Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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T he La s Vegas Review -Jou rn a l printed a very favora ble review of the local Natio nal Youth Program Using Minibikes (NY PUM) a nd its desertr iding a ct i vi t ies . T he prog ram. operated by the YMCA with support from major manufacturers. is designed to divert hard-to-reach boys and girls (ages 11-15) from the juvenile justice system. In a -time when good press for off-road riding is hard to come by in the general media, the full page story and photos in the April 10 Review-J ou rn a l was a welcome sight. ..... .... The exact location of Pat Evans ' final resting place is Greenwood Memorial Park in San Diego. Calif _ right next to the gravesite of Cal Rayborn. 1-0 0.. < How come nobody at the Florida Winter-AMA Series noticed that Broc Glover's YZ125 sported one of the new 23" Yokohama t ire/DID rim combinations7 Husqvarna's Dick " King Richard" Burleson continued his winning ways in the second round of the 1977 U .S. Reliability Trial National Championship Series, riding to the overall best score at the April 16-17 Two Days in Alabama event. Burleson's cumulative 1897 point total after two ,days of riding trail. two terrain tests, two grasstrack tests and an acceleration test bettered Jack Penton's second best 1935 point showing which took first place in the competitive 250cc A class, Other Two Days in Alabama class winners included Bultaco's M ike Hannon in the 350cc A category, Tom Penton in the 125cc A and Rod Bush in the 175cc A competition. Both Tom and Rod rode Pentons. Texan Steve W ise, fourt h overa ll in the Hangtown 125 Nationa l motocross , rides for Moto-X Fox and CH Industries , not FMF as reported incorrectly last week . Roger DeCoster won the opening 500 cc Wo rld Championship Motocross Grand Prix round he ld in Austria, winning the first moto and placing third in the second m ot o. DeCoster 's Suzu k i t eam m ate Gerr it ,W o l si nk w as second overall w ith 7-1, and Engl and 's Graham Noyce (M ail th ird w ith 6-2. In Italy , Akira Watanabe (Su z) won the 125cc Grand Prix . beating Jiri Churavy (CZ) and Gaston Ra hier (Suz). Watanabe went 2 ·1 ; Churavy 52; Rahier 1-8 . Larry Roeseler and Bob Rutten won the inaugural running of t he Las Vegas 400 off-road race . Armed w ith a big -bore Husky, they finished with a five-minute lead over Jack Johnson and Scot Harden (Hus). Third went to the team of A.C . Bakken and Brent Wallingsford (Hus). Fourth overall and fi rst 250 were Mike Maze and Preston Gerber (KT M I. Steve W isemann and J im Beardsley ISuz) topped the 125 class. while Rolf Tibblin and Howard Utsey IHusl w o n t he Old T imers c lass . Complete story next week . In th e 250 World Championship motocross GP held in Switzerland April 17, Gu enned y Mossiev (KTM) won. while Ossa's Marty Moates nabbed sixth overall . H a ns Maisch (Mai) took second, Harry Everts (Bu l) third . J.P. Mingels fo urth and Jean -Claude Bruno, was fifth. Moates posted 10th fastest qualifying time . Jim We inert's fall at the Hangtown National motocross resulted in a d islocated shou lder for the Jammer. HosPITal STO P : Yamaha's Fred Bellman. leading the 175cc A class at the end of day one in the Alabama Two Day event. fell in the second day terrain special test suffering a serious u pper leg fracture. Ca rds may be sent to 3101 Madeline St., Oakland . Ca l. 94602. HosPITal Stop: Less than one-half mile down the trail f rom Bellman's crash site, Rokon ISDT veteran Gary Edmond also lost control and paid the price with a broken foot. Get well w ishes may be sent to him at RFD 2, Rt. 169, Canterbury, Conn. 06331. With the new overall scoring system for AMA National Motocrosses , overall finishes are determined by the total national points earned in two motos, as per the following schedule: Ist -25; 2nd -22 ; 3rd -20; 4th -18; 5th -16; 6th -15 ; 7th -14; 8th -13; 9th -12; 10th -11 ; 11th -l0; 12th -9; 13th -8; 14th -7; 15th -6; 16th -5; 17th -4: 18th -3 ; 19th -2 : 20 -1. Anybody interested in 1.900 acres of San Diego County, Calif. land already approved and zoned for motorcycle park use should contact Gary Bisel. The land is private, the owners are int erest ed in opening a bike area, but aren 't sure how to go about it. The number is (714)675-8454. T he 1976 Supe rbowl of Motocross will be televised on CBS Wide World of Sports on April 23. Check your loca l list ings for t he ai r time in your area . People are constantly calling up Papa and filling his ear with "hot tips" they would lik e to see printed in this column. Verbal messages are sometimes misunderstood or forgotten. If you 've got a ho t it em for Papa. you should try to write it down and ma il it in. The American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM) annual six -hour road race will be held at Onta rio Mo tor Speedway on Apri l 23 (practice and sprint races) a nd Ap ril 24 (six-hou r), Already entered is the ,team of Keit h Code , Coo k Neilso n and R eg P ridm ore on Code 's R a cecr afterssponsored Superbike P rodu c t io n KZI000 . W es Cooley, Jr. a nd tony Mu r p hy will team up on the Yosh im u ra R&D of American ZI . and David Emde (partner u nk no wn) will pilot the Mack Cycle Center ZI . When the 'Californ ia Racing Club (CRCI held the Adelanto Grand Prix on Thanksgiving Weekend. 1976, the City of Adelanto asked that the State of California allow traffic to be detoured off a section of Highway 395 planned as part of the city streets/desert course. The state turned the city down. But according to an article in the Victorville Daily Press. the California Highway Patrol recently closed off a section of Highway 18 for most of a day to aid the shooting of a movie. The Daily Press suggests that the next time a city in the area wants to get state cooperation for a lo cal event, perhaps the city should hire a movie location person. Call t he President a t 202 / 456 -141 4 if , you value your ORV rights . Representing Hercules/Sachs in the West are Danny Turner. Joe Pyle. Greg Martz and Michael McGowan, all new talent. The best riders f rom among these eight will be participating in the Czechoslovakian ISDT next fall. The American Motorcyclist Association , as in past years, has established an International Six Days Trial support fund . The money collected goes toward rider entry fees . insurance and su bsidizing the cost of team uniforms and riding equipment. In 1976, $6500 was raised through the sale of ISDT patches and stickers. Again in both stickers and patches are available. stickers for $1 and patches for $3 donations. Send those bucks to ISDT Support Fund. clo American Motorcyclist Association. P.O. Box 141. Westerville. Oh. 43081. ·n. Al Eames. AM A coord inator of ISDTrelated programs, commented, "The Six Da ys in Czechoslo vak ia ' should be one of the most interesting challenges our riders have ever faced. Czechs are among' the elite of ISDT competitors and the tri al should be difficult bu t I expect our team to perform well . as it has in the past;' . . ..- National Enduro Standings: 1. Dick Burleson (Hus) 76; 2. Skip Olson (CA) 52; 3. Billy Geier (Pen) 40; 4. Bob Popiel (Hus) 37; 5. Jack Penton (Pen) 26; 6. Jim Fogle (Penl 25; 7. Ben Bower (Bull 21; 7. Tom Spurlock (Hus) 21; 9. Mike Adams (Hon) 20; 9. M ike Hannon (Bull 20; -9. Jay.T.ullis (HonI2O; 9. Ted Worrell (SuzI2O. G reg Sassama n of Macon, Geo rgi a. the Harley-Davidson supported rider who was given a one-year suspension earlier this year for riding without a proper AMA license. has been allowed to withdraw his appeal of that suspension following further study of his case. After that review, it was determined that the suspension would be shortened to four months (Jan. 28-May.27). plus a $100 fine. Any points earned by Sassaman while riding under appeal will be with· drawn and he will also be required to return purse monies won since January 28. The returned purse monies will be paid to riders who competed in events at which Sassaman earned the money. The reduction of Sassaman 's pe na lty is the res u lt of several factors . Evidence was presented proving th at Sassaman had properly taken his required • p hysical examina tion but that his p hysician's office fa iled to immediately forward it to the AMA . Likewise. it appears that the rider's license application was completed in advance of the Camel Pro Series openers at the Houston Astrodome January 28-29. However. there is no doubt that the application was not placed in the U.S. mail or delivered to the AMA prior to Sassaman's signing a " V erification of Application" statement in order to ride at the Astrodome. Suzuk i has intro duced a new "OS" series of off-road bikes. Avail a ble in 80, 100 and 185cc models. the bikes appear to be a reasonably-priced compromise between th eir "d ua l: p urpose" m achines and th e all-out PE m od el. T he suggested1ist for the three are $495. $555 and $825 for the OS80C, DS-I O OC and DS-185C , respectively. All three OS model Suzukis feature knobby tires, compact lighting components, CCI lubrication. fivespeed transm ission and primary k ick starting. We've seen only photos, but they look like potentially good enduro machines. Sachs Motors USA has announced their eight-man Two-Day effort for 1977. Rid ing for the Hercules/ Sachs Sport Team in the East are Jim Holland er , a 1976 U.S. World Trophy Team rider formerly on Ro kon; Drew Sm ith . a Hercules USA teamster last year at Six Days; Mike Rosso , another Hercules USA Six Days in Austria vet. and another new ma n J eff Gerbe r . formerly a Pen ton ri der, wit h two ISDT s to his credit. All four won ISDT Gold Medals in Austria . World Formula 750 standings: 1. Steve Baker (Yam) 27; 1. Ken Roberts (Yam) 27; 3. Takazumi Katayama (Yam I 15; 4. Christian Sarron (Yam) 12; 5. Giacomo Agostini (Yam) 10; 6. Gregg Hansford (Kaw) 8; 6. Boet van Dulmen (Yam) 8; 8. Gene Romero (Yam) 6; 9. Warren Willing (Yam) 5; 10. Philippe Coulon (YamI4. • #>. -" .. .