Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 04 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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INSIDE Dallas Supercross It apparently did not affect th e accident ra te , The accident rate of yellow and orange cars is co nsiste nt ly higher than that for blue and green cars. Visibility tests show yellow a nd o ra nge vehicles to be far m ore ea sy to d etect than th e blue a nd g reen ones. One o f o u r m ajor g oa ls is to provide accu ra te. unbiased information to th e riders o n safety a nd riding pract ices. If t he re a re a n y inaccura cies . we wa nt t h em co rrec t ed. W e want th em co r rected o n th e basis of good solid da t a . n ot hoopl a o r unfounded sta tem e n ts. JIM LEONARD Safet y Division C itize n's Co u nci l o n Motorcycles . In c. Plea sant Hill . CA 6 " My roofs got a hole in it an ' I might drow n . .." Hannah's YZ 8 How stoc k is stock : .. 12 Germa n trial. Schreiber gets a second against World 's best 14 AscotTT Eklund on the gas. Roberts out of gas 16 Speedway T est Match final ralls to U.S. Shamrocks Two Day . . . 18 Brooks is Bullish in thc Dez 20 Cat OCC was here . 22 West Daddy . why is the air bro wn? 32 North Sears, sho rt track , and real traction 36 Central. April Fuel·ish 39 So close to the truth th at it's scary Results . . . .. . . . • . .. .. . . 45 Calendar 49 ON T HE FRONT PAGE: Carter gets ready to smash bikes. Art by T .J. Barela. b C harles C. Clayton, Presidm t Sobi Seen, Asst. to tbe President Sha ron Clayecn, Publ isher Edna Mewlon . Secre ta ry to the' Pu blisher Closure patrol Well . here we go aga in! T he Yolo County Board of Supervisors ha s re ceived a pe tit ion with 15 sig na tu res , requesting that Helvetia Park be sh u t down . Is th ere such a thing as a n area for m otorcyclists rema ining " sa fe" fr om encroachment? T his is inc redi ble . As more and m ore people tu rn on to t he spo rt. th e re a re fewer a nd fewer places for them to ride! A~ p resident o f th e Narional Mot o rcycle Patrol . ~ find this especia lly depressing because . if riders ca n't race a t " org a n ized" tracks (wit h supervision a nd qualified firs t aid hel p). th ey a rc naturall y going to attem p t to race in tra il-ri ding a re as (w h ile a ny a re left . tha t is). a nd of co urse increase the ir ow n d anger. Our orga nization wo u ld be interes ted in a co py of Dr . H urt's re po rt. (MS.) T EDD! SUrrON Pr esident . Nat ional Mot orcycle P~ trol For a copy of th e p relim ina ry H urt R ep ort, and to be placed on th e mailing list for th e final rep ort . contact th e University of South ern California Institut e of Saf ety and Syst ems Managem ent at (2 / J) 746' 6526 . . . Ed. Advertising Robe rt L. No r veue. Na tional Advenising SOlin Mana ger Debbi e Wilkins. Western Region a l Adver ti5ing SOl in Manager Chris Kolber. Advert ising Assiseam Editorial Ju h n n. Utric b . Edit o r. t .a ne C a mp be-ll, Etliwr. n ail' Brown . A..... iwam E rur, di Graphics and Production Headlights on Produ ction : Bon nie Srrurin . J udy Klingt'r . T ypography : Ma r lon H at ashir a . Carolyn Branham. La boratory Production : Denn is Cox . In you r comment ary on m y lett e r of February 15 ( p u blished C N March 16. 1977 ) you sa id . " It has been proven (N HT SA M o t o r c ycl e Sa fet y Co nfe re nce , San Fra ncisco . Jul y. 197 3) th at headl ig ht s inc rease co ns pic u iry, and co nspicuity d ecreases acc iden ts.' To say " co n sp ic u it y decreases accidents " is like sa ying people a re bigge r than roc ks. T he re a re tim es whe n th e sta tement is correct a nd others when it is wrong. Peo ple who fai l to dim a t night or drive on t he wro ng side of the road " inc rease co nspicu ity" b u t it is q ues tiona ble tha t these ta ct ics d ecrea se accidents . Wh at 'yo u ca lled a N HTS A m ust h a ve bee n co n fe r e nce rhr- Second In te rn a tio nal Congress Circulation Rh e b.. Sm ith . gr r . Pam JUO. 4 Copy right Cyclr News. Inc . 1977. T ma rk regis te red U.S . Pat ent Offic e . All righu reserved . Published wf"'t'k ly f" ll.ct'pt the fint a nd I

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