Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 01 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Revived HiVista Store EINSIDE Pa pa Wealey was rig ht ; Penny's Hi Vista Stores is no mor e. (She's in business at another address . . . Ed .) But the Hi Vista Store has reopened . - T he original owner has opened it ; his name is Bob and he 's a hell of a nice gu y who 'd like to see the bikers again. I still ride there and have no problems. I was stopped by the fuzz. and they told me we all must have ou r Green Stickies a nd stay off the roads. Bob talked to th e Sh eriffs and they said th ey only answer ca lls from people. So everyone shou ld stay away from the houses. Don't raise hell around th e store ; "do it in the desert" - wa y ou t. JOE KING Buena Park, Calif. s t Special van issue Buil ding a t ri ck Dodge . . 8 Tra velin' the circuit in a Ford ; 12 Cruisin ' in a . hi gh -zoot Chevy 16 19n new bikes 17 Yamaha gives you the Shaft and Monocross Turning a 360 into a 400 .. 18 Teaching an old dog new tricks Motorcycle polit ics. . . .. 19 Smoke signals from Hollister Hills and points sout h Desert We, the peepers : . . . . . . 20 AMA 0 -37, ORA in the snow West North Central. Cat , 22 26 28 37 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Ford van by T he Greek, Yamaha 1000 byJohn Ulrich, Fishback speed-portr ait by Gary Laud ig, desert by God , and a whole buncha' headlines written by despera te men trying to meet a deadline. Chub C . Clayt on , President Bobi Sco tt . Asst. to the President Sharon Cla yton . Pu blisher F na Mewtcn , Secret ary to th e Publishe r .d Advertising Robert L. Nor Velie , Nati on a l Ad verti sing Sales Manager Debbie Wilkins, Western Regiona l Advertising Sal" Man age r ' Ch ris Kelber. Adve rtis ing Assistant Editoria l John D. Ulric h. Editor Lan e Ca m pb ell, Edit or Graph ics and Production Production: Bonnie Srrut in. J udy Kllnger . Typograp hy : Ma rion H a ta ehir a . Carolyn Br a nh am . La bo r at o ry Produc tion: Dennis Cox . Circulation Rb eba Smith , Manager . Pam Green . Assistant . H ire a lawyer I ha ve been sitting here in O regon read ing about the Sierra Clubbers and th e exploitation of motorcyclists for the last three years . It seems like ORV use rs are always on the defensive , and th e preservationists on the offensive , in more ways than one. It 's about tim e the O RV users in Southern California ge t their act together. The Legal Defense Fund was just a start . .Here is a proposal. Find an attorney (a good one, you 'll need it) who rides a mo torcycle off-road or one who is very sympathetic with our cause . H is payment for services might be free entry to all races, enduros , and poker runs for his fam il y forever , fr ee m erchandise from dealers , fr ee su bscriptions from Cycle Ne ws, and other mags or newspapers. What would this la wyer do to earn his fees? Be our attorney in th e sui t that we will file. W e need to take the offensive. We need to sue for th e two milli on that was robbed fro m us, and name in th e sui t Herbert Rhodes, and a nybody else who is co nnected. If we win , the lawyer could b e hired on as a perm anent em p loyee, so we co u ld keep th e offensiv e . I'm su re Ru ss Sanford of M.O .R.E. would be happy to take ca re of all that mon ey (if we won ) and use it in our best interests. Ther e is no t much of a cha nce th at we wou ld win th is suit. but even if our chances a re only one in two. m illio n , we su re sho u ld try . PHIL PARKER Corva llis, OR Accounting Oa ylen e l aion z. Ma na ger . Mike Kling er. Aut. Mgt'. Jeanne Hammon d . Acc ts. Recei va b le . Parn (" Dick erso n . As. t . AceD. Recei va ble . IOI " Cathy Secdge l. Credit Dept . R honda Van Dore n . Collection Dep r. Services and Support "'fich u l Co likas . De n nis W a tts . J ua n ita Blanton . Recep tion ist. West <:111'11'\ ,\ \t' .. l.ulI1( Ik " d ( <:,\ " ,0 , nll:or. 1 ~11'i . 1.11" '-: I\co h , C ,\ ~ M I Knl M l ~ I ;i II ~ 7 il:n : 1..•\ . l. i ll .-l;:\f' -KI'i II . ' ~~ I II East v.o . 1\ " , xw., I Uf I.. n (;,\ ~OIlS I. 11111 1 "':\ 1 Ammo dump I have b een t r yin g t o ge t , info rm at ion against the BLM and Sierra Club for a rebuttal speech to, a real BLM frea k. Hel p! I can't let tha t fruitcake ge t away with it. I' m mostl y i n te res ted in th e Cal ifornia Desert and why it shou ld no t be closed . ROBIN DOTY Ri versid e, Ca lif. You 'll find your best ammo, R obin, with a week -in , uieek -out su bscription to eN. You kn ew we'd say t hat , didn't you, . . . . Ed . ' Naturally foul I wa s a victim of the latest motorcycle movie " N a tu ra lly Free " that uses "O n Any Sunday" as a comparison, saying that if you liked " O n An y Sunday" you 'll love this one. What a lie. Their idea of a motorcycle mo vie is some fool that I've never heard of riding around a n abandoned rock quarry, hot shoeing it around on a trials bike in Au stralia . As for quality of film ing it's as bad as the rest . The film is blu rry and hard to follow , there is no slow motion work, a nd where th ey want it to look like they're go in g fast th ey speed up thefilm . They advertise a few b ig name sta rs th at live in th e U .S. A .. not Au stralia , wh ich you see a total of probably five m inu tes . If you wan t to spe nd you r money on somethi ng don ' t spen d it on this poor movie where a ll th e ac tors are novices, a nd be come a victim like me. DISS ATISFI ED DOSDOORIAN Down ey, Ca lif. You can validly cntlclze th e flick on film quality (it is really bad) and its ex ploitation of "On A ny Sunday " (they say imitatio n is the sincerest form of flattery); but th e "acto rs" are anyt hing but noinces - nearly ellery featu red rider was a cha m pion or fo rmer champion in a part icular f ield. (T he cut e chick trials rider and th e joke sequences excep t ed .} Wh at really comes off well about the pict ure is that the A ussies are in many ways at th e sam e point we were ten years ago, and that in all honesty, it may haue been less sop histicate d, but m f un . . . Ed. i K:".U. Subscription ( h ll ' \ " ';. , . "C'I'lll d 'C~ mul c I.", 11I,til 'n.;,u. m.ul, r l••" ~7 : l1Mil ' 1;1: :\ \'(";11' ~ /IE/to !',f/!JIPf.!lILJIf ;VP PI/IE(I n ';u-v. "''' l,".111,1" ~,f PFyPUf{OtJIUKNIAPmK!7'ffl{[ L CLASS 8 LW1 .~~gj "' [ " ' f A C" I''fi1-l.lll C\'\ I" :'\ " \""' . hu. PI;i' . 1", ;11 1 III OHI.. ., ll ·~i"ll ·l. · t1 ( J, :'\ 1' "1,\1·1" 1>1 ' ,1 l l I llpUII h ,Io,j ", I. ·d l\ .. !i .•l m.un-r . ill \\11t.1, · '" 1'.111 tllI l\ 11\ pl l hl i , hl ' h " 1111 1.1111111 4 :\ , It~ , t ' ''''I ' , I, ,·1 ,'IIU', , ,Ir,' 11" 111" ' 1 ~"l " , \ d \ l · rr i' lI l l:. 1111'01111.1111111 K .I . ... "II I Iu' 1'1"11111" 1"11 1.111" " 'Ill .uu l tl l" 'I' O fAMrAIIPf,fm;;T/PN; THlP/Krf $/KlKJRlMI. K~f.h/ 71If ~ PfJ[,f{IfY lI.f»PtfCU/I,Y t1U t1PR KEJltJll lllLnY,tiff /TJlLffLf. (JIlL f Y tAliP ff£fVE 7!I/J1,f/rELEf.! (7V l /'1[([ PFtJV' f tJL/ftJIWI HfIt/Tl/6E , J ftJ;fM,fl6f11fMfltJ!lJ/of HJPy" W ant to see t his yea r's Superbowl of Motocross as telefilmed by CBS Sports Spectacu lar on TV before the next one takes pla ce in 1977 ? Write to : Mr . Barry Fra n k, Vi ce President CBS Sports. 51 W . 52nd St .. New York , N.Y . 100 19. Ask th em to plea se reschedule it and not " b u m p " it off every tim e something they c o ns ide r " m o re important" comes up . We h ave wai ted impa tiently for th e two times it has been sched u led both in Cycle News and in the TV Guide. only to be disappointed. J UDY LAM PPU Van N uys, Calif. Not Geboered at all I am very interested in the photo of myself, DeCoster and Croft published in you r Cycle New s West - Vo lume XIII - No. 44 on page six. The photo is made byJ im Gianatsis. Is it possible to contact Mr . Gianatsis a nd ask him to send me as soon as possible this photo? I would like to have this photo to indicate th e riding style b y different ' riders on differ ent bikes in the same circumstances. I n e cessary I will , pa y b y international payment order. Waitin g for a soon answer I wish you and Cycle News a prosperous 1977 . SYLVAIN GEBOERS Sm all estra at 10, Belgiu m Th e "photo" u:as actually a com posite of three ph otos tak en by Gianatsis , and combined byJo dy Weisel. A "stat" of th e com bination is on its way to th e rap id M r. Gebo ers . . . Ed. Sick animals Everyt ime I read Cycle News and see another it e m ab out " T he L a m e Camel ," I th row up. Phooeyl If I wanted to read about sick animals, I'd subscribe to "Veteri n a ry Q uarterly." ERNIE SHULTZ Red Bluff, Calif.

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