Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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h a ppen a g ain o n T hursda y in Riverside on the Potrero Site . These hea ri ngs are being held in the eveni ngs so that us working folk can be heard , so be there. It 's goi ng to cost more than a 13 ~ stamp. but it should be worth it. Don't fail yourselves this time. If we ca n get a large group of interested riders out there. we will do some goo d . . Rem ember . a t a p ublic he aring, testimony is allowed only on the sub ject of the hearing. It is not a general gripe session . There will be other forums for tha t kind of thing. INSIDE 6 Lighting up A turbo-charged day at the drags on a GS750 Suzuki & Shiftless Husky Gerring into the 360 Automat ic Lectron carb test 12 Voila! It works! 14 Desert PATRICE Lomita , CA D·37 at Lucerne , DRA at Adelanto Camel Pro preview . . . . . 16 17 T imes and pla ces of th e m eetings, along with locat ion maps of the three potential park sit es, appear on page JO . . . Ed . North 22 Tell 'em I did it. please OHV Parks 24 The same names , but in what order? West M.O .R.E. and better Gen tlemen, choose your site 25 26 30 34 Free Wheeling Central EI Cheapo Enduro New Products ON T HE COVER: Th e " blower" Su zuki at rest and o n the strip. Photos hyJohn Ulrich. C harles C . Clayto n. President Bob i Sco tt . Aut. to the President Sh aron Clay ton . Pub lisher Edna Mewron . Secretary to the Publ isher Advertising Ro bert L. Nor velle. Na tiona l Ad vert ising SOlin Manager Debbie wilkins. Western Regional Advertising Sales Manager Chri s Kel ber. Ad vertis ing Assis ram Editorial John O. U lric h. Edito r Lan e Campbell . Editor Graphics and Production Production : Bunn ie Strutin , Jud)" Klinger . T ypograp hy: Ma rion H a tashi ra , Ca rolyn Branh am . Labo ratory Produ c ti on : De nnis COlt . Circulat ion Rh e-b Smit h . Ma nag er , Pam a j uan ita Blant on . A!>.!>ista nts . Gr ee n an d Accounting Gavle ne la ionz . Man ager . Mike K.lingr-r. A~l. ~1 g,. . j ean ne Hammo nd . Accts . Recei va bl e . Pam ela Die-kr non . AlSt. ACCt! . Recei vabl e . Ca ehy Srodge l. C red it Depr . Rhon da Van Dorm . Collec tion Dept , Services and Support Micha el Colibs. Dennis WiltU . Bren d a Zcdd a . Recepncnisr . West 220 1 ChMT) AVfO" Long Beach . CA P.O . Box 498 . Long Bea ch. CA 90801. ~13) 427 , 7455 ; L .A . Lin t" 63 6 ·884 -4. East r-.o. Box 805 . T uc krr. GA ~84 . ( 404) 9$4 · 7850 . Subscription O ne, year , sec ond class mail $15 : 2 ¥nn. K"COnd cl ass mail. $27 : 5 yea rs. second clas s mail. 137 .50 . CLASS' MIJ M (M 8 f R 4 Cop yrigh t Cycle NfOWS , Inc . 1977. Trade mark register ed U,S. Pate nt O ffice . All righu reserved . Published weekly except the fine and last wt"rk of the calendar yea r by Cy cle News . Inc .. P.O . Bo x 498 . Lon g Brach . California . Second c lass posta~ paid at Long Brach . CA 90801 . Editorial stori C'S. cartoons . photos . etc. a re welcom e . Ad d ressed . stam ped envelope n~ures return of unpurchased editorial matter. Re printi ng in whole or part only by permissi on of th e publish ers . Adv ert ising ra tes and circulation inform ation will be !W'OI upon requesl. See S. R. D .S . Lawyer finds speeding ticket defense Ha vin g just returned fro m co urt, wher e a traffi c cita tio n for speed ing ba sed o n rad ar was d ism isse d , I wanted to pass on to my fellow bike rs so me ke y informat ion on how to defe nd th is kind of case . Californ ia Veh icl e Code Sect ion 40802( b) provides t hat on a pa rticula r section of highway with a posted or prima facia speed lim it , t he speed must be proved in cou rt to be justified by an engineering and tra ffic survey , cond ucted within five yea n; of th e date of the a lleged violation , where the enforcement involved the use of radar or other electronic devices. In ot her words, if the officer does not bri ng to co u rt a certifi ed copy of a n eng ineer ing or traffic survey more recent t ha n five years prior to th e citation , and t he cita tion is based upon a n alleged " ra dar" viola tion of a prima facia or " posted" speed limit , it is classifie d under th is Cod e Sect ion as a "speed tra p ." Un der Vehi cle Code Sec t in 4 0804(a) th e office r is incompe te n t as a wit ness if hi s test im on y is b ased upon a " sp eed trap ." Also, under Veh icle Cod e Section 40804( b) he is in compet ent to testi fy if he is a n arresting officer wh ile on d ut y, if at t he tim e of the arrest he was not wearing a fu ll d istinctive uni form or using a n officia lly pai nt ed and d istinctively co lored moto r vehicl e . If there is a tra ffic study and the po sted sp eed lim it h a s n ot bee n ch a nged and th e average speed as indicated by a tra ffic study wou ld indicate t he p rima fa cia speed shou ld be posted at mo re than three m iles per hour high er than the in correct ly post ed speed sign, this is also grounds for dism issal. Incident a lly. there is a mov e afoot in th e Ca lifornia legi slature ba cked by the Californ ia H ighway Patrol to try to eliminate this defense by repealling Vehicle Code Sect ion 40802(b) . We ought to oppose its repeal st re n uously. Fin a ll y, there was a video t a pe presenta tion prepared by an engi neer by th e name of Stan Brown wh ich I understand is bei ng used as a trai ning film by th e Ca lifornia Highway Patrol an d ot her law enforcement agencies whi ch dem on strat es that nearl y a 20% co rre la te d error (o r 6 . 7% uncorrel a ted error) ex ists between wha t a n ope rato r thinks his speed is and wha t it really is. T he m ajo rit y of thi s erro r is owing to eq u ipmen t erro r, T his type of defense ma y be ava ila ble whe re th er e are on ly a few mil es per hou r ga p betw en th e lega l speed a nd the speed at whic h the violator is cited. VICTO R A. G ABLES Attornev at Law Riverside , CA Mitch Mayes ben efit raffle T h is is ju st to let everyo ne know a bou t ol;\ r fund raisin g r affle to benefit Mitch Ma yes. Mitch was seriously injured at a desert race in . November, a nd is now un dergoin g treatment at Long Beach Mem ori a l Ho sp ital. The Sled Rid ers M,C . is spo nsori ng t he raffl e and the p rizes will be given away at our H are a nd Hound race on May 8 . W e wish to express our thanks to the followi ng businesses which hav e already donated a bike and a ·lot of ot her goodies: Tiger Dist r ibu t ing /H od ak a Mot orcycles. Bell hel me ts, JT Pr oducts, Cu rnu tt Shocks, An aheim Sportcycle , Bel -Ray. Bill W a lte rs Le a th e rs , AI Bak e r Products, Webco , DG Prod u cts, Vesco Gas T a nks. T erry Ca b le. and Q &E Cycle Engineerin g . W e are sure this list will co nt inue to gmw as we co ntact ot her pot entia l do nors. ' Anyo ne who woul d like 'tli help out wit h th e raffl e or j ust buy a ticket can co ntact me a t (714) 737·5597 in th e evenings, or th e raffl e tickets will be availa b le a t all District -S? desert races and fro m any of th e Sled Riders members. JI M PAYTON Raffl e Committ ee Sled Rid ers M.C . Nor co , Ca lif. Recently , I sent to you a cartoon dep icting th e " G rea t Gre en St ick y Ripoff ' and how I felt abou t it. I've bee n do ing artwor k for severa l years but I've ru n into a problem; and ins u rm ou nta ble o bstacle! My best fri end ( * ..... # % 1 doesn't believe that I ) p enned the cartoon in question! Would you pl ease either send m e the o rigi na l o r sen d h im a statement acknowledging th e fact that I drew it ? It woul d m ean so much to me if you would ple ase do th is. I' ll also draw a few more cartoons a nd send th em to you (a fte r makin copies) in th e future. Richter to Conforte In rep ly to Mike Con forte's letter i Cycle News J anua ry 27. 1977 , I woul like to sta te tha t I ra ced three 50 Nationa ls and six Tra ns-Alvl As in th East , a ll on the sa me 400 KTM , Mik Co nforte . if you ha ve proof that ra ced a nv ot her brand of mot or cvcl in the E~st please contact me . You acc usat ions a n: fa lse a nd I e xpec t IctJer of re traction a nd a po logy i Cyc le News immediatel y. " PATR ICH TE , Fortuna , Cali Working for OHV parks Hey! Let's ge t the fa mily and ru n up to Hungry Va lley or Ritter Ra nch and spe nd th e day rid ing . Or m aybe we ca n b last over to Potrero for the weeke nd . Sound gr ea t? It co u ld be like th a t some time downstrea m, O f cou rse. there's a hoo ker in it (isn 't there always?). Do you wa nt these riding areas to be opened for us? I'm go ing to make you an offer that you ca n' t refuse . H o w about Wed nesday, Febru a ry 9, you get up a t 6 :00 a .rn. and go to work; then after work drive to Palmdal e a nd spend most of the night in a meeting. You sho uld ge t hom e by 2:00 or 3: 00 a .m . Up again a t 6:00 and off to work , Then after work T hu rsday, d rive to Rivers id e a nd spe nd another night a t a meet ing , Get hom e real la te . ge t up and go to work on Frid ay. So u nds like fu n do esn't it ? It' s go tta' be don e. On Wednesday February 9. the Stat e Dep artm ent o f Pa rk s and Recreation is holding a public hearing on th e Hungry Vall ey and Ritter Ranch sites . At a public hearing , testimon y is ta ken regarding the need and desir abil ity of su ch a faci lity. T his is not the tim e to air you r gripes and frustra tions. Get up and tell th ese people why we need a nd want th ese rid ing a reas. Get yom club to del egate you as spo kesma n (or woman), and kno w how m any people you re presen t. An individual ma y a lso speak on h is own behalf. The . Sjl ~1= pro cess will Thanks from the bubble gum ki I ~ould like to than k all th e peopl invo lved in helping me at the Distric 37 Desert Rats' race . I reall appreciate it. If there is anything I ca do in return. please ask. Win one for the biker We 've put together a County, Ca lifornia Owners. Riders . and Enthusi cha p ter that int ends to fig ht any entit which threatens ou r spo rt. Shoul emi ssions fall in to that ca tegory, cou on oursuppo Th e tneuis expressed on t his page a th ose of th e in divid ual writ ers, and not necessarily reflect th e position Cycle New s, Inc. , th e Publisher, or t Edit orial Staf A ddress lett ers f Voices of Th e W est, c/ o Cycle N e Box 498, Long Beach, CA 9080 .. ". .. r.. .. .. ..

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