Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 05 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IINSIDE ~ t Ft. Hood Two-Day Qualifier - Cyclerama mini world revisited 6 Te am Army's mud dy maneuvers 10 Speedway The week that slid by 11 Desert Hotline To m Brooks books 14 New Produ cts T he ink's on us Keith Code RR School . . 16 Creating a hot dog editor 18 San Jose Preview The classic mile rolls around Up close 19 Val T a rnietti 20 22 24 Western Hotline Motocross Cat World Champion Part II of the autho rized Roger DeCoster story 32 Northern Dateline Drought relief Central Pipeline Results Calendar 35 WantAds 44 38 41 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Riding for Team Army. Bob Messer won the Fort Hood T wo-Day Reliability T rials on a 400 Maico. Messer set fast time on Saturday'and managed to avoid being washed downstream. Photo byJim Gianatsis. Charln C . Clayton . Preside nt • Bobi Scott. Asst. to the President Sharon Clayton . Publishe r Edna Mewton. Secn:tary to the Publisher Goodwin on Pomeroy I wish to co mmen t on th e J im Pom ero y int erview pub lished in Cycle N ews issue # 15. April 20 , 1977 . I am a lways happy to recei ve free business tips esp ecia lly when t hey come fro m solid experience or th e Wharton Busin ess School. Ji m Pomero y shou ld invest in our Anaheim 1977 race - m aybe he can make it go . 'A $280 .000 invest ment will re tu rn ~ of the net profit if it goes well . . . about SI2 .000 ; last yea r we lost SI 20 .000 . Gi ve me a call to pu t th e deal toge t her . J im . or . . . W e wou ld ho nestl y like you r input on track sa fety. However . th e track co nd it ion may be d ifficul t to ascertain sin ce you have made it clear you do not ride a mot orcycle unless you are paid for it. Perha ps you ha ve a lso overlooked th at we made over $5.000 worth of changes a t Atlanta per th e rider's input. MICHAEL GOO DW IN Laguna Bea ch . CA Advertising Another Goodwin fan Debb ie W ilkins. Sales Mgr. Jim Ryan. Sales Mgr. Chris Kel ber . AlI5isumt. Editorial Jo hn D. Ulric h. Editor. Dale Brown. Assistant s Editor. Dave H awkins . As. ista n t Editor. Graphics and Production Production: Bonnie Srru tin . Judy Klinger . T ypography : Marion H a tasbira . Caro lyn Branham . La bo ratory Produ ct io n: Den nis Cox . Circulation R beba Smith . Mana gt"r. Pam Green. Juan ita . Blanton and Dianr Fe lton . Assistants. Accounting Cayle ne Zaioru. Mana~r. Mike Klinger , AS:t. Mgr. Jean ne Hamm ond . Acets. Rece ivab le . Pame'" Dickerso n, ASS(. Aeeu. Recei va ble. Rhonda Van Deren. Collection Dept . Services and Support _ Steve Richardson. Patti Sa ir Reception ist . West %%01 Cherry Ave'. . Long Beac h. CA P.O . Box 498 . Long Beach. CA 90801 . ~U)427 .7''' ; L.A . Li n.6S6·88«. East P.O . 80x SO T ucker . GA 30084 . (404) 934 · ,. 78>0. Subscription One year. second class SI5> : % yean. JC"COnd class mail, S% , yean. seco nd da51 7; mail . S57 .5>0 . CLAn I 4tI' ..( ..I If" Co~yright Cycle News. Inc . 1977. T rade mark 4 regtstered U .S. Paten t Offi ce . All rights reserved . Publ ished weekly except th e fint and lut wee k of the ca lendar yea r by Cyck- Nt"WS , Inc.. P.O . Box 49 8. Long Brach . Californ ia.. Second chua post a~ paid at Long Brach . CA 90801. Editorial ItO riO. cartoo ns. photos. etc. are welcome. Addressed . stamped envelope USU J"C'Ireturn of unp urchaxd ed itorial m at ter . Rrp rinting in whole or part onl y by perm ission of the pub lishrn . Advenil ing ratn and circulatio n infonnation will be le nt upo n requt'St. Sr't'S.R.D.S . Your article about Pomer oy (Cycle N ews Issue # 15 . April 20) was grea t except his dialogu e on promotions. St art p aying rid ers pe rce nt ages a t 25 .000 peop le! Most stadium events don't start m a king money until 40 .000 a n d the Su p e r bo wl nee d s n earl y 60 .000! Certainly. Goodwin is flamboyant and tough . but th at is wha t it takes to make promotions wor k and his have L.A . Su perbowl , Atl a nt a Superbowl. and th e Am erica n Motocross Finals at Ana heim Stad ium . The secret h as been treading th e fine lin e between pure entertai n ment and sport and Good win has d on e it. . Good win has don e a nu m ber of b ehind -th e -scenes moves . for motorcycling that go unnoticed ; he is curr e ntly se tti ng u p a personally· funded spon sorship for a top pri vat ee r a nd he gave up his pac kaging fee to faci lita te th e Mr . Pibb Na tiona l 500cc Sponsorship (othe rw ise th ey co u ld n't a ffo rd it a nd everyo ne wou ld have lost ). BARR Y LAWRAN CE Ontario , CA Rules are . . . for protests After t he Red Ga rter N at ion a l Endu ro on March 20 . 1977 . Larry L an gl ey a nd others pro tes ted two checks , " F ' and " I." T he Dirt Diggers re -mcasured the pr otested chec ks a nd found them to be co rrect accord ing to District 37 ru les, Article X II I. Section 4 , It ems F and H , which state th at a Check will be e limi nated for ; I . Failure of timing device (p lus or m inus 10 seconds). or 2. Mileage error of plus or minus one-tent h m ile . The protest of th e two checks was disallowed ; the results were calcu lated and sent out. Larry Langl ey. J oh n Townse nd. T .W . Swets, and J erry Counts made a fo rm al prot est to t h e Distri ct 37 Compet ition Co m mittee on th e la ck of mil ea ge m arker s eve ry five m iles. The Committee upheld th e protest a nd th rew ou t th e Langley selec ted che cks " F ' and " I, " moving up Langley from 42nd to seventh posit ion . W hy sho u ld any checks be thro wn ou t for lack of m ileage ma rk ers? Why sho uld checks " F" a nd "I " be thrown ou t? CH AR LES R . LANZI AM A #333646 District #37 229H Endu ro San Jose, CA R ul es ar e rules, and th e rule s [o r Na tional Enduros req uire m ileage ma rke rs. Langley pro tested check I. not Check F. T hose who pr ot ested the check, which Langl ey bu rned by Jive seconds, did not includeJ erry Coun ts. The Dirt Diggers ignored t he National Rules, and the problem with igno ring th e rul es is that yo u leave yourself wide . op en to p rotests such as Langley 's. T he D·J7 Competition Com mitt ee upheld Lang ley 's protest by a vot e oj nin e-tozero . . . Ed . In regards to Cliff U rset h's lett er (Cycle N ews. ~ p ri l 20) . I don't th i']k enough was said . \ Ve found out to our amazement that the S I 5 entry fee do esn't even all ow th e rider in the d amn gate! H e ha s to pa y a n additional S5 per .d ay jus t to ge t in . So mu ch fo r nder a pp reci a tion . ;\1y' son's first moto (Friday night ) was com bined (witho ut notice) wit h a not her (sta gge red start) . wh ich wasn't too bad . but the next moto was a lso com bined (a lso with out notice ). a nd no t stagg er started . Wh en NMA o fficia ls were a ppro ac hed . th ey wer e a lways not th e 01l es in cha rge of that fa cet of the race meet. The "old Jashioned" rubber band start . (as report ed in Cycle N ews) did not re pla ce th e "zoot" start ing gate . It was th e "old. old" fash ioned flag start . On the cheerv side. I wou ld like to tha n k yo u ng Mr. N ic k Got t fro m Fo rks. W ash ington for br eak in g th e ice d u ring th e two-hou r + light delay Friday night with his "You got a fla t tire" April fool jo ke . Nea t! JERRY CASTRO San Ramon . CA s According t o R on Hendrickson oj th e Nationa l M inicycle Associat ion (N M A) , the problems with Cyclerama were due to R acing World (the park) Jailing to p rovide con tra ct ed -Ja r se rvices and fa cilities . OJ co u rse, Ra cing World reps ha ve th eir aMI story . . . Ed . Pomeroy on Goodwin I enjoyed you r April 20t h (Cycl N ews Issu e #1 5) a rticle o n J i Pomeroy; however , I reel co m pelled t com men t. . H a vin g wat ched m ot oc ross i ge nera l and supe rcross in particula clim b to national p rom inence sinc Mik e Good win go t involved in 1971. I feel- Pom eroy shows his tota l lack 0 un d erstand ing of motocross busines when he sa ys Goodwi n is " bad" for. th sport. W h en Goodwin 's sho ws p a y ) h la rgest prize money, d raw the larges cro wds. get th e best re views, a re vote as t he b est tra c ks by rid e rs Qul Motorcyclist}, have th e most satisfie spo nso rs, gene rate the most publitit for th e spo rt . and give us the m os television cove rage, how ca n he ( b " bad" for th e sport? t I kno w that Pom ero y is upset by th fact t hat he has not been a ble to coe rc Goodwin into payi ng h im a exo rbitant a p pe arance fee whe n non of the - other riders a re receiving it Pomero y was a lse one of the initiate of th e ill-fa ted Anahe im boycot (which at th e time had the highes motocross purse ever). Ce rtain ly, Goo dwin is tough ; he'I gri nd people to th e wall and do esn ' leave mon ey lying on t he table . bu

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