Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 02 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•• INSIDE Domeland lTlST . . . . . : .. 6 John Hateley wins year's first AMA National; Springer wins the second - Desert 10 Tom Brooks mak es it three in a row Maico A W250 12 "VOICES OI'TBE , ! WB S~ '-- Fear less Freelance Test Tea m finds redder is better -Th e M aely 14 What has four valves, runs in the best of circles, and is guar ded by geese? VIlest 16 High-bucks MX, Matterhorn moonshots North 22 More high·bucks MX, and frozen Quicksilver Central. 26 Ice racing in Colorado Results New Montesa Crossed words Calendar Cat 27 30 31 34 37 Good as new (heh , heh ) - ---- ON THE FRONT PAGE: Collage from a busy weekend. MXer Dave Taylor chases $3.000; Mike Bast baptizes Maely engine at Houston Speedway ; heavy traffic typifies Astrodom e TT. Photos by Dan Mahony and Patti Trotter. To all the members of DRA Thanks to all of yo u fo r the beautiful plaque I rec eived at th e a wards banque t. I was tot ally su rprised and 1 will never forget your response when I received it. I really enjoy being at th e races as well as being of service to anyon e who may need it . It was really great to see what you desert riders look like dressed up and to meet many of you under those pleasant circumstances. May this year be for all ORA riders a most pleasa nt one with everyone enjoying the races , and may the paths of a ll the riders be dust -free and sa fe . Advertising Re bert L. Nor Velie, Na tional Ad vert ising Sales Man a ger Debbie Wilkins , Western Region al Advert ising Sales Manager Chris Kolber . Advert ising Assistant Dr. Newhouse was named "Man of th e Year " at th e J anuary DRA awards banquet and was given a standing ovation by th e participa nts . Both were rightfully given . . . Ed . W e who race at Co ron a Ra ceway do appreciat e Elaine J on es' reportin g. How ever. her report on the Jan . 16 triple' header had some humongous errors in it . Rich Barnes may have won th e Open Novice Short Track, bu t the TT was won by Bob Bell on a 750 Triumph , with m e . a lso on a Triumph , in second . Then 1 won th e Half Mile Main . 'with Bell in second. We ha ve trophies to show for it , but some recognition in print would be kinda nic e . DAVE DESTLER/CYCLE GRAPHICS Canoga Park , CA Editorial John D. Ulric h . Ed itor , Lam' Ca mpbell . Editor. Da lr Brow n . AssiMani Editor. Congratulations to the Jammer Graphics and Production Aft er viewing th e Superstars program on Sunday, Jan . 16. 1977, I would like to congratul at e J im Weinert on hi s outst andin g performance in t ha t co m peti tio n . Jim did an o u ts t a n di ng jo b in t h e com pe tition and on presenting himself to th e viewing audien ce. He was a credi t to himself. mot ocross and to a ll of motorcycling. I speak for m yself and , I'm sure . for all of you r motocross buddies when I say "Congra tu la tions , J im " a nd lots of luck in the Superst ar final s in Februa ry. MICHAEL A . DiPRETE Professional Motocross Manager American Motorcyclist Assn . Westerville . OH. Prod uction : Ronnie Strutin , Ju dy Klinger . T ypography : Ma ri on H a tashira . C ar o lyn Bra n ham . La bo ra tory Production : De nnis Cox. Circulation Rheba Sm ith . Ma nagt'r. Pa m Green an d J ua nita Bla nt on . Assista nts. Accounting Gay l('n(' Zaion z. Ma nage r. MikC' Klingr:r . Au t . Mgr . j eanne Hammond . Accu . Receivable . Pamela Dickerson . Asst. Accts. Receivab le. Cathy Stodgd. C redi t Depr . Rho nd a Van -; Doren . Co llect ion Dept . Services and Support Micha d Colikas . [knnis waets. Brenda Zodd a . Receptionist . West %2:01 Cht'TTY Ave., Long Beach , CA P.O . Bo.. 498 , Long Stach . CA 9080 1. ~15 )4 ! 7 . 7 4" ; L.A. U..,6'6-8844. East P.O. Box 805. Tucker. G A 30<184 . (404) 934· 7850. Subscription O ne yea r . second class ma il $1.3: 2: y('an, second class m ail, 127; ~ y('an. seco nd c laM 0. mail . $~ 7 ..3 Co pyr ight Cycle News. Inc. 1977 . Trade m ark registe red U.S. Pa ten t Of fice. All r igh ts reserve d . Publi shed weekly except the fin l and last week of the ca le nd a r year by Cycle News. In c.. P,O . BOIl 498 , Long Beach . Cal iforn ia. Second class postage paid at Long Beach . CA 90801. Editoria l stories, ca rtoo ns. photos. eec. a re welcome . Addressed . sta m ped enve lo pe assu res retu rn of un purchased edi tori al mat ter . Rep rindng in whole or part only by perm ission of th e pubhehe rs. - Adv('rt ising ra tes a nd circulation info rm ation will be !(TI t upon T n t . Sn-S.R.D.S. t'qu Your " Bluep rint for M.O.R .E," sounde d pretty good. How ever , you mu st remember that Ru ss is very con cer ned wit lJ pro viding th e m aximum servi ce with minimum cost. Your id ea for th e ch a pter outings is excellent because ha ssling Bureaucra ts is no fun and of course riding is. The first ride will sta rt a t Soggy Dry Lake , CA .. Feb . 13 a t 9:30 a.m . This ride wi ll go t o the Surprise Ba sin petroglyphs. There will be two groups, slow and medium speed. Round trip is approximately 50 m iles so anyone who needs to bring a gas ca n in order to refuel at th e half way point should have the cans at the starting po int by 9:00 a .rn , This is a family trip . kids and wives are the main attraction. My eight year old son on his Z·50 will be making the trip . Questions should be directed' to me at (714) 542-8964 . MARTIN MAEDlNG Orange County M.O .R.E. V.O.T£fan DR. BOB NEWHOUSE Glendale, Calif. Recognition in pr int Charles C. Clayton, President Bob i Scott. Asst . to the Presiden t Sha ron Cla yrcn . Pu blisher Edna Mewt cn . Secre ta ry to the Publ isber Putting M .O.R.E. "blueprint" to work 1 am a trials riding freak and I love to ride trials. but I have never been in com petition . Every now and then I see that you write up an article on a trails _riding organization named V.O .T.E. (Va lley Observed Trials Enthusiasts). 1 was wondering if you could send me their address so that I can write to them. jo in their club. and go to th eir trials. BILL KILLIAN Thousand Oaks , CA . How 'bout a phone 1lumb er. Bill. It's 213 1765 ·8186, th ey shouldn 't be too f ar away. Good clu b . . . Ed . What, no Grizzly Bear? . I would like to inq uire why there was no coverage of the Grizzly Bear NSDT held last November at Fouts Springs (Stonyford . CAl. One of the main reasons for su bscri bing to your p aper was to read about endu ros, and it is very disappointing and irritating that there was absolutely nothing written about th e Grizzl y Bear. We were especially interested .in the Grizzly Bea r as it was run in our own back yard (practically) and my husband and severa l fri ends were entered. . So, what gives? It's still not too late to print it. VIVIAN FLEURY Stonyford . CA . No excuse. Viv; and we can 't reach our regular Crizz ' Bear corresponde nt f or com m ent . But it is too late to run a Novemb er even t by now th e monthlies wou ld have it. W e can only build a fire under our "N ort h " editor so it doesn 't happen again . . . Ed . Great Bear goes AMA T he AMA ha s granted th e Orange County Motorcycle Club (OCMe) th e first -ever ch am pionship sanction for a grand prix. The ra ce is officially called the " W est e r n United States Championsh ip Great Bear Grand C'II, /dm-LPffMMfPfJ'! 7lIE Dt'IINEDtYIT,ILL, TH£ CIl#I'E7ilitiN'/71IE 71I~/IL til" M 'WR}flllE4Ct'II,Ytll"EIITIK~ ;/C'!,fP#HdtJl'JJ»SE~tltf; ~/ ~ Yt'# JE r tJ # A' L lIfPI" 7lIENP~/ C Prix ." There is a possibility of a East· W est cha llenge race in th e future . so com e on out and help start a tradition. Riders will also find that this yea r's Gr eat Bear is a n AMA District 37 & 38 po int run . The ra ce will b e a t Riverside International Racewa y on Ap ril 2 & 3. 1977 with two big 100· mil e ra ces eac h day. Mail entries open January 25, 1977 and close Ma rch 7, 1977 . If you a re unable to rid e in th e Western Un ited States Championship Gr eat Bear Grand Prix , bring your fami ly and fr iends to Rivers id e International R aceway on April 2 & 3. 1977 and see th e biggest amateur motorcycle event on th e West Coast. L. D . SCHULTZ OCMC Garden Grove, CA . Baja warning After enjoying riding in Baja for five yea rs I want to warn motorcyclists to lock and re -Iock any bikes or tool s. Whi le staying at Hussong's Motel, we lost two expensive Baj a race bikes. Don 't think this is an isolated incident. It is open season on dirt b ikes in Baja, locked or not . Think twice .. . R . E. PRICKETT PETER DUPONT Gardena . CA . Kudos for PVDR EI Cheapo Enduro Three cheers for the Pomona Valley Desert Riders (PVDR) and their El Cheapo Enduro . Events like this put th e fun back in enduro riding. A neat cou rse, a m ini enduro for kids on Saturday for only $1 .99 . and a Sunday entry fee (pre-ent ry) of only $6.49. These are pri ces a family can afford . Who th e hell needs decals. multi colored finisher pins , popcorn and trophies for everyone? The reason you ride an enduro is to have fun . PVDR had a fun ride at a reasonable price. My fam ily a nd m yself are looking forward to PVDR's next event. JIM PETERSON Upland , CA . Naturally pleased I disagree with the lett er titled " N a tu ra lly Foul" in th e January 19t h issue of Cycl e News. I ha ve seen th e movi e " N atu ra lly Fr ee" a nd feel it was worth th e price of admission . I thought th e film was well made for th e average gu y and not so much th e enthusiast like "O n An y Sunday" was. " Na tu ra lly Foul " thought the idea of th e fool rid ing in an abandoned quarry was trash. This rider was an excell ent rider and I would like to see if " N a tu ra lly Foul " could do the same. The Australian footage was good and covered some excellent rid ers . I didn't feel the. quality of the film was blurry - maybe " N a tu ra lly Foul" needs glasses. I tltI.!T# #/'£ITMiff;;6'/1#.1 /;PfR lIIHll#//v;g:. a» tJII/i5'tlA:fTt1#/h'IITE AG4.•./pt!JPAJ'HAH4 • I OIlLYIItJl'EftWEP-4)/I C'-4# J'Et't1hE~ITlIYEh'(JI/6, 7Ph LIKE/II~ ) t'I

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