Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 47 of 47

._.;. EPCO BUMPER CARRIERS SMITH GOGGL.ES . W Extera Lens ith • • ~ t tt- en ....... $12.95 Value .... ~ " • $19.95 Value ~ , .--.. ~~ .", •_ _ ~ l~ RID -~- -' Pola rized $16.95 Value • SMITH FACE MASK JOFA FACE .MASK , . ...".,~ . SALE FEB. 23-2B Sug. Retail $6.95 $6.95 Value OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK · STD. $ .89 Value NYLON & LEATHER PANTS VERA'S . ~ ~ Sug. Retail ~ BRAND NEW INTRODUCTORY OFFER 1m] CHAIN TENSIONERS - - Sug. Retail $24.95 $49.95 Box of Ten . mill· mID Sug. Retail $19.95 CHENG SHIN TIRES I.S.D.T. mID MX DEERSKIN - GLOVES HUSKY - Add $4.00 WHEELS OF MAN ' $2.95 Value ~ ~ $14.95 Value .!OLlD ALUMINUM BARS • .. APP HELMETS $14.95 val u e ' am I -",' ~ ..... . 400/450 X 18 Sug. Retail $34.95- $21.95 350/400 X 18 Sug. Reta il $27.95- $19..95 300 X 21 Sug. Retail $27.95- $19.95 AMERICAN PRO SOCKS $4.95 Value BOLD BELTS . X Large $18.95 - $14.95 CIRCLE IND. TIE DOWNS Sure Release Sug. Retail 995 Em] Child $13.95 - $ 9.95 Reg. $16.95 - $12.95 Cinch Type Sug. Retail m $10.95 HAWTHORNE 1213) 676-8202 . COMPLETELY DISCOUNT 48 12942 HAWTHORNE BLVD . LA HABRA . (21316 94·4565 901 WHITTIER BLVD. . NO. HOllYWOOD 13329 SHERMAN WAY . LONG BEACH (213) 983 ·0210 PASADENA . 5869 ATLANTIC BLVD . (213 1423.9236 (213) 793 ·4226 . - 1890 E. COLORADO BLVD ." SANTA ANA" . (7141839-5541 ONTAR IO 1520W. HO LT BLVD . (714 1983·8210 205 N. HARBOR BLVD. TORRANCE 12131 371·3611 -20928 HAWTHORNE BLVD. .

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