Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 02 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ . Presellls-I977 III Smuggler Enduro Series mlI . A 1977 Smuggler trai ler will be presented i to the 1977 high points winner for best 5 of i 9 rides In a URA or SRA enduro-Rid ers i point cla.sses 0-200 , 201 -0pen , one loo pers , j. A , B, C . Features: Electronic scoring , deca ls, pIns , 0/ • 2070 ' brass , I.R.R.C . , fu n famil y courses, : challenging 2nd loops. Enduro Dates: ' Feb. 20 , MarchZ'Z , April 24 , june 12 , Sept. 4, Oct. 9, Nov. 6; De c. 4 • i. i '+4~~ ,.. Compet ition licen se req uired $5 for ap plica tions ca ll 213-320 -1015 or write: 1744 Carson 51. Torrance , CA 9050 1 '+4~~ '+4~~ : : i • • • __ i ~.t N orth ern Californ ia 's Classic MX Course Wint er Champion sh ip Series M ot ocross Sears Point Raceway Feb. 27th 6:30 am Practice 8 am Novice to Jun ior $8.00 S pectators & Pit $3.00 . 100% payback to Experts EXperts $15.00 _ 125 - 250 - Open classes • Hwy. 37 & 121. Sonoma. CA ... R a~n or Shine 707-938-8448 Desert Cycle Park Join tile Noise Pollution Revolutiqn. Opening Feb. 20~ 2. 19 m i I~s west of La ncaster, Ca I i f. Practice track fo r everyone Mo to rcycle R entals Overnight Camping Info : Dr . K J 2 13-655-344 1 days eve nings 2 13-829·2535 • --.. Enduro Club < • CJ Challenge ~ < • r~ Feb.. 2oth -'b .v Barstow • Gigantic 5 foot trophy • (same day) to the club with the 10 best • Enduro riders ~ Each club can enter ~ up to 15 riders ~ 10 best scores count toward club championship No extra cost to riders phone us to enter entry deadline Feb. 14 We will assign numbers _ _714·~9·6!14 C!.ays ~ .~ 3rd Annual ADRA Gila Bend GP Feb. 27 100 M ile Desert Race Racing in the Streets Desert Roads and Washes R\(\9J S/Ject. ~,ee c:~((\ ator:;f:. ADRA 602.252-1900 'Tee See Feb. 9 Cycle News for Entry Blank '" -- -;: 'S8IOUITT '-.. • ~ on Gary Denton "" / 1125 Pro) Friday Night MX gates open 5:30 practice 6:00 Feb.4 Feb. 11 ./ Corona Raceway Info: 714-~1 705 34 '.:.:.:.;.:.:-:. : r"Baj a de Saddleback"::<:: r :: : :.' - (on a clean win, up to the discretion of R.A.C.E. officials) V :;:;:::;:::;:::., Ma rc h 5 & 6 ... Saddleback Park Sportsm a n Class for motorcycles on ly $20 .00 50 % trophies 'Plan your entire week end with u s - see the Ba ja ca r s run th e sa me cou rse the bi kes run ' Baja de Sad d le back :::" 12800 Ga rden G r ove, Suite I '.': :::::::;. Ga rd en Grove, CA 92640 .,::;:::: : :)~{::::" 7 14-534-68 30 > ttt: SADDLEBACKSAIURDAY MX Saddleback Pk., o."oge. CA . Gate opens 7'V' i\l.t¢ lrl~c . 8 " 8:30 . fac t. So' r;;f:'JJ Q . .,n;e 40 rmn . others 30 .om. Entr y $8. Pros $13. No members hip mail ent ry req'd . 33 .33 % trophies.. 7 14J83Q.801 0 . or RAC.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwy.. Hwy & Buchan nan, Coro na, CA. Mini thru Open, 100% p.b. to Ex. 91 7 141689-1913.735-1705. IT SC RA M BLES Elsino re Rcwy '. Hwy . 71 at Lagon ia Ave .• Elsinor e. CA . Sing UP 6 pm. peac 7, race 8 .'Gale $2 . race 53. 20 % brass. Club s and groups w elco me, ride own class Beg. m ru Ex. 7141674·5383. 826- 2386. 0- 36 HAR E SCRA MBLES Kn ob Hill Cycle Park , Pescad ero, CA . Pescad er o Memorial Pk. turnoff from Hw y. " E 3 rm. lett on 2nd drivew ay past Nor th St . 1().mi. loop. park closed to nail riders, park open s 8 am. 41 5/B79 0298 February20 TARA NTU LA C RO SS COUNT RY RACE 22 mi . south of Alamogord o, NM, on US 54. Prerie Daw g M.C. $1500 minimum Expert purse. Riders mtg . 8 am, start 9 Experts go 135 mi.; Sp tsmn 90, women 45. Al so M ini class. En"y $23 Ex.: $18 Spt smn .; $13 Women & M ini. Over 40 class same dis tance and entr y as Sp tsmn . Entries m ust be received by Feb . 13. 300 rider li m it . P.O. Bo x 119 2, Alamo gord o , NM , 88310 , 50514374150 days. 43 7·0745 . 417 ·7082 after 6 pm . ITA TRIALS A ND SCHOO L Saddle bec k'Par k, Orange, CA. Signup 8:30, riders mtg. 9:45. com ceti no n starts 10. Entry $5. non -meenb . $7. Beg ., Nov., ~m . , Ex., W om en ., Sr. cl asses . SctlooI taught by Expert ride, . Trophies to top 25 % of each class. 714J879.()570 . CRC CANDY ASS END URO Sidewinder Rd., Barstow, CA , A.B.&C riders. 1st loop easy. 2nd challeng ing . W om en. M inis. C·16 go 1 loop. Club challeng e; 5 ft . troPhy to best .·10 scores out of max . 15 riders. Family team s tree , ot hers add $ 1 pet" rider , $11 mail entry. $13 po st , CRC mam b o$2 discoun t Entrv and 2 SASE to CRC. 7601 Ar lingt on, Riverside. CA 92503. 1 14, 689 1 6114 day s HIGH MOUNT AIN ENDURO Cal Poly Pen gu i ns' . 21t h annual .High M ountain Enduro. 40 mi. east of San Luis Obispo , CA, on Hwy. 58. 130-mi ., spark arre stors rec 'd . Cont ing ency prizes to all classes, $10 mail entry, $12 post if avail. Camp ing avail. Send any entry form and 2 SASE to Cal Poly Pengu ins, Cal Poly ASI Box 111. San Luis Ob ispo . CA 934 06 . 805 1544· 954 5. AM E MO TOC ROSS Sp roc kets Park. Bd "el's!I~I r1 CA . Gate o pens 7 dm , pr ac . S. race 9 ' Post entr y only, $8 So tsman. $12 Pros M('r"1l" req uced S8 . 40 % m ass 10 Sotsmn AME, P.O Boll. 1':21. R .~ . CA 91 335 2 ;388 1 5770 . SRA CALI CO ENOURO Randsburg. CA. area Bu rro r ac~ and flapjack dinner 5 1' nite. First event in S .' IQ ~ lt.., Series. 55·mi. course. worn n and mi"is go one loop, me:" go tw o. SRA, compo licen ~ rCQ'd , SRA. 1744 CarSO[lSt., r on ance, CA 90501 . 21 3!32Q.101 5. 037 HA RE S CRAM BLES Lucerne Valley , CA , Lim from Y cafe to Camp Rock Rd lO am start , $8 entry . Saturday Kid 's race, 2 pm start , 100 "\1 trop hies, fi n. pins . $3 donatio n pe r entry t o . Rescu e 3 Prosp ect o rs M .C., 1545 W . 219th St., Torrance , CA, 9050 1.. 2131328-1415. ORA HA RE SCRAM BLES Ca~fornia City , CA, south of Galilee Hill . Start 9:30 am . 3x20 loo p, 20 % troph ies, $3000 med. i ns., $380 purse, catering . 4lwheel rescue. limed from 17 mi. north of 4/Corners on left side Hwy . 395 and fro m_Cal City Golf Cou,se. 714/37 34647. CM C M OTOCROS S I Saddleback Park. Orange, CA. Open 7:30 a.m.: sign 8-9:00: prac, 89:00; race 9:30 a,m. J rs., Ints. $7 mail, $10 post. Pros $12 mial , $15 post entry . 714;551· 3323 . CMC . Bo . 1402 . Cos ta M esa. CA 92626 MRAN HA RE SCRAMB LES Eldorado Valley, 20 mi. So . of Las Vegas. NV , Limed from Railroad Pass. 5 mi. So. of Hwy . 93195 junct . 2 40·mil e virgin loo ps. Entry $9. 1401 So. Main, Las Vegas. NV . 702/382 ·7990 CM C MOTOCROSS \ Mountain High Internat'! , 34 rni. NE of Fresno. CA. Hwv . 99 to Hwy. 41 to Nort h Fork, O'Neals l urnoH to rd. 200 to rd. 221 (14 miJ . If coming from north Hwy . 99 to M adera Hwv. 145 to Hwy. 41 and fo llow lim e. 100 % Pro p. b., 30 % brass . Entry $1 mail . $9 post , $15 Pro . 5780 E. Holland . Fresno . CA 93727. 209 1 1·B793 29 "I" . ~·:lP.sAlNMJ IJ..ENOURO Camp. Upper lake, CA. CC I I Kev time 8:00 a.rn. Classes: 125cc ; 126 ·250cc; 25 1·0 pen; A.B.C. License plate or sticker ., required . Spark ar re stors ,eq OIre Pre entrv $10; post . d $12.50; 3 man Team adds $3. Finisher pins. :'07f5J9·5394 Of 823-4 993 . CRC RENEGADE GP Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. 3 · mi. course inct. lntemat'l trac k. 5O-min, races. fin . pins.• 20 % trophies. cash to Pro. Entry $1~ mail. $15 post & all Pros. Double point s. Ent ry. 2 SASE to CRC, 24518 Island, Carson City , CA 90745 . 213 !83Q.7519 . SHORT TRACK /H ALF MILE SCRAM BLES SSS Racewav. San Antonio. Tx. Casslng elut trom Hwv. 35. track on Somerset Rd. Time trials 11 am, race 1 pm. 921 3650 . 0- 36 SCRAMBLES Sacram ento Rcwy .. 53 05 bcelsior Rd., sacramento, CA. Signu p 8:30 to 10:30 am, prac. 10-11, 1st race noon. Ent ry $5. Open traction but class C works. 9161363 ·265 3 ALL ·JUNIOR MOTOCROSS Carl sbad Rcw y ., Carls bad , CA. USGP course. no Expert s. Signup 1 am , prec. 8, race 9. Entry $7, Junior and Int. classes. 7 14/560 ·0426 . 0 ·36 SEMI PRO HALF ·M ILE Orland , CA , All Classes. incl. mi nis. Spec. 7SOcc class for J r. and Ell. M ed . ins. Gate open 1 am. prec . 10, race noon , Aragon M .C., P.O. Box 1311, Nova to, CA 9494 7. 415 1892·5350 . CM C M OTOCROSS ' Puyallup Rcwy ., 5 mi. Sout h ot Puyallup , WA, on Meridian Ave, South . $500 pro purse at each race. Ga te open 8:30 am, signup 8:30·9:30, plac . 10·10:45, race 11, Entry $6. $10 Pro . Tech inspection all races. CMe lie: . req'd. $8 at , track. 206 '631$· ' 550 . M OTOCROSS M osi er Vall ey M X Park , Arl ington, TX . Rain or shin e $663 guarant eed purse or 50 % of gate if rain . Brass to six places. Free keg beer . Gate $3. Nov . entry $5, Int. $6. Ex. $7. Nov . prac. 9 am. race 10. Int,'ex. prac. 1 pm , race 1:45. Payoff to • Senior classes only . All classes. BI7/277 ·99 17 . 267 ·9153. 2368138 . MOTOCROSS M otorcvcle Rcwv .• Oklahoma. City , OK . 405 ,627·398 9. A MA 0 ·36 RO UGH SCRAM BLES Pieoeee Arena. Oakdale, CA . South ott Hwy 120 on Pioneer Ave. Signup 7:30-10 am, prac 9 t t .r ace noon , $5 entry. sert»pro $5 at gate.-$2.50 signup, '00 % p.b. of total. $25 add, purse in each expert class. 9600 Pioneer Av e .. Oa k da le. CA 95 361. 209 /869 ·1457 . MOTOCROSS Edwards AFB. corner Forbe s an d Lan cast er Ave. Deser t W hP.els M C. Signup 7:30·9 am , race 9:30. Beg ., Jr .• lnt.. Ell. Entry $6. Ell. $8. g ift cart. to 15t t w o b . 33 ~ same day brass. Free ove rni g ht cam pi ng . no charge lor spectators. P,O. BOI( 37 . Edward s. CA 93523 . 8051288-4250 . 0 ·36 MOT OCROSS Und er the "E" St. Bndqe. Ma,ysviU , CA. HWV 70 to N p. Beale Rd., Shad Rd. fishing access over levee to track. Gate open 7am. prac. 9. race 10. Entry $8 sc tsrn n.. $15 elll, $3 spec . All classes p lus PP. OT. & M ini. 2113 Paseo Ave,. Live Oak. CA 959 53 .9161696-2727. B 0 S S iCM C SEMI PRO M X " Argv ll Park. 13 m i. south of Di llon , CA on HWV 113. Nov. gate o pen 6:30. ' ace 8:30, Int/Pro: ~g n by noo n. race 1 pm. PMt of &r ace " Husky ser ie~ " Entry $8l$15 . 2210 Klmwood Ln . Rancho Cord""". CA 95670. 9 16' 636-5240 . / ' CMC YOUTH MX Hefvetia Pa,k , Harbor lurnnft , VV. Socto., CA. n()fth <,lo ng rivE' 7 mi. Gate opens r 1'30 r it CP 10 60-S0 100 ce cla ~ps. J r,lnl [:01 . 30' brass R.m cho 2210 Y. lmwo od Ln C r",l· d (l ~ ii Ct. !:ib670. 9 16635 5240. AM C M OTOCROSS ne ~ n za ParI\.. S L , ~ j..yrrca<1 , CA . Ga h~ !" pon 7 am, pr~iC , race 9:30. Nu mall entr y $ 7:$12 post, $2 xtra non-memb . ~3000 med. cov. 30 % same day bt-ass,100% p.b. to Pros 114 .' 81· 5 277B. \ a·9. 0 ·36 EUROPEAN SCRA M BLES Prison Hill Track, limed from south of Carson City , NV . Entry $10. First race 9 a.m . F,ee brin g w ater. camp ing . Staggered sign up and races every half hour . Bolli 896, Carson City . NV 89 701. 702/883 · 1137 . 125 250. OT. Open. SPEEDWAY PRACT ICE Elsinore Rcwy ., Hwy 11 at Lag oni a, Elsinor e, CA , New " ack. 714 /674·5383 . 826-2386 . ECRA MO TOCROSS Esca pe Countr y Racin g W orld , Tr abuco Cvn. . CA. Classes: l st Day, Beg ., No v., lnt., Ex.. Pro. Entry fo r memb . $7 . Pros $10 . No n-memo . $10/$15 . 100 % p.b. to Pros . 7 14 '58 1·64 00. February 20-21 0 ·36 SEMI PRO MOTOCROSS Kn o b Hill . Cyc le Par k. Pescadero, CA. Park open 7 am. Park is open for t rail rid e. 415JB79.Q298. February 23 R.A.C.E. HAL F MILE AND IT Corona Bcw v.• Hw y 91 & Bucharm n. Corona . CA _ All c classes. P,O. Box 55144 Riverside. CA . 92507 . 714r735·1705 February 25 ROA O RA CING SCHOO L Riverside Rcw y.• Riversid e, CA . Taugh t by Reg Pridmor e. The first 25 to 30 applica nts w ill be accepted . The schoo l will beg in at 10 am and conclude at 4 pm , wi th a lunc h break.$125 p er person . M or e d etai led intor mancn upo n receipt o f Pridmor e m o ney , Reg M Olorcy c les (RPM I, 5718 "F" Ho llist e' Ave., Golet a. CA 930 17.8051967 7660 . R.A .C.E. MOTOCROSS Corona Rcwy., Hw y. 91 & Buchannan, Corona. CA. Min i thru Open, . 100 % p.b . to Ex. 7 14/889 ·19 13 . 735 · 1705 . CMC NIGHT M OTOCROSS Irw indale Bcw v.. Irw indale. CA. , at 605 and 210 Frwvs. Prt opens 4:30 p.m.r sig n 'til 6:30; prac. 6·7:00; race 7:30 p.m. Every second Friday of mon th is PO s Nig ht. Buy entry at track int night of even t. 714f557 ·~23 February 26 0 36 INDOO R SHO RT TRAC K • YM CA Benefit senes betd .Ja n. 15 & 29 . Feb. 19, 26. HI Po in t sene s . W asho e Ct y Frgnds., Reno , NV . Sign 3;5 p.m ,; race 7:00 p .m. Eorr ... $5 , 2nd bi ke $2 .50 , pi t s $4. spect ato rs ·$2.50; kid s under 12 50 - . Wes tern St ates Ra<,ing Assn., BOll 7244 , Reno. NV 89502 702/358·0170 e\ 6fllng-s. RACE . MO TOCROSS Coro na Revvv., Hwv 91 & BuchanllVn. Corona, CA. M Ini thru Open. 100 % p tJ to Ex, 1' 4 ,6891 913. 735 ·170 5. SADOLEBA CK SAT URDA Y MX Sadd:eb.'lC k ~k , OrJng,:, CA. . Gate o~ns 7:30 am, prac 8 8:30. r ;lC t~ 9 Pros rd Cl" 40 min oth ens 30 min Entry $8, Pro s $13. No mem bersh'p or mail entry req·d. 33 .33 % troph ies. 7 141 830 ·B010 . Feb ruary 27 P.I.T.S. TRU CKIN TRIAL Ho lli st er Hills Cyc le Park , Holli ster, CA . Signup 8:30·10, riders m tg . 10, start 10:15. Helmets , spk . arr est ., green sti cky or lie, plates required . Entry $3 P.I.T.S. memb ., $4 nonmemb" $1 Juniors 112or under) . Classes: Ex., Am ., Nov . A. Nov . B, Beg Nov. A , Greybeard. Junior trials in afternoon . 4081353 ·'340.

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