Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Diane Cox and Gene Romero fought it out in a series of best two-out-ofthree 5-lap races at Ascot Park in Gardena, CA, on Jan. 18. The match race was sponsored and filmed by CBS Television for the " Battle of the Sexes" series aired on Sunday afternoons. Both Cox and Romero rode 360 Yamahas on the Ascot ~·mile shorttrack. a combination favored by neither rider. Watch TV to see who won. AAA Cycle of Santa Ana, CA, will award a $10 gift certificate to any Californ ia Racing Club (CRC) Enduro class winner r i d i n g a Hodaka. Bultaco, or KTM. Overall winners get$25. Ap o logies to all concerned for interlocking inaccuracies in two of our desert reports from the January 16 weekend. The enduro course crossed by the Dist rict ~ 7 desert race was CRG's. not UEA's (the ribbon had been laid out in advance for C RG's Bar Ben der , set for January 2~) ; and the folks seen riding along the UEA Silver Dolla r course were playriders, not D - ~ 7 racers. Editors get just as confused as anyone else in this heavilyridden Red Mountain region . The situation points out the problems which arise when land closure forces desert competition into fewer and more repetitively-used open areas . Mike Goodwin. promoter of The Superbowl of Motocross. has j ust sig ned a contract w ith the Coca-Cola Bottling Co ••which manufactures M r. Plbb, for sponsorship of the " M r. Pibb Superbowl of Motocross" in Atlanta. Georgia. That's Goodwin on the right. with J im Coffey of Coca-Cola, and Dan Haas (Mr. Pibb Brand Manager). The sponsorship is a full-on promotion of the type needed to get motorcycle racing out of the dark ages of poor-man racers and into the golden sunshine of big money. . AMA Camel Pro Series Champion Jay Springsteen made more money ra cin g motorcycles in 1976 than most of us make at our respective jobs in a fiveyea r period. But as' most folks know . it isn't money that makes Jay go fast. "Sp ri nger" was among a bumper crop of AMA Expert racers who took part in a cha ri ty ice racing event January 9 organized by the Flint Motorcycle Club at Potter Lake near Flint. Michigan. The race. a traditional event which previousl y had been ope n onl y to amateurs. is held to ben efi t th e Big Brothers of Am eric a . 2 Cycle News is looki ng for an Assistant Editor. We need an enthusiastic motorcyclist willing to work h ar d and l earn the journalistic trade. Applicants must be experienced in 35mm act ion photography, be able to type . know ho w to write, and capable of spe lling words correctly and of using a dicti o n ary. A co llege education, a de gree in J ournali sm . or ne wspa per experi ence all count, but m ay not be required. Send resumes or letters of appli cation, samples of work, and qua lifications to J.ohn Ulrich. Maico has announced that th eir '77 team will be Steve Stackable and Ga ylon Mosier. Stackable returns to the German marque after a year with Suzuki. Bernie Thompson will do th e wrench turning for Stackable and at last report . Ma ico was still look ing for a mechanic for Mosier. Los Padres · National Forest (Cali f ornia) ORV Pla n maps are being printed and sh o uld be ava ilable February 1. according to the U.S. Forest Service. To obtain a copy. write Public Information Officer Ed Wa ldapfel at 42 Aero Camino, Goleta. CA 93017 or call (805)968-1578. The Race Of Cha mpions/Motorcycle Olympiad has been postponed un til September 17 and 18 so that more motocross stars could appear . as per negotiations with th e various factories, Because th e eve nt co n flic ts with th e T ol edo . Ohio Cam el Pros Series AMA N at ion al H alf Mile on Sept, 17. it is pro bable tha t fewer dirt tracker riders will participte . It shou ld still be a good show . W at ch Cycle News for deta ils. The Minicycle Race of Champions, a featured race of the National Minicycle Association Cyclerama Nationals, will be aired in the Los Angeles area on KABC - TV ICh. 7) at 2:00 p.m. PST . LThe TV special will go into the backgrounds of competing champions Jeff Wa rd . Brian Myerscough and A.J . Whiting to add color to the racing footage. Following the 1976 season Husqvarna was fac ed with quite a rebuilding job a fter its to p riders on the 500("l' and 250cc World Ch ampionship circuits _. Brad Lackey of Pinole. California . an d He ikki Mikkola of Finland . . qu iI the Swedish marque . Lackey's 500cc class spot has be en filled by Vic Allan, an Englishman w ho reportedly signed a one-year contract w it h Husky recently. A lso rid ing for Husky on t he 500cc world motocross ci rcuit w ill be Dut chman Frans Sigmans . A llan, a f orm er British nati onal ch am pi on, f in ished 12t h in the world st an dings in 1976. If you ..aug ht till' JII llIar\' lfith Super. ,Iar, shown on ABC"'I"V "Oil know tha t jummin' J im m y W .. illl·rl did himself aud lluuun:y('lists (·\-(·rywht.·rr proud . The Jammer finished th ird . co llecu-d Sr'. 'lOll and a d va nced to th.. final s whirh will I... u-h-r-ast on Februar y 20 . We inert ment io ned Gene Romero , during the t elecas t and ve te ran sports c aster Ke it h Jackson broug ht f o rth v ideo t ap e o f Burritto ' s memorable perfo rmance a couple of years back. Romero's attack- on t he Super st ar s obstacle course ha s t o be seen to be - be lieved. Gary Scott announced Monday that he signed a three-year contract with Evel Knievel on Saturday. January 15 . The signing took place aboard Knievel's yacht which is moored off Fort Lauderdale. Florida. Scott, reached at his home in Springfield. Ohio. said he believes the arrangement. which calls for him to receive a six-figure sum over the three year period, " m ay be the deciding factor in my fight to rega in the Grand National Championship." The contract. according to Scott. will provide him with fu nds to help defray the constantly increas ing costs of competing in the Camel Pro Series. In ad dition . Kni evel will take a hand in promoting Scott. Scott revealed that Kn ievel p resented him w ith $5,000 following the Ascot IT last summer. "He told me the money was to go towards my expenses for the rest of the season and was a token of his admiration of my deter m ination to do the best aga inst the odds: ' said the former Grand National Champion. In the 250c< class , Hu sqva rna will go ' with Englishman Rob Hooper a nd Swede Hak an Carlquist , who formerl y rod e for Ossa, Kni evel spo nsored Gene Romero last yea r and that relati onship will continue this year. but with Romero a lternating between motorcycles and ca rs. Husky w ill also m oun t a t wo-man effort for the 125c c world t our. w it h Roger Harv ey resigning f or 1977 and the addition of T ony Kalbe rer . a Swiss racer whose older brother Walter has been motocross champ io n o f Sw it · zerland fo r the past five years . Hondaline. Honda 's accessory d ivision, will g ive " g o o d i es" [leat hers, gloves, etc1to overall and c la ss w i n n e rs in AMA 0 -37 Enduros. provid ing t hey ride a Honda. Call 0 -37 Enduro Steward Larry Langley for details, at (2131 421-6129.

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