fact ory ." W hat do you thi nk brought o n th e trou bles of th e Br itish m ot orcycle industry? we ask ed . "High-powered exe cutive s , " th e lad y e xec u t ive promptly replied . Sh e is not high po wered . doesn 't ride bik es, never has , p robab ly d oe sn 't eve n want t o . AJthou gh m anagem ent is her ca lling , Brenda is a worker . not unlike the 150 (Cont inued on pag e 48) We have over 400 parts and accessories that make doing-ft-yourselfeasy. ' Riders: You 'll find our skin' packed line convenientl y displayed at over 8000 dealers across the country . ~ You belong on yo ur motorcycl e. Not bump ing a round in parts stores . Tha t's wh y we ha ve over ~oo parts a nd accessories th at mak e repair-work easy. We package th em a nd label them clearl y so you ca n find what you need in a snap. And if it's a job you can do yourself, you can be s ure we ma ke .the part. Beck/ Arnley. If you look for our name; you won 't have to look very hard at all. ,r:::~ ~~Ee;t#~y~ Dealers: Coritact your nearest Beck!Arnley Distributor Now 'BECK/ARNLEYCORP.' B eck / Amle y Cor p . 548 Broad Hollow Rd . Melville. L.I., N.Y. 11746 2917 Bail ey Aven ue Bu ffalo. N .Y. 14215 (716) 838-5533 3035 Bellbrook Dr. Memphis. T enn . 38116 (800) 238-5458 3 130 Eas t Ma ria S tree t Comp ton. L.A.. Cal. 90221 6950 N .W. 46th St reet Miam i. F la. 33166 (305) 592-3395 7421 N.E. Beech Portland. Ore. 97213 (503) 288·6948 Fay Mye rs 2015 West Ala meda Denver . Colo. 80223 (303) 744·7155 (5 16) 694 -7i30 . (213) 537-9210 Rt. 1 In d ustr ial Park W estwood (Boston) . Mass. 02090 (617) 329-1700 .. 8214 Wellmoor J essu p , Md . 20794 (800) 638-4437 Ge n e S h illingfor d Nt SODS, Inc. Gree n Lan e a nd Radl'iiffe St. Bristol. Pa . 19007 (215) 788·7878 Milne Access ories 429 N . Azusa Ave. Azusa. Cal. 91702 (213) 334·5183 N icho ls Motorcyc le Supply, I n c . 4135 W. 126 Chicago (Alsip) , Ill . 60658 (BOO) 323·8654 Wh en a habit costs money - it's called a hobby I would Uk. to addreaa this m.ssage to the riders .nd of the following br8 nd • . deal.,. ... THE FINES, COMPLETE LINE OF OFF-ROAD RACING MACHINERY EVER OFFERED KT M I m po r ts U.S.A. 9 82 5 Mason Ave . \ C ha ts wor t h. Ca. 9 13 1 1 . (213,8 82 · 88 60 Deale r In q uir ies Invited Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-538-2914 - SUZU KI : The 2 new mooels of RM 2SO'. ar., the finest Suzult is IIvet' made and • e probably the bn1 2 stroke racersin the WOI'Id today . HO NDA : You. ~ people have comp'-ined tor v..... TF RACING HAS MOVED abOut not having • rae." • well. the CR 250"1 . re gr••t and the y .re dIrt chea p - there at e thou5ill'1ds of used ones afound, jf YOU cannot aff or d a new one . CAN AM: This They Me t,:,& IS the most powerful 250 engine going . result of vears of PQWef' deYfllopment and are made flRht nelll door . KAWASAKI: The KX 250 Kawasaliti has the largest tritf'llltN port area 0 1 the new gS08la tlon of bikes and has 8 trem endous po len tial as IIw inruu . I di d not me ntion Yamaha . Harley Davidson. Buttaco Of Ossa because w e already know they Itte prove n Winn8f L Antr: of these 8 _ engi ~ are ready and wi lli ng to win 8 Nutl onal ChampIonship . Wn at I am trying to say is - let 's get 1 work . I for one am tired o f S&8i g 1 or 2 brands w in 0 n every tIme , aum 'l VOU? It I left out yOur brand. don 't d espair, there are 4 mcwe just as good as those no ted . FREE 19771;2 MX CATALOG Name brand items shlP.Ped anywhere. UPS-COD DG, SUN, THOR, FoxAirshox, Simons forks, Phase 2, Hi PoInt Mototek, Metzeler, JT Racino, Pro Tee,Terrycable, plus more. 2415 Brown Rd., St . Louis, Mo. 63114 Phone314/42lXi959 or ca ll Charle y Chapple 313/735-5453 TF Racing # 1055 Industrial Way 5 S arks Nv.89431 5

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