Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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. , _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._._.• l , • Western hotline Gary Dent on pu lls Broc Glover - for Saddleba c k . Luckily it appeared 10 be just strained . Be h i n d winner Gillman , Mark Rodman stylishly blitzed the track and the competition for second ahead of fanner CZ pilot Ra nd y Blevins (Mai) . Rich Thorwaldson (SUl) took his justrebuilt Thor Enterprise Suzuki across a slrong fourth. It was Radical Ron Turner's (SUl) day in the 125 class as he smoked 10 victory in both rnotos. 'The real battle was for second with Jim Gibson (Bass) and Gary Ogden (SUl) going for it in both motos, Gibson was not to be denied as he hounded Ogden both rnotos with BT T W racing 10 lake second for the day with Ogden a shadow third . . • Results in Results Section . Bell, Turner tackle CMC Saddleback MX x o U til Z Z w o >- al til o .... o :I: 0.. Rad ical Ron Turner takes advantage of a rare occurrence in Southern Calif orn ia...traction. Unset! Scott Gillman won the Open Pro bash and was third 250 pro. Turner IIRadicalizes" AMC Pro show By Den nis COX ORANGE. CA , MAR. 13 FMF's Ra d ical Ro n Turner moto red off wit h the lion 's sha rc of AMC's $1000 pu rse at Saddleback. Col lecting wins in both 24 125 and 250 Pro action , Turner dusted the 250 class and had a clean sweep in the 125·s. Turner holeshot a crowd of 26 250 Experts in both rnotos leaving th e other 25 riders in his dust. Scott G illman (Ya m) . Lance Mo re wood (Yam) , Cla rk Jont"s (CBM). Wes Sutton (Mai) and Steve Montague (SUl) were al i after t he four remaining money paying positions , Jones wicked ' his Co le Brothers Maico in second with a 3·2 moro showing. Scott Gillman (Yam) rode 10 a 2-4 placing for third , after some frantic second rnoto dicing, with Sieve Montague (SUl) who was fourt h . La nce Mo rewood (SUl) was a strong seco nd 10 Turner in the second rnoto only 10 fade towards the end . Bot h Jon,'s and Montague got by , and Gillman . with a last lap blo ck pass , did Lance in for t he da y. Scott Gillman had the Open class wired . T . J. Warren (SUl) was hot fooring it around rhe track in the first rnoto until one of his hal feel came off the pegs off a warp-speed jump. By Patti Trot ter ORANGE, CA . MAR . 20 When the 500 Pros got going it was Bill R u bly (Mai) leading the parade. Robert Mari no (Suz) and Rick Salmon (Mai) filled the next slots . Mike Bell and his DG Yamaha was fourth and Mark Rodman (Ma i) fifth . Back in seventh place was this year's CMC # 1 plate holder. Val Tarnietti . By the second lap Tarnietti had moved ahead of Bell. Bell does not like to follow anyone. He began to push hard to retake the position . R u b ly was still leading at the halfway mark of the race with Rodman in second and Bel l had m oved 10 third. Rodman took the lead from Ru b ly and Bell waited unti l th e perfect moment 10 nail Rod m a n . As the two riders were co ming out of the canyon , Bel l squeezed into the turn a littl e tighter than Rodma n to get through it a nd out faster . giving him t he lead and t he win . Other riders gett ing some of t he lOp points were Rod m a n , Sa lmon . St eve Rh yan ( KT M) and Rub ly. Rubly again gOl th e hol eshot in the second moro with Scott Gillman (Yam) Tarni err i. Bell and Marino next. On the third lap , Gillman took over the lead and held it for the rest of the race. Be ll and Tamietti took the next awhi le - at CMC places. At the end of the race the overall winners were Bell , Rod m a n , Tarnietti and Steve Rhva n . 30 riders were on the line for the start of the 250 Pro race and as they came around the first turn it looked like the five o'clock traffic on the Santa Monica Freeway. FMFs W onder Kid . R ad ica l Ron Turner was in the lead . Donn ie Hansen (Mai) . B roc Glover , who was getting his new Yamaha mount wired . Val Tarnietti, Tim Lunde. Mike Bell and John Smith (FMF) we re closing the gap on first. . Turner and Glover dominated the lead of the race . H ansen held on to third for eight laps only 10 be bumped from his position by Bell . Tamietti. Lunde and Clark J ones (Mai) d id what they co uld 10 keep u p with t he leaders and finished in the five through seven slots . Turner pulled th e holeshot in th e second m o ta . Bell a nd G lover di ced over second pl ace . wit h Tarniet ti occasiona lly moving t hem both back so he could take over second. Bell rearranged things o n la p five 10 get the lead and keep it. Glover finished a strong second . Lunde moved up a nd started working on Tami and eventually took third away from him . Rhvan was fifth and Turner finished sixth. Money went to Bell . Glover, Turner and Lunde . The screaming 125 machines went off the line to delight the crowds of spt"etators. Rad ica l Ron and his Flying Machine were again in the lead . Team Hond a 's Warren Reid and his J on -R tuned racer was second . Gary Denton , who is now riding for Suzuki of Pomona was t hi rd a nd t he Yamahauler Broc Glover founh. Tim Lunde (Yam) Jim Gibson ( Bassett) a nd Jeff Tomliin (Han) followed . Turner a nd Reid started to really go for it when Reid 's bike ate a ring and he was forced to DN F. Glover gobb led u p severa l places and moved into second 10 work on Turner. Denton was t hird but Lunde a nd Gibson collectivly pushed him back seve ra l p laces . When the mota ended the top posi tions we nt to Turner, G lover, Lu nde . Gi bson, Denton and Randy Hess (FMF) . Hess. fres h from h is fantastic racing of last week blasted off the start and around the first turn way a head of the pack in th e second moto. Turner a nd Gibson were next. Bro c G lover started at the back of the pack: at the end of the second lap he was eig-hth and