Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 04 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INSIDE Long Beach GP . . ' 6 Aksland's city streets 8 Pontiac Supercross Hanna h wins agai n . gives away bik e 10 Great Bear GP Brooks and Fishback win 12 14 Desert Hotline Venezuela F750 .... ...... I-< 0.. < Shee ne shines Politics . •... . ..... . . .. . 15 Caner updates NMA World Mini GP... . 16 R.O .C. to jcffWard 18 28 Western Hotline Northern Dateline Central Pipeline .. : 34 Amateurs in t he Astrodome 38 41 44 48 Results Calendar Want Ads Cat The tai l end . as usual ON THE FRO N T PAGE: Bob Han na h . skyborne und e rne a th the Silverdome bonnet. Photo b y Charles ~orey. What about IWMA and Kasey? Uncertainty gap What has happe .wd · to In te rn a t io n al Wome-n 's Mororcvc !e Asso c . ( IWMA) ? Are they goini to haw a Women's Nat iona l this war? I se nt my c hec k to pa y m y dues for this year , bUI it ca rn e ba ck sta m pe-d " box , closed ." I ru-ed any info as soon as possib le. RONNATYl.ER Bip; Sp rings . TX I tim wri [ in~ ( 0 fi nd out any information on some shocks vou h ad advcrt isc d some mon ths or yt:ars agu. T hese shocks had sornct h ing- like six and a ha lf inches of t ra ve l and came in leng-ths between Hand 16 inc hes 1 think. I wou ld like to know if t hese 'shocks arc sri ll made and if so the address of t he compa ny or persons whom I cou ld get th e m from . IWM A, and [ounder Ka.. "y R ogC'r". are bot li al ive and kickillg at th c sa lllf' address: P. O. Box 7804 , Vall Nuvs, G.-I 9 /40 9. Ka sr» 1,'1 th e box r;'111 la!,.." , 1",1 it 's Ot" :11 agaill . M... Rogers is also uiork ing. Oil all ;1ugust 27 -28 W OIII I'II 'S Nat ion al at a t' rgill (110 !JUII int cn d c d ) t ra c k ..o m e u rh e re ill So uthern Califo rnia , Sh e say s t h err will br 110 I WM /I du es at th is tim e, 1",1 walll.. all in terested lad» racers 10 .,Iay ill lau ch . . . Ed . ' Invaders M.C. for Wagner Ticket to San Jose Plea se send t he promoter's name and address Io r t he San J ose National s. I wa ',l1 to p;et tickers we ll in advance . DON M UC IlOWSK I Me sa , AZ It '.' Bob Barkhcim er & A ssociat es, /4 . Camp Eve{., LIlIIC , Scotts Valley , CA 95066 . Bett er hurry - mallY peopl» u-ant aduancr tickets : . . Ed. What an ORV park is like Anybod y inn-rest ..d in k no win g wha t an ORV .park wou ld he like in t h e Los Angd,'s area need o n ly p;o to _Texas Canyon (near N ..wh a ll) on a ny w.... kend , If yo u do, he pr"par..d 10 . tak e yo ur lif,' in to your own hands. ChariM C . C layton , Prnidem Bobi Scott. AS.'ll , to the Prnident Shamn C layto n . Publi..her Edna Mewton . S~~u.ry to th e Publisher Advertising Dt.-bbito Wi lkins. Sales Mgr . Jim Rya n. SOlin MgT. Chris K ol b~t , Assista nt . Editorial J oh n D. Ulrich, Editor. Edi tor . Da l~ Brown , Assistant Graphics and Production Production : Bonni~ StrUlin . Judy K lin~r . Typography: Marion lIaush ita . C a ro lyn Branham . Lab ora tory Producti on : Dt"nnis Cox . Circulation Rheba Smith , ManaK~r , Pam J uan ita Blanton. Assiu a nt s. Grl'"t'n and Accounting Gay lrnr Zaionz , Man ager . Mik~ KlinKrr . As.o;t. Mgr . J('a nne Hammond. Acct! . Rcc("i\abl e. ' Pamela Dick~rson . Asst. Accts. Rt'ct'i\·abl ~ . Cathy StOOKel. Crr'dil Dep t. Rhonda Van Dore n . Coll ection lkpt . Services and Support SIt:'V R ich Ol rd'tO . Rn'nda Tuumt·" . ... n Rt'(" pl io n i'l.I. r West 220 1 C hrrry A'Vr'.. Long Bra ch, CA P.O . Box 498 . Lo ng B~a ch , CA 9080 1. ~ 1~)427 ·7H~: L.A. Lin.6~6 ·88H . East P.O . Box 80S. Tuck... GA 78S0 . ~0084 . (404) 9~4 · Subscription On~ year , 5ttond class mail S15: 2 y~a n . second class ma il. 127 ; 3 y~arS . K'cond cla ss ma il. S37.50. . Copyright Cycl~ N~ws . In c. 1977. Trad~ m ark regi sterL'd. U.S. Pal en t Office. All rights rnerved.. Pub l ish~ wttkly r'Jll:cept t h~ fint a nd . last wttk of the calendar ynr by Cycle Ne ws, Inc., P.O . Box 498. Lo ng Su ch . Ca lifornia . Secon d daIS poItagr paid at Long Beach . CA 90801. Edit ori a l lt ori n , can oons , ph otOl. nco a~ ~Icome . AddretlC'd. stamped; envelopr UlUfft 4 rrcum of unpurchued rdltorial m aUtt. Reprinting in whole or pa rt onl y by penni"ion of t he publilhen. Ad ver tiains rates and ci rculation informa tion will be le nt upon "'IuCO(. s.. S.R .D.S. s(:r vc 10 further a lienate the commun it y a g-a insl o ur c a use. If yo u want to go bi ki ng- c1os.. 10 Los Anp;d,'s yo u st ill haw Ind ia n Dun..s. Saddleba ck . and oth..r pl aces. Why tax the co m m u n ity for sonH· t hi ng- that will by present ..xpc rienc« h.. a t o ta l bust ? l.A URENCE D . READER North I!o llywood , CA Dune buggies and jeeps . screaming up hills as bikers come over the top "blind" in the opposite direction. Small kids on bikes that are too big for them and others who are totally inexperienced doing wheelies through the so-called pit areas and endangering the lives of everybody. These same ind ividuals also blast around the hills and canyons on bikes that are no more than uncontrolled missiles. Debris and broken glass all around" A large num her of people who usc this area a n' una bl e to .. it her control Ih"mselV<"s or Ihei r c hi ldre n and wou ld spo i l any open ORV park for everybody a s Ihey ha\'e done with Texas Canyon . Our whole fami ly, in cluding m yself, m\, wife and IWO ho\,s are a\' id dirt bik" rs, bUI in Ihis nogin! we have to be "'alistic and a~ree wilh th " oppositio n to a Los A ngeles OR V faci lit y. A publ ic facilit y, a,Texas Canyon now is, would nol s"rve the s"rious O RV people. Fu rt hermor.o, it would res u lt in many accidents which would only Th.. In vad ers ':\1.(; .' is sponsoring- a n-adjusmu-ut fund fo r Su-v .. Wagner of th .. Bu zzards I\1 .C . Steve- hro ke his ba ck Novcm lx-r 2 1. 1976 at t h.. D..sert ' K nip;lu s' rac.. and has he ..n in the hospital ('VCT since . . L" I's he realistic. H is lif,' is no w t h at or a parapl ..p;ic confin .. d to a w h....lchair. para lyr..d from t h.. wai st down is lik .. half of vour hodv being dea d : but you st ill ha"\'(' to clra.~ it a ro u nd and t ak« ca n' of it. St will soon b.. discharged [rom th .. hosp ita l. Thev have done a ll t hcv can for him . vJ.. h a vc "o nlact,:d a ll AMA Dist r ict -S? hoa rd members and clubs . plus as man y individua ls and co m p a n ies as wr- cou ld a s k i n g- fo r donations (t a x d ..duc t ib lc) 10 h..lp in pa rt Ih.. cost of hospit a l and d oct o r hi lls . d\' I)('ndah l.. t ra n spo rt a t io n wi l h h and controls . "'1ulppin/{ his hom .. with a ramp a nd wider doorways , a nd whal ..\,er <'Ise he ne ..ds 10 adapt hack to a norma l Ii fl' . Th .. I nva d i' rs arr speaki ng from ('xpcric.·'lrl" . as we h a\'e.' a rncnlhcr in our c1uh .who ha d Ihe sam .. accid,·nt J une 2 . 1974. II .. st ill COlnt'S out 10 t h.. d"serl and h a s a friend ra c .. hi s J110lorcyde ('veil t hough lw can ' t ride . hims.. If'. W .. think m ;,s t of you know Mi chad Le ckidl. P lt'as(' , co n lr i h u te to the Steve Wag ru'f rcadjusunc.·nt fun d. We 0\\'(' it to o u rselves th.. peopi<' (I I' rnotorcydi ng- . If yo u c a n sl a nd up a nd walk p l..a s.. hdp a p;uy whu ca n·t . Send contrihut ihns to : SIn,' Wag-ncr Rea d jnslll H'n t Fun d c/ 0 1\1 ichael kieh ~:, !:, A liin/{Ion St. l. o ng- Be a ch . C a lif. 90!W" ( 2 1~ ) :,~ 1 · 26 · 1 7 IN VA D ERS ,\ 1.e. B,·ach . C A So III elill/('.' !I('O!/fr, jilTl{,,1 thai M il ch ,Way"s . u'hifr' Ih i' 1/1051 j ell/lIlus, ,:, 1/01 th e ol/IV de s"rl rac"r wh o hll.' JUff,.,e" para ly.;is a(l"r a ; (/Cilll{ aceicl"l1l . Ed . RI CK TRO YER £ 1Cajon , Cr\ AFM to Peter Frank and WERA W" reccntly received a copy of.yo ur January ~ . !977 p ro m o t io n a l packet a nd co\'ering let ter sip;ned by J ud it h H o rn of t he WERA Advertising and Promotional De p a rt m e nt. From Ms . H o rn 's le t te r we infe-r t ha t t he packet was simi larly addressed to numerous ot her prospective sponsors / advert isers of your Association. Your " te n ta ti ve" race schedu le of d a res and locat ions of your Region 3 are i~ d irr-ct co n flict with t he prev io usly estab lished fans or t he 1977 AFM Schedu le . On" of t h e altorne)'s in our org-aniza tion , after examining your " te n ta t ive" schedules . poin ted out that u nf'a i r co m p e t il io n is defined by C a lifornia Ci vil Code Sen ion 3 ~69 .3 to incl ude u n fai r . deceptive , untrue or misleading ·a d ve rt isi n g . and t hat Ca lifornia Business a nd Professio ns Code Section 17500 provides t hat suc h conduct is unl a wfu l. W e want yo u to he 100% clear t ha t t here is no factua l ba sis whatsoever fo r yo u r Associa t ion to represent . for examp le, tha t you have an y co nnection with t h" Mav 15th Sears Point AFM nice , or a n ~ olhn AFM race, ..vent or acti \'ity . You should be dear that the re exist 110 agreemen!s , co'ntracts , m ee t i ng's of Ihe m inds , Ic lt e rs or intent , d"a ls, arrangements, or relationshi ps wha tsoner - fina l, 'prelimi nary or le nt a t ive - belw..en the t wo orga n iza t ions , thaI t h" AFM has no currcn t in te ntion of en teringinto any rela tions hip i,r agreement wil h you r Association, and th a t the AF M stre nuo usly objects to any re p r..senta lion to Ih" contrary , which r"p n 'sentations h a \'e or w ill cause damag-e to the AFM. H A RR Y BRESACII C hairman , AFM , Inc. Board or D irectors B u'"na Pa r k, CA B,e..a ch J leller to Dr. Pt'ler Fra"k a"d Ihe We ..tern ll-:aJl eT1/ Roadrao'r's A Jsocialioll (WERA) I:' ill reJ!'o"s,' to WERA 'J misr e!''''Je'' la li"" oj Am erica" Federal io" of MOlor cycliJ IJ (A FM) road ra ceJ i" Ca/ijoT1/ia a J I)"i,,!!, WE RA -Ja n el io" " d. In fac I, Br e.lach and 8 ill Ralslo", fiJI ",I ill WERA pre..s and promolional lit",alure a J Ild n!!, WERA "R e!!,io/l"I Execulives, " have nolhin!!, 10 do 'wil h Frank or WERA . . . Ed.

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