Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 21 of 47

" . LONG TRAVEL SUSPENSION CERIA-Nt THE MOST TECHNICALLY AOVANCED TELESCOPIC FORK TODAY • Comes compIele with triple c lamps and handle bar clamps. • 225mm 8-7/8 wheel travel. .'~ ' ""m~ '~"_ III .•_ .. .."' De. . ._11 ..... 1Cn'''il .... C;'.IlIWali1 ~I ...bInO ' S"I>O:" a~ 'tg tl'l _"'hl • 1'.8 .... ....-gtl1-..ncMO' 5 "' . 'DO _ ""h I . - ontr 1 Itl. . ...... ... .01'", m '*'11'1 11'''' ne.. "Tull W_'" Ill' GQ/Df eoord,nutl FOfI MORE "' E'o'o JAU MIN JIM "' '!' W[ INER T PROOUCT$ ROTARY CYCLES OF U.S.A,. INC, BMJ( 2023 West 28t1t Street Cleveland, Ohio 441 13 2161651.{)469 ' 24 , Laguna Nigu el, CA. 92677 (714) 831 -2 102 FMX Forged Pistons REED INDUCTION K ITS 2 Cycl e Engine Oils (Contm ued from pag e 14) broken pedals, toothless sprockets, de ca yed wheels rims a nd ragged tires sta nds as a grim monument to the destructive ca pa bilities of a couple of in nocent kids. After finally losing ($) co unt of major bicycle parts purchased in the last few years a sense of dread calm overtook me wh en I made the innocent m istake of asking m y kids what th ey wanted for Christmas. "Motocross bicycles" , they happily chortled in unison , "ye p mom , tha t's all we want. " Locking the door to my room and cryin g for two weeks hel ped. I fina lly had to come out when they pou nded " for three d a ys because th e little guy lost his plastic sn a p on gas tank an d refused to rid e the Neighbo rhood Sand Track MX Fin al World Fin al (for t he month of September) with out it. He claim ed all th e other kids had one and he'd be laughed off the track if he show ed up with a bare bike . That did it! Instant smart set in and J bega n checki ng a rou nd on what a good authentic motocross bicycle would cost. e ve ry m ajo r bi c ycl e A lmost manufacturer makes an MX model bu t you ge t wh at you pay for. Major department stores adve rt ise MX Jam m in' Jim"my's MX Bicy cle CAL IFORNI A DISTRIBUTOR By J im Gianatsis OF TH ESE QUALITY HIG H PERFOR M A NCE PROD UCT S W holesale to Dealers only - try us for faster delivery! TuGeeEnterprisesInc. 73 1 EAST CYPRESS, MONR OV IA , CALIF . 91016 Leading axle forks? ! Outstanding, indee d. Plastic wheels are super light. (213) 359- 241 5 '. - . ~ULL Y URI Bolger P roducts Riding Suits Ga rdena, CA 90249 Chains 213-532-9311 T ires Dea ler Inquiri es In vited Boots No Minimum Purchase O il Full Bore West 13712 Alma Ave. All O rders Sh ipped Same Day R ecei ved The latest on two wheels-Cycle N ews , .. Bultaco Maico Ossa KTM Call for 714-427-9166 'n Ossa GP II Now in st ock 72 0 Broadway. Ch ula V ist a, CA 9 20 10 SAr,1M Y TANN ER DI STRIB UTI N G LBHI-TECH bic ycles at seem ingly low p rices only because th e equ ipment they offer ~ il not suitable for ra cing com petitio even if the track is on ly you r 10 vacant lot. T hese bikes are n ot built t, withstand the stress and p un ishmc? you r kid will try to make it accep E;,d resu lt? Bigger and be tt er piles, bicycle bo neyards! Some of the very best bicycles on th ' re t a il m ark e t toda y come fro motorcycle m a nufacturers arid th ind ustries d irectly connect ed with motor cycles. Who should know better how to des ign a motocross bicycle Certa inl y no t th e company tha t has i offer a sim u lated sn ap on pl astic g. tank or sim u la te d shocks in order t sell th eir product as a motocross bik e. Ma ybe (if you 're lu cky) you will notice th e h ang ta g before you ha nd over the cas h that says in teen y fine print "not int en d e d fo r u se in racing co mpetition" . DIG , Web co , Suzu ki and Yamaha~ are a few of th e best a ll around bikes you can bu y. They'r e all about th e! same price and they Catl withstand th e) poten tial hazards of BMX . Take a good look a t what they offer and consi der how mu ch money they will save you in the long ru n . You r kid will be glad you d id . ~ ""l Super Low Prices ..,j * Southland Cycle * 8141 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 714-893-5091 Sales - Parts - Service - Financing

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