Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOC ROSS Mosier Valley MX Pa rk , Eu less1. T X. Pro, Am . 8 17/ 207· 9 15 3. December 16 CMCMX Ascot Park, Gardena. C A. 213/323-1142. December 17 CMCN IGHT MX F r e mon t Rc w y ., Fremont, CA. Hwy . 17 at · Durham Rd. Ga t es o pe n 4 :30 p.m . ; p rac. 5 : 30 ; race 7 p .m, All usual cla sses. plus Old Ti m e r s. Vet s, December 26 IT A OBS ERV ED T R IA LS S a d dl eb a c k Park , O ran ge , CA. First Annual Fre n c h c n ametcnsn rc Ser ies . A ll riders welcome. Easy sect ions for kidS, Be g. & Women . Dirt & e n d u ro b ik es may be used . Hard sec. for Nov/Am/Ex; Pr izes for everyone that ride s all five events o f the series. T ires & t ubes, gloves, Rentha l bars.a spar k plugs. ~jto570: 1 /879·0570, CMC MX C a r lsba d C a rl sb a d , 714/727·117l. MOTO CROSS Cy c le Haven Park. Lon g Be ach , C A. 213/832-6844 or 213/547·1818 . MOTO C RO SS La ke Wh itney Cycle Ranch~ Lake Wh itney. T X. 817/6"4-2901. MIn is. Pros S10, others $6. AMC MOTOCR OSS Sadd lebad Parit. Orange. Ca lif. Gate apen 7:30 am, pt'ac. 8-9. race 9:30 ern. No mail entry. • 71$12 post, '2 extra non-memb. • 3000 med. ins. 3O,*, same day brass. 100 % Pro p .b. 7141581-2778 . 150% Pro p ay bCk ., 30% ~~"sS;Il81~ig~g. mec. Ins . RACEM X Coron a Rcwy •• C orona. CA. 714/735· 1705. December 18 INDOOR S HORT TR ACK B e n t o n ety. Fa irgrounds, 1 10 sw 53 rd s t., COrvall is. Ore. Fifth W inter Ser ies. Pra c. 7 em, race .8 pm. Entry $3.S 0/extra class S2/Pros $5 . M ln ls-S OOcc . 5 03/753·0923, 757-1 034 . SAM MX S a d d l e b ac k o r a n ge. 714/558·1584. P rk •• C A ECRASANTA CLAUS SERIES MX Rac ing World /Es cape Count ry. Trabuco Cyn., CA. 1-405to east on EI Tcec, 7 ml. to right @ Cook 's Comer . then 5 mi. Entry $7 mem bs.• $10 no nmem bs . Prizes for leaders. Best 7 of 10 races cou nt, Oct. 16. 23. 30; Nov . 6. 13. 20 . 27; Dec. 4, 11. ia. 7141581- 6400 . COfona Rcwy , Corona . CA.. ott 9 1 "wv GIIIIl opffllR 8 :00 a.m.: pr ac . 9:00; r ~ 10:00 a m . 714/735 1705 . 689 19 13 TEAMMARATHON ~ BOS~MC SEMI·PRO MX Helvetia Ptk ., Harbor Blvd., West Sacto. 7 mi. along river. S anta Claus MX. 100 % sprtsmn. brass . Entry $8-$ 15. Nov. sign 7. race 8:30 a.m. Pro.• Int. sign by noon. race 1:00,p.m. Wr ite 2210 Kimwood Ln., Rancho Cordova, CA. 95670. 916/635-5240. Knob Hill Ranch Cvd e Park, San Mateo Cou nty, CA. Write Box 540. Pescadero, CA 94060 . ~29S. December 19 MOTOCRO SS County L ine Cycle Par k. TX. Pro, A m . Ir ving , 214/ 438-1919 , 817/461·3710. . Cartsba d Rcwv.. Ca rl$bad, CA. MOTOCROSS Au stin MX Pa rk , A ust in, T X. Pt O, Amateur. 512/443-4353. ECRA MX Ra c in g W orl d /E s c ap e Country. Trabuco Cyo.. CA. I405 to east on EI Toro. 7 mi. to right @ Cook 's Corner. then 5 mi. Entry $7 membs.• $10 non membs. Start 9:30 a.rn. 30 % brass . 7141581--6400. AMC MOTOCROSS OeAnza Par k. Sunnymead . Ca lif. Gale open 7 am . prole. 8-9. race 9:30 am . No mial entry. $71812 pe st . $2 exo-a non-memb. $3000 med , cc v. 30% same day brau. 100 % Pro p.b . 7141581-777R MOTOCROSS Deschutes Cyete Park, 65 147 N. Hwy . 97. Bend, OR, halfw ay btwn. Redmond and Bend on Hwy . 97 . 9:30 a .m . Entry $7• • 10 for Pro. New ow ners . 5031389-3334. MO TOCROSS Dp. fflt W heels M C. Edwa rds AIr S Force Base. co mer Forbes and • LAncaster Ave .• Boll 37. Edw ltlds . CA. 0 93 52 3. Take HwV. 14 1 Rosa mond. la ke Rosamon d Blvd. 10 Edw ard s. Sign 7 8:30 a.m.: race 9:00 a.m. Enuv $6. $8 Ellp _Sarrtf! da y brass 33 % . gl" cm- lCal e 10 1st & 2nd place Exp. M Free ca m pmg . Specta to rs h e ll . 805l258 -4250 CMC N IGH T MX Ora nge c tv. In t: R c wy ., Irvine , CA . 714/559-0 199. D IRT T RACK Half mile, sho rt track, TT. Corona Rcwy .• C o r on a , C A. 71 4/73~·1705. 689-1913. RUSS DARNEll MXSCHOOL Sears ' PIL Rcwy., Sonoma. CA. Limited entry, $30. Gift cert ificates available - give school as a present. Class runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, 2131249-5032 or 367·1722 for reservations. CMC MX Ascot park Gardena, CA. 213/323·1 i 42. December 24 NI GHT MX Fr e mo n t Rc w y . , F r emo n t . CA . 415/881·10 39, 278-4 269. I • .. L g Indian Dunes Park. Valencia, entry, $30. Gift certif icates available - give school as pr esen t. Class runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2131249-5032 or 367·1722 for reservatins . geas()ns ril reeti ngs December 31 CYClE NEWS OPENS OYi stmas vacation tor Cyde News ends. Cau, write. react Go for it in 1977 . 2131427-7433 . NI GHT MX Fre mont 4 15/8 81·1 0 39, to our customers & friends _~~ (yo ur name, address, phone no.} R c wy. , 278-4269. ~ -; tJt~/"-ii .! ·j . , ~r -,_...:-.J. : . • -: .• •• ~ ... . ./" . .1 { =. ~ , .rf~:;' 1 ,:- ' I . " . : .~. ::-_ : . ;. .1 World Championship Road Races March 20 May 1 May 7·8 May1 5 125; 250; 350; SOOee 50; 125; 350; SOOee AllClasses 50; 125; 250; . 350; SOOee May 12·22 50; 125; 250; 350 May 29 125; 250; 350; SOOcc: sidecars 50; 125; 250; 350cc J une 19 June 25 Allclasses Jul y 3 50; 125; 250; 500cc; sideca rs 50; 125; 250; Ju ly 2:3-24 350; 500cc July 29-31 125;250; 350;SOOcc AugustS 250; 350; 500cc sideca rs August 14 125; 250; 350; 500cc: sidecars San Carlos; Venezuela Salzburgring; Austria Hockenheim; Germany Monza; Italy ....... 0 ......... Event san ction kZl:iOD:i Eireetlng:s to my cus tomers &: friends to our customers &: frie nds Madrid; Spain Paul Ricard; France Opatija; Yugoslavia Asen ; Holland Francorchamps ; Belgium Anderstorp; Sweden lmatra; Finland Brno;USSR Silverstone; U.K. type ~~~J"..I:~ Even t _ En try fee Maili ng address O l hc r in fO • (you r na me, addr ess, phone no.} ~~ ::'\:.;; :~ ~:,.; Purse -'Y-'o"'u"'r.,n,,;...,.m =c Th e special part : You can run this ad in any or all of o ur December issues! But hurry! Christmas will be here before you know it! CA. Limited How to get there . ., !\ '-".. .~ \(",.. ,' '> RUSS DARNEll MXSC HOOL Loc at io n ..=I ~ 19n F.I.M. Schedule LISTI.e ~:.:.:~~~~~ I III Classes ; /.1~'~ He re's the deal: December 30-31 be t o be included in the following week 's C ycle News. N o listings can be accepted by phone. Please include a phone n umb e r for ad d i tio na l information. Mail the c o m p le te d blank 10 Cyclc Ncws Calendar, Box 498, Lon g Be ach , CA 9 0 8 0 1. II II: this way. Ji /~ . RUSS DARNELL MXS CHOOL Sadd lebaek Prk., Oran ge, CA. Limite d e ntry , $30 . Gift certificates availa ble - give school as present. Class runs from 9:00 e.m, to 3:30 p.m. 21312 4s.s032 or 367-1722 for reservations . - - -:,o: ~:,' 0 :0_1 p .rBBB [ :.:v.::. n.::...::d 'a:.:::.... o c:.:l " lc : Send Christmas cards .. reach 65,000 friends = f1- December 28·29 December 22 December 23 SPEEDWAY PR AC TICE Ei stnore newv. Hwy. 71 at Lagonla. Els inore . CA. 714/67 4·5383 or 714/826-2386. Don't We will give you any one of these ad s expressing appre ciation to your cust o me rs for only $25 each . (R eg. $36.50) MOTOCROSS Swan , TX ., Hwy. 69, 2 mi . south of In t . 20 b t w n . Dallas a nd . S hrev e p or t, follow signs . 11 : 0 0 a.m, 56 . 214/454 ·2736. 214/595·34 09 . AMAM X 714 f727-1171. December 22-23 RA C.E.M X Rcwy •• CA. ---- '--"'-'-"e n umber for info Ph on"-''-'''==...!.-'''--!!l.!;!L _ I I I I I (y ou r name, ad dress, p hone no.] (you r na m e, address, p hone no.} Just fill o ut the co upo n below and ru sh it to: Cycl e News West Advertising Dept. P.O. Bo x 498 Lon g Beach , CA 90801 r-~yClc~~s:::~hris:: G~ti~~----------~ ~ I am enclosing $ fo r--=~...,:..._~ A d ( s ) to ap pe ar in_ _ Issue 48 U Issue 49 Issue 50 0 Please bill my acco un t Circle you r ad choice No.1 No .2 No .3 No.4 No .5 No .6 Namc o Address City ~h one o ---:-:S t ate _ Zip . _ L~~------------_--- -------_-_----J 43

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