Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 03 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Inglewood Anaheim R08ERT ·M . LAW M/C Sales & part s - 224 No. Anah eim 8 1.Serv ice - 239 N. Anah eim . 714·533·1309. Sp ec . in after sales service. Trium ph. Yam aha, Rickman. BSA , Nort on . a& E CYCLE ENGINEERING & SUPPLY - Mont asa bikes & parts. Machine shop: boring , s leeving. m illing , heliarc. Service on all bikes. .1140 ·A N. Kraemer BI. 714- 6JO-5nO. Carson HOCKIES M OTORCYCLES Sales & Service. 22025 S. Figu eroa St. 213·328·1242. Gre.. Yankee, Ossa, Hod .• Bultaco . W e servi ce what we sel l. Com pl et e mach. shop. For listing write Cycle News, PO Box 498, Long Beach, CA ~1 or call 213-427· 7433 (Ad Dept.) Each individual 6-8 line listing: $150 per year 150 Issues). SERVICES Emblems & Patches PATCHES l or yo ur club . Send sketch for free price quo te. Send ca mera ready art & ge t 1 pa tch f ree w ith Ofdel'. Free catalog. Eastern Emblem Mf g.. PO Bo. 828. Dept. CN. Union Ci1v, NJ 07087 . Eng ine build ing and repair BLUE STREAK - Porting & llowtesting. T_S!TD poet., ke pol ish. 4 S!Toke cyt. head flowtested' portIng. Porting is our ONLY bus iness. 714-992· 4921. 737 S. State College, Fullenon, CA 92631 . E.C. BLUEP-RINTS - U ke to become a tun er Of build you r Importers A M - M EX MO TORCYCLES. INC. - Sole US Dist. for Jcnes-Isic . Coo per, Isla, & co mmercial 3-wheelers . 20872 Currier Rd, Wa lnut . CA 91789. can : 714-598-1985 . Insurance CALIFORN IA Mot or cycle Insu rance Agency me ans low cost mJc ins . W e f P.pfesenl various ins. co' s Phone Of write for our lowest rate tor your m1c. 213-679-33 18. PO 80. 92867 , Los Ang eles. CA 90009. EVENT INSURANCE Spect ator UobilitY & Participant Cover age. TOM ALLREAD. V .P. ' . E. BROOX RAN DAL L, 1132 N. Vine , Los Ang eles, CA 90038 . 213-462 ·2111. EKt. 250 . own bike? My experience cou ld be cheaper than your mist8kes~ Info catalog $2.00 to E,C. Bin , Hwy. 19 N. RL 2. 80. Oil Coolers FAST , Port Richev, Flo 3356B. No cooler over $50 .00. Buy fr om your dealer or Derate O il Coolers. FAIRWAY RACING PRODUCTS Crankshaft reb uilding, Pro d. & G.P. RR s~ecial ists, fu tl Yamaha services available, Road race part s in stock . 1350 E. Yorba Linda , Placentia, CA. 714 · 524-1205 . MAC K CYCLE CENTER 133 S. Eucl id , Fullenon, CA 714-526-3177. Race & reg. servoCrank rebuild , port. bore. cyt. head work, engine mods, custom exhaus t. All mod els welcome. TA P-EX COMPANY - 1825 W . 144th St., Go,dena . CA 90249 . 21 J.323-J834. Broken studs. , e-z outs, drills. taps , screws, pins, reamers, inserts, ere. 'emoved damage. _t Exhaust products BONE'S CYCLE SERVICE S tart smoking with Bone ' s Smok .. EKpansoon Cham bet'. Made to order . PortIng . frame mod s. ayno turung . 2310 Mea_k SL. San Pablo, CA 94806 . 415-758-2843. Forks FORKING BY FRANK - 945 Pitner Ave., Evanston , III. 60202 . 312-475-1003 . Foo-k tubes - any length. Springs. coflars, aowns, trees, braces, spr ing conversion kits , extended cables, etc. Ignitions MO TOTEK COl Easily converts any flywheel magneto or E·T ignit ion to breakerl... COL 2 & 4 moke. Sgl . cyl mlc. Po ints efim . $55. Mane k, Box 1639, Carlsbad, CA 92008 . 714-729-6604. M & M APPAREL MAKERS OF " proTEXion unlimited" custom rae. & road leathers. One piece suits. Alterations & repairs. J erseys. High Perfor mance Od Cool ers. 16606 S. Broadway. Garde na. CA 90248. 213·532·599 7. Pistons a & E CYCLE ENGINEERING & SUPPLY - Montesa bikes & parts. M achine shop: bor ing sleeving , mill ing , heliarc. Serv ice on all bikes. 114Q..A N. Kreem.. BI. 714-630·5720. Monoshock Unit Service BILL KASSON YAMAHA 1607 S. Lamar. Austin. TX 78704 . 512-44 4·74 82 . YZ Mono shoc k servo Moooshock re b u ild . o il Ch an g e and nitrog en ser v. 1 da y service. CZ flx k kns avail. Real Estate ANTELOPE VALLEY LAND Gor ma n to Victorville . Palmdale to Ridgecrest. 2 Y::J to 650 aer. $300 PO< & up . Easy terms . Siello Real Estate, 1209 W . A ve. K, Lancast er, CA 93534 .805-943-4741. Riding apparel A·l BILL WALTERS LEATHERS Cust om Leath ers. Quality trail or co mpetition. MX leath ers, jerseys. belt s. roa d riding jackets, pants. 7359 Varna Av e., N. Hollywood. CA 91605 . 213·982·3738 . ABOBELL CUSTOM LEATHERS - 9802 S. Atlant ic, S . Gate , CA 90280 . 213-564-1715. Mon. ·Fri, 8-4:30 Eves & Sat. by appt. New leathers, repairs & alterations. W e work on all brand s. Costa Mesa AW AR D MO TORS. INC. Honda. Yamaha & Triumph dealer . Dyno tuning & bo ring . 1680 Newport BI, Costa Mesa. CA 92627. 714-642-4343 or 714-833·9777. PO Box 702. Sonora. CA 95370. 209·532 -6181. BATES LEATHERSI All of our • Cu lver City qua lity leathers are wait ing for you at th e bigger-tha n-ever Bate s Leather Shop l For GB PRECISION M OTOR· CYCLES - Only auth. dealer in W est LA area. Maiec & Indian service. sales. & pe-ts. 8750 W . Wash ington BI. Cul_ Ci1v, CA 90230 . 213· 636-1949 . S!T" " MX. Competition ewrything . Plus gloves. rid ing bel ts . sweaters. Shop Mth the Pros. be fitted by Pros. Over JO colors. AI1erations. number changes. cleaning & r-"< too. An accessories also on , displayl Open M-f a-.I:JO on selected Saturdays and by appL 660 W . 16th SL , Long Beach, CA. 213-4J5-ei51. Nr. L B. Fwv. & Pacifoc: Coast Hwy. GARDENA SHOE REPAIR - We specialize in repairing Fullerton pa nt s . Gard ena Shoe Repair, Rims A KRONT RIMS - The choice of champions. Desert. flat · track, IT . cafe. chopper, speedwa y & mini. Akron r North American. Bo x 230 7, Ana heim, CA 92804 . 7 14·9562550 . Shocks CURNUTT SHOCKS - for all applicat ions. 2.7" 10 6.25" leng th s 10" - 18.5" , Std . oil or gas/oil. Guar. Mail or direct . 75992 Base Line , 29 Palms , CA92277.714-367·9179 . WORKS PERFORMANCE SHOCKS - Foo- HODAKAS only 90 day guarantee. T_ Dist . Co., Inc. - 653 Glendale, CA Broadway. 91204 .213·246-7132 Steel Shoe KEN MAllY - Sl eeI shoes cust om $45. 14 " lace boots $50 . S end boot or pattern w ith toe height. Rt. 2 Box 758. 8530 Bedf ord M ot orway. Corona . CA 91720. 714·7350540. Welding CHAR UE'S RACEWAY CYCLE - Heli·Arc w elding . Frame mods, bor ing . Parts & A ccess. Corner of Beach & Bolsa, M idway CitY. CA 714· 89 7-1322 . Charlie Ham ill, J r. SM ENG. -Cust . Heliarc & M ig ' we lding. Lay down & fo rward mounted sho c ks insta lled . Fr ames & p ip es repair ed . Wheel tr u ing . Electrical w iring re pa ired & replaced. Sup er reason ab le prices. 345 lincoln A ve•• San Jose. CA 408 ·295-0032 . La Habra LeBARD & UNDERWOOD 321 E. Impeoial Hwy.. La Ha"'a. 213-691-0553 or 714· 879-8252 . DualitY BMW & HONDA sales, sevce. part s. & insu rance since 1946 . Open 7 days a w eek. Long Beach HARLEY·DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH - 3654 Long Beach BI, 213-426 ·7101. Pans & Access . Road & competition . Top qualitv servic e. full equipped service dept . ADRA.. AMC . AME __ . Cvde Sub Into . . . Cycle Parts Good St uff . 24 & Cvele Rod __ Cvcle Sport . . __ . D,stri c t 37 Cal Donelson Cycl es 23 Dun lop Tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Escap e Country C;II Garland SuzukI • • • . • . • • • . •. 35 Full Hou se . . .. .... • . . •. • . . 35 Gem ., at Reill Estat e WA Hercul es DIS!. • . • • . • . . • • . .. 33 J im Hunter Me RCPiur .. .. . WA Husqvarna MOIOf CorP.. . 27. 29. 31. 33 & 35 Novato CALIFORNIA SUZUKI OF ORANGE - Complete stock . Full service. Machine shop. Access. Insurance. Frailees. 1915 E. Katella Ave . 714-639· 7771. lndi.m Dunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . C", lot'!. R.tecw a y Parks .. . .. , .. 32 K·R RaC,ng Spec Gardena . __ 32 KTM Import s 31 Klotz S PCC Formula Prod .. • 37 IiJl Bill Krause Spoetcvcres 27 Long Beach Gr.:mdPm, 23 LubrlCdtlo n ()ynamtC s RS Ken M dtey Ent . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 N.:nlona t Mlntevde Assoc . __ . .. __ . 3. 27 & 28 Othrn..JI"l DI~'trl butlng . . ... • . . 33 31 Pen ton Pacoima Imports & 35 Pesk y·s CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR Triumph. BSA . Old Harley parts. Com plete machine s hop . Open 21 25 35 35 Cycle Tires. Inc.• .• . •. .• .• .. 17 ORA , Cal JIm DaVIS Mororsoon . . . •. . . 31 De rate 011 Cool ers .. .•.. . . .. 3 1 Dirt World HCildqu.Kters WA PACIFIC COAST HONDA Ho nda,, and Han. Generators. Sales. Serv, Financing . CR Parts. Honda line & stree t acces. Mai. parts & access . 1820 W . Pac. Cst . Hw y. 213·326·38 10. Orange . e,l . Cal . __ Cal Acno n Cycle WA A.rco Sheet M etal . . . . . . . • . • 35 Al bd Bun ecc •.. ..... .. .... 29 Am er icdn Hondl. . h V ¥ • •• • 37 Ancr.l CorP . ~ J • • •• •. •. • • . • . 2 7 Ascot Park . . . . 29 G•.,v 80.1"9. Inc 32 Bei RaV. __ . __ . __ . . __ 33 E.C. Bm . 13 BulMCO Int'I .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 48 CRC. . .. __ . . . __ . __ Cal C..rt er·s Ya m.J hol 37 COfQll,:JR.1 cew .1V.....•.•. . Cal Cosmopolitan Mot ors 37 Lomita 0& R Cvcte. W estmInster. CA ha s mo v ed & chanq ed names. W e are now Redwood cvctes lo cat ed at 7435 Redw ood Blvd.. Novat o , CA 94947 IM3fin Co . Northern CaIlU 415-897 -5886. Look for out future ads in C.N. . . __ . PdSdd en.J Suzuki TOWN A ND COUNTRY CYCLE - Suzuk i, PucI1 and Ou necycles. Safes. service, parts & access . Insurance. Hard to get parts. 411 S. Brookhurst. Fullerton, CA 92633 .714-871 ·2460 . mo tor cycl e boo ts & leather 1047 W . Gordena Blvd .• Go,d ena. CA 902 47 . 213·3294503. CROWE LL CYCLE SHOP caraeeta. KTM. Maico. & Ossa . Pars & servi ce . 104 27 Prairie A ve. 213-6 73-5562 . Hour s: Mon.·Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-4. Tuesday thr u Saturday 9-6 pm . 10249 San f erna nd o Bd., Pacoima. CA Phone:213-899·9519. Sacramento HONDA OF GARDENA 15515 S. W estern Ave. Gardena. 213-770-0603 or 323·83 14. Full line of Kawasaki s. Parts & Ac cess. M .C. insurance too! Come in or call. JOE SARKEES MOTO R· CYCL ES - Triumph , Honda, Motoguzzi. BMW. Sales. Service, Parts & Access. 2509 Bro adw ay, Sacramen to . CA 95818 . 916-452·5491 . Ho llywood Santa A na HON DA . BMW. TRIU M PH Bill Robertson & Son s, Inc .• Dirt or street, sales, servi ce. part s, mail or der. access, insurance . 6525 Santa Monica BI~213-466-7191. Wes tm inster , Santa Ana . " Orange County 's oldest es ta blished Hond a dealer." Hond a, Full bore dealer. Kawasaki 714·53 1.()742. ROY'S M .C. SHOP - 1246 1 33 Pro-T ee• . ... . ..• ••.•.• • . . . 13 Red1.Jnd s Surukl .. ... . ..• . • 33 Saddl ebdck Sat. MX C,I Carroll Snelbv Ent. 32 M.alcolm Smit h WA 27 Southland Cvele Cent er M.e : WA Steve's Bultacc SIlpP.rCfOSS. . . . • . . . . . . . .. . . 36 .SUJ'uk l of Vito Nuvs. . . • • . • . . 32 TF Racing Ent. . 23 T&OYamiJhot : 23 Sammv Tanner Drstnbu tmq . . 23 Terry Industri es 27 Town & Cou ntry Cvcle WA Tnp pe-Co e Enterpns es . . . . . • 32 U.S. Suzuki Mo tor Corp . 13 & 19 UOlv er SiJIA ccesso nes . • . . . . • 35 Vcr ,a s Leathers .• • . .. ... . . . 31 ' Viva Dtst 33 aln W alt ers Le.. thee s 33 Ya ma ha 01 Corona . . . . . . . . . 29 WA Ya ma ha 01 EI Monte V" m ...h;J Internat/OI'l.:II 14 & 15 ~---------------------~ I JD~lli m1ID (~1JjI1JJ\TilCOIm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L lDlIJ.lliIr '1)llt.! W I ADVERTISING BLANK Each listing li mite d to 6-8 lines. Deal. Name M~ City State r Zip Brands ~~ Hours Phone For speedy service call 2131427·7433 or mail this coupon. 0 My $150.00 check enclosed, 0 I am a Cycle News dealer. please bill my account. Send to Cycle News. PO Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 ~---------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. 47

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