Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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; (Continuedfrom page 15) • IIIlI • ~ E 1:' 1:' 0') ....-I 1:' ~ ..... ... . I-. 0.. '< Jimmy Ellis takes Nashville 250cc National Carrera wearers Hannah, Pomeroy and Smith finish 3, 4, and 5 Jimmy Ellis had it all together at the second of the 250cc Motocross National Championship series at Hillside Park in Nashville with solid one-three finish~. The first moto was all Jimmy's right from the start. And Ellis led the second moto till a flat tire about 20 minutes into the race slowed him down to third at the flag. Goggles were essential to getting around the dusty track, and Jimmy's choice is Carrera. In fact, four out of the top five at Nashville wear Carreras! The winners wear Carreras - How 'boutyou7 Carrera International COrporation . P.O. Box 2. Norwood. New Jersey 07648 PUBLIC AUCTION 11:00 A.M. ~ ~ ~ ~ APRIL 30, 1911 CITY OF LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 16 5 11 7 8 1974 1972 1973 1975 MOTOGUZZ I'S MOTOGUZZI'S HARLEY DAVIDSON'S KAWAsAK I'S HARLEY'S (Servi -Car) lnspectlon: From 8:00 AM, On Sale Day 48 CITY GARAGE 2801 East Wi lIow Street Long Beach, Ca liforn ia 90806 A.C. 213 437-0693 advertise FREE 1977 IIX CATALOG Do you have trouble loc:atino name brand MX Items? Try TF. Number One Products - - TERRYCAB L E WORKSPerformance - THOR Enterpr is es FOXSHOX - saw - HOSS - MOTOTEK Mark Cha r les MARZOCCHI-CERIANI J T Rae inll Phase 2 C.T. Alloy HI ·PO INT SUN Cha in T lte Mikun i Pro -Tee Le et r on . Wlseeo BATES TF Raeinll BankA mericard COO-U P S . Masfer Charge TF RACING (209) 795-29 81 Box 2 15 Aver Ca.95224 George Walker at first Senior 250, 12 positions back. Roger Toubeaux staned to get company as third 250 Amateur Bob Zumwalt started making his move and settled in just six bikes back. Chuck Cartledge kept the same position but lost Charlie Hamill as Hamill and T im Edmonson stopped to help out Ed Zarp , who got off bad. Coming around Sage Mountain at Camp Rock the riders start gritting their teeth. expecting about five miles of stand up rollers . but the Rovers used only about 300 yards of this. then veered off to the right into some new stuff. This lasted all the wa y up to a small uphill that dropped down into a valley. Shooting across this section. Roger Toubeaux started dicing with Jim Brown. They crossed the valley floor a nd up a steep shooter-type hil l. Cresting the top. Toubeaux lost the battle - b rea king his bike's bars on ,the right side. also caving in the nam e on the side of the engine case. Ogilvie crested the volca nic mountain plateau . a plac e ou t of "O ne Million Years . B.C ." Having no encounters with d in osaurs. Ogil vie work ed his way d own the super cobby down hill , through the rollers into the wide fast sandwash. Soon second place Ro n Bebo worked safely down the hill and thinking he was home free gassed ' it down the wash for home . J u st about there ' the Webco signs poi nted back over the volcanic stuff. It was only a two mile jaunt and the racers followed Ogilvie's tracks for home. Second 250 , fourth overall was Craig Kinniman , and third 250 was Ray Alexander. First Heavy. second overall. Ron Bebo was followed by Chuck Pettigrew - who got lost five times. First "C" bike Expen was Jim Brown, followed by Bob Carpenter. James Vincent was third. Third Heavyweight. sixth overall was Alan Thomas. one happy dude. J ohn Prater got first Amateur again, with Bob Zumwalt second, and Dennis Rosenberg in for another third. T he Amateur Heavyweight honors went to Lo u Monterone , j r . , followed by Ernie Mn oin, and Monte Anderson. "C " bi ke Amateurs were R a ndy Pea rson , Ch uck Bolli nger. J r . and Gregg Pe rkins. Allen Johnson was first everything Senior, George Walker firs t Senior Expert 250 , Earl Roeseler second. Lee Elias was fir st Sen ior Expert Heavy, Vern Darl and second. Novice Gary Covington forgot to look over his shoulder about a half mile from the finish a nd Steve Nickolson and Art Grajeda shot by , leaving him third overall, second 250. Ken Mau took third. Second Heavy went to Vance Henderson , third to Dan Aaseth. "C" bike champ this week was Eric Dattola. Kevin Shehee and Neil Plummer were secon d and third. The second loop was long, and both loops had variety. The riders who stayed on course really liked it. The fast guys said the ribbon was sparse in some areas. It wasn 't as catastrophic as at the Desert Rats race. but there definitely was a pro blem . • No Hare andHound results,pending Sup rem e Coun ruling. Saturday's festivities Satu rday. besides bein g a fantastically beautiful day, was the occasion for the Rover's Kiddie R ace. Results GIRLS 1. J oan Hartwick, J udie Theel, Kristi Hogan , : Cheri Jones. J une, Marti Downs, Barbara Ounalp, Susa n Hentsch el. SIDE HACKS: KarenBuss & Marilyn Staff a!. 7O-8Occ: Kenny Henry, Art Zumwalt. Brian Strachan, Terry Bradbury, Glenn Armstrong, Bob Metzger , Eric Sedor, Ronald Ooig, Norman Gerwein, Bruce Campbell. David Thomas , Steve Gortz, Greg Hammer . SIDE HACKS: Lisa Chrfstensen & Jim Mcgraw. Jay Crouch & Jell Payne (3 yr s.) 5O-74ce BEG: Ctl Opsahl. Dan Zumwalt, Kren Kiunke, lenny Guyett , Robert Martin, Jeff Ellett, Ronnie Gutierree, Raymond Hodge , Rhonda Blanchart,