Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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New 1975 mini-cycle Finisher pins Never ridden - Ceriani forks - Curnutt shocks 80ccengine - P.P. fender s - 4130 fr ame - excellent trail or pit bikes - $300 .00 . Eve . aft er 6:00 p.m. (213) 285-3653. 1481 Most of the Finisher Pins you 're wea ring we made Now - Buy factory direct. Save 20% Cal-Mart Plating. 607 South Hill Street, Los Ang eles, California 90014 . 12131 623-6987. 1 4ITFNI MONTESA. 1971 CAPRA 250 . $375 .00. 12131 345 1486. 14712. 1 Call for SUPER DEALS New Jawa C2 & Speedway bikes. Full line of parts for order. South Bay Motorcydes. 12131 772 ·1647. 1 471TFN) '74 Honda TL·125 trials 250 CZ, perfect condition, 43 mi. $700 .00. Ask for Gines or Lome 12131846-4405 or 12131 848-2623. 1 481 5 rail trailer Custom built - large wh eels - $400 .00. 12131 8766992. 874-7837. 87~598 . (48I2x1 Two trick 125 racers '75 RM125. Mill er Mane engine. pipe, DG head, $550. - 7 4 CR125. ported. p ipe. 32mm ca rbo $450. Both exceUent co nd iti on. 1714) 673-4518 . (48) Jawa Eso speedway bike late '74 , excellent condition, 19" & 22" tires. sprocket s. many extras. Q13167Q-6652. f47f7 x) ~~l ,~J;WFID '~T ~KErr..MJt r ~ THINK l 'I . .~ w,!,,-IIl ll.X'J lll-,rrwi p AND.1'l.14r.J . ~J:o\ . "'-- .' . Xmas is commg! . Saturday . December 4th. Campbell Suzuki. 14200 Lambert Rd.. Wh ittier. CA.1213 169S$89 or 12131 6963306 . (4712xl 15" wheels with spere, '100. (7141830-9522. 1 47ITFNI New hours Mooch deals "Munari & Norstar Boots" $59.95 1976 TZ750C Yamaha road racer New and in original crat e, wi ll consid er Yamaha TZ2SO as part ial trade. CallJ oe Lachniet at Com pet ition Cycle 1976 Husqvarna 250 Will hold for Xmas 1973 Husley 450. Set up for desert. good cond., $500 . 1973 Hodaka 125 . ported and C.P.W . pipe , $300. 1974 Hodaka 100 Dirt SQUirt. e.cellent cond., $275 . 1 2131 37Q.425 5. (48I2x1 '75 Husky 250WR six speed Many extras. xlnt. cond.• Vesco tank . CR pipe. $795 .00. (7141633-7802.1481 Wanted back issues of Triumph parts Stock & Trackmaster frames, Ceriani forks . tires. chains. batteries. rods. heads, barrels. cases. etc. Call (71418974337 aft er 6:00 .14812.) '74 Suzuki 400, like new Excellent conditi on, extras, Full Face helmet & kidney belt inc luded, $650 .00 .12131339-561 0. (481 HUSK Y 360 TRANS. and center cases. less. crank. $35.00 .1213145 7·2483.1481 Speedo and tach Speedometer and tacho meter off of AT1 Yam. A lso co mplete lighting assembly. 1 2131457-2483. (48 1 Kl!W8SlIki- Cerianis. Mulhollands. 44mm carboBarnes wheels, TT & ha" mile set up . Super fast, $1300 .00 . E.cellen t pro racer . (7141889-3012 or (7141 88J.1141. 1 4712x) 1975 Champion track frame Goodyea r tires. Boge suspension. disc brake rear, front drum. Will accept 250. 360 , or 500 Yamaha engin es. Call Bo b (80 113934961 .1481 Maico 400, '71 l}jeJll1!ffllo~,ejl1~\fa·m haj .a 10464 Alondra Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 Phone: 2l3~925-5097 GOLD BELT GET-ACQUAINTED SPECIAL: NEED ARTWORK FOR LOGOS. Biz cards, Tcshirts. posters , or whate ver? Professional Quality graphics & illustrati on done to you r specs, at reasonable cost. Contact Dave Oestler at .. . (2131 348-9679 or wr ite 22 171 Part he nia St.. Canoga Pk., CA 9 1304 . 1481 MX FRAME FOR HONDA XL 250 . sldeport. Custom made. cantilever, only 26 Ibs. wtth swingarm. pegs, hardware. never used. Only $350 .(7141783-1958. 1481 Che c k i h ,s lost o f h appy G o ld Be lt use rs : Ro ger D e Co s t er M a lc o lm S rm th JI m W e in er t To n y DeSt e fa n o nearly $21 value, only $16.951 G e t With t he w inn er s a nd get a barga in . to ol Buy a n 0"91nal Gold Bel t bc dv br acer , us m q th e co upo n bel ow , a n d for n o edd. no n at ch arg e. w e 'll se nd you a q en um e, pa ten ted Spoil er h elm et visor . Here's a c ha nc e to e nJOY t h e sam e su ppo rt t h e Cham pions h ave be en qe tt tnq . a nd to expe rie nce th e full ·sh adl n g be ne fi ts o f a lo n q visor Without an no vm tu q h s pe e d h e lmet hft Itu s IS our way o f m tr o ducmq you to Th e Gol d Bell L in e H o w e rt o n M arty S m it h Ri ch Ei e r st ed t Billy Gro s s i J im Elli s G a ry S e rruc s MI ke Ru n y a rd Bo bby Fe rr o Ca rl C ra n k e M i ke H a n n o n ~~'9Q"~' L r : o:r ~:o:m:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIMON SAYS YES P .O. 'BO X 69129 LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 Husky 360 G.P. X·Mas sale - reg. + 24.95. sale $19.95. Hon-Yam-Suz· CZ-Mai. 30 day guarantee. Specify bike & mod el. 814 E. Elder, Santa Ana. CA 92707. (714175 1-0164. 1481 You must bring t his ad fo r savings and gifts offer expires 12115/76 0'::P~a:U:t:f: : Shell frame 250cc single S&S gold chain tensioners Send for Free catalog . Ridden three times, perfect condition. offer . 1805) 9692106. (481 Close o ut on odd sizes. $51.95 . Call for sizes. & L Y am ah a. 593 8 Pac i f iC a ive., H untingt on Park . CA 9 0255. Will ship a nywhere. (2 1 3 ) 587-7244. (20fT F N ) . With new 1976 frame. barrel. piston and rim s. Transm ission & mo tor comp letely rebu ilt and not ridden since. Pau l. days. $1000 .00 . (7141233-64 15. 1 481 Mai l·Order Part s. 1 51713J9.a216 14714xl S " Cycle" & " Mot orcyc list" mags. 195O's & 6O·s. Also back issues of "Cycle News ." Please help, only need certain issues but will buy all if price fair. (714) 8945826. (4712.1 FREE T-SHIRT at 91 & 605 Freeways 3 rail trailer 5 & L Yamaha. announ ces new even ing hours. We are now open UNTIL 8 p.m . Monday & Tuesday/evenings for you r conven ience. S & L Y am aha. 5938 Pac ific BlVd. , Huntington Pa rk . CA . (213) 587-7244. (46fTFN) See us first for all you r motorcycle needs All models in stock with any $10 purchase limit 1 per customer Huge parking lot sale nstmas Motorcycles _ Parts - Accessories . License plates. $3.00 each. 0 & L Ent erprises. P.O. Box 575 . Broo ksville. FL 3351 2. 1 /4. 1 46 RD 350 Cafe r er now or Complete line for street & dirt r---------.:...--~~--------------, Super sana 125 ridden less than 20 hours, showroom condition - x-nes, bars . countershah. shift lever . et c. $450.00 or best offer . 121 31257-8071 . (481 TZ 350 crank, heads-barrels by Harry Hunt , T-M expansion chambers, K·81 rear, KR76 front. Konis, K·N air filt er, rear sets, + stock pegs + spare barrels heads and new pistons. 0 14l 347-7708 day. ask for Dan 1 47/3.1 " Improve the Desert - Plant a Sierra Clubber," Heavy duty. wh ite, 100 % cotton t-shirts. S ize IS , M. L, XU. $3.95 + 50 c sh ipping each . Bumper stickers. $1.00 each (Calif. reside nts add 6 % sales taxl, Quick at Quill, Box 8103 . La Crescenta. Calif. 91214 . 14712. 1 Let's get acquainted 10 % Off all parts & accessories . ~">. ~~ _ ~: B ~I~U~I Enc lo s e d IS $ 16 95 for Th e G ol d Be lt (fit s 27" 10 40 " w aist s) a n d FREE S p oi ler v is or ($3 .95 va lu e ) pl u s 5 0 C fo r shlpPlnQ cos ts . Del iv ery w ill ta k e 2 to 4 w e ek s. For immediate delivery send cash or money order. Na me' _ Address CIt y ~ State &ZIP' _ _ Make checks paya ble to: A . Si mo n Cali f. residents add 6 sales fa x Champion 25O*Bultaco Cer~nis, Barnes front and rear, Kanis. All freszh. $1100.00 or trade for small car or truc k. Prefer Datsun. Toyota. 17071869-2073. 1 1 48 Desert ready. large tank. new motor , much more. $300 firm. 12131796-6191 . 1481 WANTED: 250 or 360 yz front wheel and forks . Reasona ble. 1 213) 339·2080 . 1481 Motors, low prices 76 SUZUKI RM 370, 4 months old. $975.00. Must sell. 12131965-7844 . 1481 New in box . 1976. 100cc Hodaka Rat. $200.00. Used BOce Fuji, new top ends, excellent condition. $50.00. Eve. after 6:00 p .m. (2131285-3653. 1481 Yamaha 250 YAMAHA 100 ENDURO. not even bro ken in - 350 miles, brand new condition. $345. Also Y AMA~A 100. super fast, good cond it ion, Curnutts, plastic tank . ever ything ! $280 ? 12131 599-5400 .1481 TT500 T.T. & F.T. 38 Mikun i. 19" w heels F&R. Prot ec k down pipe. S& W shocks. S&W valve springs. Bates -peg s. This bike has less than 8 hrs. on it. Pro built and showroom clean. Ask for Wa yne (7141536-7555.1481 WHEELS - PAIR of Honda XL350-25O. good cond ition. $75 . 1213)397·7800.1481 Turned aluminum & dampened front for ks. Webco head. Vesco Skinny Fat tank. 21, CD igniti on, trick down pipe. $285 .00. Call after 4 p.m . 17141443·7854 . 1 1 48 '74 Yamaha DT360A Perfect original condition , 3.000 m ilea, $635/offer. (213 1448-5084. 148I2x1 '75,360 HUSKY GP Up dated with 1976 parts and mod s. and Profab clamps Tw in Air two, chain tensioner . All 1975 parts plus extra new barrel and top end go with bike , $975. Call after 6 p.m. (7141683-2242 .1481 THE FINEST COMPLETE LINE OF OFF-ROAD RACING MACHINERY EVER OFFERED _ taM Im por ts U.S.A. 98 2 5 M ason Aveoj Chatsworth, Ca .9 1 3 1 I e ( 2 1 3 8 8 2 -8 8 6 0 Dea ler In q uiries In vited 45

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