Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 03 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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R.A.C .E. M OTOCRO SS C",ona Rcwv.. Hwy. 91 & Buchannan . Corona, CA. M ini thr u Ope n. 100% p.b . to Ex. 71 41~ 1913, 7351705. 100 MILE DESERT RACE ROCKY POIN T 6.5 Mi ll S MEXICO S. OF THE BORDEA Pre Entry ADRA S 13 Non-Members $1 6 Post En tr y AORA $20 Non- Mem ber $25 SAM . HIGH SCHOOL M X Saddleback Park, Orange , CA . Indi vidua l and team competition. qualifying for varsity and JV letters. Parent approval form must be on file Of can be obta ined day of event . 7 141559-0199. Includes : T-Shlr' s••r•., Pin In, ur.nce, Decal Finisher Pin puerto Penasco , '" Apri l 2-3 RAN D MOUNTA IN CLEAN UP Spon sored bv the Bureau of l and Ma na q e m e nt 'Vo nte er lu clean-up of Rand M ountain area near Californ ia City CA. Co spo nsored by M 0 R ,E.• CO RV A 714 '3 75 9 726 BOil 219, Rldgecresl . CA 9355 5 Orand Prix OCM C G REAT BEA R GP W estern United Stat es Championship , RIv erside Bcwv., Riv er sid e . CA . All races 100 mi. 0 -37. D·38 pts . Entries close Mar. 7, $16 mail, $30 post . Races: Sat. 9 am , 100-175 classified . Women 's 0 1\, Mail entry & 3 SASE to 2805 San J uan In ., Costa M esa, CA 92626. Sa' . 1 pm , all Sptsmn . 368 S. Center. Orang e. CA 92666 . Sun , 9 am , 25O·0 pen Beg/Nov . 1021 A cece. Orange, CA 92668. Su n. 1 pm . 250 Open J rlEx, 924 Tularosa. Orange , CA 92666. 7 14!636 ·0CMC or 636 · 6262 . 10:00 A.M. MAY l st CHECK ONE CUSS ONLY EXPERT AltATEUR-NOVle! - - BlCI ~ O LDIE .35 -39 OtD lE OVER ~ l OO TRA.ll BIKE WOMENS DIV . - = : : - All en tr l.. must be accompanied by two seU .ckIretNd stemped l e gal si ze en vel opes. PLATE 110 .,--::: ,...-_ _ NAIO[ = , ...IoIIZ ... [lEU'" ON .... C ttooG ASSOCI A 'ION I Q 1.••1 G....... ""_.......,.,... r.aooe ~ Ioo' .. '... '" ., _ 'toO<'l 1"> ·l 900 ' STREET _ to".d to ti e ••• ClT y , S TA TE , AGE, ZI P - SPONSOR . ~E NG PERSON TO NOTIr y ·YOUR INSURA ~ PHOI'lE SIZE _ HA"E, _ ,PHOI'lE. CO., BLOIJO TyPE. _ WAIVER 1 DO HUDT tnTin THA I POSSlSS T or 48057. ---,===::-:>:, -_ ,POLlCy 00 . - 'AORA ME"!lER •• AMA SUPERCROSS Por mac Stlverdcme. Pontiac, M I. Sat, race at 8 pm . Sun . race at 2 pm. Tickets $6 advanc e, $7 day of event , Sunday Kids 12 and under $1 . Ma il o rd er : Pontiac Stlverdom e. 1200 Feather ston e, Pont iac . M I [XPlRES April 3 _ LlABI lIl v ~ OWN 8PM AND PHYSI CAL ENDURAHC£ FOR AN EVEin' OF THI S nn. IT IS AUO UNDERSTOOD ANl ACnED THAT. P10T0RCYCU: RA CINe I S A DANGEROU ACTIVITY SO I S HOLD AT 110 PAULT na: SPONSORS OF THIS EVENTI na: IR AG l.NTS OR THE U ND OWNERS OR KANACERS Of TH! LA.ND coYERID IT THE EVEWI' FOR wtfATEVU PROPERTY DA!iACE OR IKJURY ntAT I MAY CA USE. OR INCUR . I H!lUY cotCSENT TO MEDI CAL 4 [0 AND TRANSPORTATION IN CASE OF IIUURY WITH COST OF SUC AID OR H TUNSPOItTATION TO BE BORNE FUllY IT HE. UNDER THE RULES AND SANCTI ONS OF ntE ARI ZO NA DE.SERT RACINe ASSOC •• I HDlEBY ACRU TO CONFORH AND COMPLY W ITH THE kULlS COVERNING THIS cotnT.ST . S I ClCATURE or (I HAYE ENTRANT IlLU) 6. 4C~~:"'TO;-;A1.L ""'E-A1>OV ) - -- ; :;;-..,Tl! ==E' IF THE ElfTIWlT IS tnmER THE ACE OF t 8 PAR ENT OR CUARDIAN M UST S I CN KERE ACKNOWL EDC l ~ HI S .oR ttER CONUNT TO THE TERMS OF EtrrRY D.\TE NOT ARY SEAL ' AMC M OTOCROSS Carlsbad Bcwv., Carl sbad , CA. Gate open 7 am , prac. 8-9. rat e 9:30. No mail entry . $7/$12 post , $2 extra non -memb . $3000 meet. ins. 100% Pro p.b .• 30 % brass 714 158T·2778 _ _ HlllCLlMB Hollister Hills. Holli ster.. CA . Classes to 750cc , $S ent ry . Very accurate cloc ks. 268 5815. The latest on two wheels- Cycle News AME LMh. A .M .!: ~ 1st & 3rd Sundays Sprocke ts Park. Bakersfield Potit e ntry o nly $8 Sportsmen ' 12 Pro s 2nd & 4th Sunday s In dian Dunes Sporume n $8 mail - $10 po st Pro s $12 mail - $15 po st Every Fr ida y Night In dian Dunes Post entry onty 16 Sportsmen '10 Pros -------- -A M E t1 for the yea r 125 Pro - 2SO Pro - 500 Pro receives a $500 cash prize & t o p po ints Pro r ec eives an additional $500 ca sh prize AM E PO Bo . 1421, Reseda, CA 91335 213-881 ·5778 $4,000 medical ins uranc e AMA . "a.-d r~\., District 37 .a~..r. We've gOI il alii e: ~" A_ G,G G , '" info: 714-646-5186 ""'", "'-t S' or write : 899 Darrell, "0 Co sta Me sa. CA 92626 . District Hotline 714-631-3700 Up to da te ra ce info rmat io n Every Saturday Motocross Corona Racewa y 50 50% Prizes to Sportsm en 100% payback to Pros info : 714-735- 1705 .. ~---~ 1S$5,OOO~ EI D URA- LU~~ PRO 0~ R1 ~ 0 1 I I I I .';0 $2.000 - M ar ch 6 Sp rockets Park $1.000 - M arch 13 Sp illway Par k Do uble A M E Points $2.000 - March _ 27 . Indian Dunes Race Schedule M ar . 27 · De Anza Apr. 3 . In di an Dune s Apr. 10 · Escape Country A pr . 17 - In dian Dunes I I I .. ~ 213-830-7519 I~ ~ I Calenda r of Events 213-881 ·5778 Frid ay . M a r. 25-Mini Tr ack Su nda y. M ar. 27·ln t'1. Track -Spring Gr and Pri x Frid ay . Apr. 1 -M in i Track Friday. A pr _8 -M ini Trac k CMC $1000 MOTOCROSS Saddl eback Park. Oranqe, Ca open 7 am. prac.' 8, race 9:30. sign up closes 9. racing start s 9:30. 1st race on new track. Jr /lnt . entr y $7 mail, $10 post. Pro entry $ 12f$ 15. Mail entry to CMC. P.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa , CA 92626. 714 1557·3323 . ATA OBSERVED T RIALS Racing World. Trabuco Cyn., CA. SCTA Cyclerama 77 trials. Ex Am . Nov . Beg. Sr. Women . and Kids dasses. Entr y $3, W omen and Kids $1. 21313257422. AMA MO TOCROSS Sacramento Rcwy .. off Jackson Hwy.• south of Math er AFB . A ll classes, entry $5. S.v.S. Promo,;"ns . 91613632653 . I~outh Div~;- India;;o';;;;';-I . .. IA .M.E:. CRC /BOSCH $5000 MOTOCROSS Racinq World. Trabuco Cvn., CA . $3000 purse for ElIl $2000 in . prizes for Sptsmn. Mai l entry $10 Sptsm n .. $25 Ex. M ail entry deadline M ar. 27. Post $15 /$35 , New course. CRC memb. not re q' d. 24518 Island A ve ., Carso n. CA 90745. 21 J,1l3Q75T9. I I I I I - _ _ ~u~y. A~'~~T~k_ _ J ' P.I.T.S. OBSERVED TRIA LS Los Padres National Forest. Hwy . 58 btwn Santa Margarita and Simmler. Sign up 8 am, 9:45 riders mt q.. start 10. Ex. Nov, Am. Kids. Beg. Non·trials, W omen s classes. Helmet s. lic. ar green stic kie and spk . arrest . req 'd , 3500 Bullock 160 , San Luis Obispo . CA 93401 . Entry $3 PITSIATA mernb.. $5 non · memb.8051543-8470, H&H CHAMPIONSHI P QUALIFIER Limed from intersecti on of 50 and 6 and Litt le Sahara Sand Dune Rd.• S o f Eureka. UT . Also N from Delta. UT. 0 -26 point s. Start 11:00 am (AmlExI and 11:15. Entr y $12. Spt smn $5. Sptsmn, ride for fin . pin only . 2 35-mi. loops . Utah Desert Faxes. 80 11266-6623 .296-3954. MOTOCROSS Mosier Va lley MX Park , Arlington. TX. Rain or shine. $663 guaranteed purse or 50 % of gate if rain. Brass to six places. Free keg beer. Gate $3, Nov. entry $5, Int . $6. Ex. $7. Nov. prac. 9 am, race 10. Int/ Ex. prac. 1 pm , race 1:45. Payoff to Senior classes only A ll classes. 817 /277 ·9917 ,267·9153 . CRC MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia , CA. International course, 2 long motes and $ for Ex, 3 motos and 30 % brass for Sptsmn. All classes. $3000 med . ins. Gate open 7 am. prac 8. race 9:30. Sptsmn $7. Ex $10. $2 extra for non-mem b. 2131830-7519. Team Race at day's end. Sunsh ine Cvcle Pk.• Tucson , AZ. 1 -10 to Palc verde. south to track. Gate opens 8:30 am. prac. 9. race 10. Entry 58. Pros $12. 100% Pro p.b. Phoen ix rtders pay only $3 admission (except Prcs l. 6021795-1490 . AMAINMA HARE SCRAM BLES Mattawa, WA, 13 mi. S of Vantage . WA. on E side of Columbia River. 125-250-0pen classes, entry $10. No pre-entry . sign up Fri. pm . Poker run Sat .. Hodaka to high hand . Yamaha, Can -Am and Hodaka to Sunday 's clas s winn ers . 2061486-5895, 48&0054. St um p Jumpers M IC. SPEEDWAY PRACTICE Elsinore Rewy " Hwy 71 at Lagonia . Elsino re. CA . New tra ck . 7T41 674·5383 . 826-2 386 . MOTOCROSS Motorcycle Rcwy .• Oklahoma City , OK . 405 /627-3989 . April 4-8 l1USS DA RNEl l MX TRAINING CAMP Hollister Hills, Holtrster. CA Russ Darnell/Team Husky 5-day European training camp . 9 am to 3:30 pm daily . Campina at track $2 per mgh t. Schoo l IS hmlted in S Ize. Tuition is $100. 213,'249 5032 .367 ·1722 . April 6 RAC.Eo HALF MI LE AN D IT Corona Rcwv.. Hwy. 9T & Buchanno n. Corona , CA. All ctasses. P.O. Box 551. . Brverside , CA . 92507 . 7141735-1705 April 8 MOTORCYCLE SWAP M EET Movie World Exhibit Center. 6900 Orangethorpe, Buena Park, CA. 6 pm to 11 pm. Selling spaces (10 'x l 0') $8 . front loca tions $13 . R.G. Cann ing . P.O. Box 400, Maywood, CA 90270.213/588-0763,24 h,s. 77651. 7131722·7926. SHR NITE MO TOC ROSS Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA. corner Camino Diab lo and Vasco Rd. Sign up 5 pm, prac. 6:30. race 7:30. All classes plu s trophy dash and all-comers minibike race entry $1, wi nner takes all, 100 % Ex. p.b .• 30% trophies . Entr y $8. 6872159, 634· 332B. MOTOCROS S Barron Fork. Tahlequah. OK. 4 mL E of Tahlequah on Hwy, 51. 4 mL S on W elling Rd. Prac. 9-11 . am . race noon . 8 races series. $3.000 bon us to Ex. 918 /4568421. $1000 purse. CMC NIGHT M OTOCROSS Irwi ndale Rcwy .• Irwinda le, CA. , at 605 and 2T0 Frwys. Pi' opens 4:30 p.m.; sign 'til 6:30; prac . 6-7:00; race 7:30 p .m . Every second Friday of mon th is Points Night. Buy entry at track nighT Gf evenl. 7141 557·332 3. HARE SCRAMBLES Wood vill e. T X. Hw y. 287 south 8 mi, fro m W oodville. east 5 m i. o n FM 1013 . fo llo w arrows. 2 hr. race on 10 mi. loop . $6 pre-entry 7 days prior. $10 post. Texas Endu ro Assoc., 726 Central Dr.. Port Neches, TX AME NlTE M OTOCR OSS Indian Dunes. Valencia . CA . Prae . 7 pm , race 8 , Post entry only , $6, Pros $10 . 100 % p.b. t o Pros, 30% trophies . $4000 mad . covg . 213 1 681 ·5778 . AM E YOUT H DIVISION M X Indian Dunes, Valencia. CA. Mi ni track . All classes, Pee Wee th ru 10Sec. 33% brass. Prae . 7 pm , race 8. Entry $6. memb. req'd ., $B. $4000 med. COY. 2131881·5778. RAC.E. MOTOCROSS C",ona RCWV., Hwy 91 & Buchannan, Corona. CA. Min i thru Open . 100 % p.b . Ex. 7T41689-1913, 735-1705. '0 Apr il 9 0-26 WESTER N U.S. AMATEUR MOTOCROSS CANCER SOCIE'TY BENERT M X RI() Bravo Park. TX. Am erIcan Can cer So c iety 3rd Annual Benefit Motocross. 5 mi . east of Hwy . 59 North on M, . Houston Rd. $750 Guaranteed purse plus dona tions and contingincies. All popu lar classes. Prec . 8·10:30 am. race 11. Jr llnt. entry $5. h . $10. Parts & weld ing av ail . at ' rad<. 7131 458-0090. 765·935 1. 948-ll829 . SATURDAY NtGHT na: Nt C!SSAAY S KILLS DESERT SCRAMBtES Thr ee m i. E of Redmo nd , OR on Hwy . 126. 12-mi . course. All 250s at 10 am, Open 12 noon, 100·200 at 2 pm , min i race at 3,30 . Entry $10, OM RA memb. req 'o . Riders mtg . 9:30 am . Spk. arrest . and siler. rec' d. Cascade M /C. 5031389-3795 days , 382· 3837 . 0 ·37 HARE SCRAMBLES CalifOrnia City . CA , limed from Cal City Gol f cou rse and from Hwy . 58 at Hwv . 395. Entrv $8. l O am start, 35-mi. loo p run t wice . FIni sher egg s. Special tor pre '67 cycles and dinosaurs lw ith 6 entries). SoCal M .C. 2131 372·22 68 , 532-6859 . IT SCRAMBLES Elsinor e Rcwy.• Hwy. 71 at lagonia Ave .• Elsinor e. CA . SIgn up 6 pm . prac. 7. race 8. Gate $2. race $3. 20 % brass. Clubs and group s w elcome. ride own class. Beg. tn ru E• . 7 14/674 -5383 , B26· 2386 . ORA TEAM RACE Limed to 17 mi . N o f Adelanto, CA on Hw y. 395. rig ht side. Start time 10 am . 6x22 mi. $450 cash purse. 20% trophies, $3000 med . ins. and the usual. 7141373-4647 . SA DDlEBACK SATURDAY MX Saddleback Pk., Dranqe. CA. Gate opens 7:30 am. prac. g. 8:30, race 9 . Pros race 40 min. oth ers 30 min. Entry $8. Pros $13. No membership or mail entry req 'd . 33.33 % trophies. 714J83O.l1010. RAC .Eo M OTOCROSS Corona RCWV.. Hwy 91 & Bucha nnan. Corona, CA Mini tIwu Open, 100% p.b. to Ex. 7141~T 913 , 735-17n" April 9-10 HANG TOWN NA TlONAl MOTOCROSS Ptymouth . CA. 30 mi. east of Sacra mento on Hwy 16 . Saturday: Sptsmn . day. Nov Am -Ell , AMA sanet . Entry $15 Dirt Digg ers NOfth M _C.• P.O. Box 4172 1. Sacramento. CA 95841 . Sunday : AM A National mot ocross. 125 _& 250 classes. $15,000 pur se. Tickets $5 advance. $7 at gate _ Tickets available at Ticketron outlets. No overnig ht camping. Dirt Diggers No rth MC .• P.O. B O k 338 . Dranqe vrne. CA 95662 . 916!985· 7303 . Apri l 10 APA CHE SU NRISE ENDU RO All family enduro , limed from Cal CIty Golf Course. Family teams free. mi nis go 1 loo p, PP and C und er 16 choose 1 loop or 2. All ot hers go tw o. 100% Powd er Puff troph ies. free T· shirts . fin . pins. etc . Entr v $10.50 mall. $12_50 post. Run by the people w ho put on the Hook and ladder. Fam ily Enduro Assc cran o n . P.O. Bo x 98 7. Templ e City . CA 9 178 0 . 213/287-4471. POKER RUN & EASTER EGG HUNT M .O.R.E. Foundation Benefit. From Hwy. 680. take Concord A v e. west to Contra Costa Blvd .• nort h to Center . west to Hidden Valley Pic Games for children and adults . Sign in 9-11 am. donation. S .R.A. A . $2 .50 Outr id ers . 4 1 5 16 8 2 · 1 19 0 . 916 1371·9068 . CRC MOTOCROSS ': scap e Country RaCing WorkS. Trabuco Cvn., CA. 2 rrctcs and $ to Ex.• 3 motos and 30% brass to Sp Y.r tsmn . All cta"t~ . Overnight parki ng . Gate open 7 am. prac. 8. race 9:30 . E.... $10, Sptsmn . $7. $2 extra non·mem b .21 31830- 519. 7 AMA M OTOC ROSS Olsburg. KS. From Olsbur g go lh -mi. eact on State , 6. tu rn south, go 1 Y.J -mi. Min i·125-250Open classes. Sign up 9 am to noon, prac. 11·11:45. raCE: noon . 50 % of gate to Sr. rid ers. Kno bby Hills, Inc.. RR 4 Bo x 23_ Manhattan, KS 8650 2. 9131539B510 , 458-957 6, 458-2738. MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA . Corner Vasco Rd . an d

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