Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 05 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I WORLD CH MPIONSHIPMOlUCRO ,~ i CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA, JUNE 19th1977 . US E THIS HAND Y ORDER FOR M TO SAV E CASH BY ADVA NC E BOOKING (CE RTI FIE D CHEC K OR MO NEY ORDER.. PLE ASE). PI ,€,. le nd me pm :. 0 1 $ 9. 00 plu , aoo I1 h e k el , OIl t he sptIci.lI . d nc .. :.... .. Junior l ick .. u ilt 56 .00 ,ach . NAME ADDRE SS C ITY _•••.•..••.••.••. . MAl l TO : Tu ppe. Co . Pr od u ction, . 260 4 1 C"pe On ..... . Suil e 22 . l .guna Niquel, Cill.9267'.. Tel : (714) 831 ·3540. 48 PI. a, . send m • .•. ....•...ct u ll a1 1hl1 splI c:ia1 pt"ic:e o f $9. 00 plu s junior IlCk.t, ~I $6.00 .aCh. pt"ie. o t $9.00 plu ' .. ST AT E & Zi P USE THI S HAN DY ORDER FORM TO SAVE CASH BY ADVA NCE BOOKING (C ERTI FIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER . PLE ASE !. PI.ase le nd m USE T HIS HAND Y ORDER FOR M TO SAVE CASH BY ADVANC E BOO KING ICERTI FIE D CHECK OR MONE Y ORDER. PLE ASE !. AD DRE SS CITY•.••..••...•.•••:- til;.'" ,xju ll Il dt . u iI1 lh . specl;ll adva m:. jumor t lCk ' t ' . t $6. 00 . ac h. NAME . • USE TH IS HANDY ORDER FORM TO SAVE CASH BY ADVANC E BOOKING (C ERTI FIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER , PLEA SE ). .. STATE & ZiP .••.•.•...•••••. MAil TO: Tr ,ppe . Co .. Product tOn, . 26041 Cape Ori... . e Suit. 22 . l 'lJ.lna NIlJ.lel. Cal.92677. T,I : 1714) 831 ·3540. NAME pt"ic. of $9.00 plu s .. ADD RESS CITY PI..". se nd m . S TAT E " ZIP .•••_._ fltuI 1 t lCkel , a t the spac:..' oMfv anee juni or hc:••n a t $6.00 ' flC . h NAME ; ADDRESS .. . :•. CITY .•.•••._._ MAil TO : Trippe . Co.. Pr oductIO ns. 26 04 1 Cape Dri... . SUite 22. l

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