Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• (.. » .., I 11 1 _._._._._._._._._._._._._._~._._._.- They hit t he berms practically locking handlebars and took off over the . j umps almost on to p of each other. Finally, towards the end, Willy managed to stretch out a slight lead over Bob and hold it till the checkered waved them home. Willy Sim ons . taking home the gold for a first overall , second going to Bo b Kline and third to J im Lesnieski with a 3 -4. Alan DeLarge, who rode a brilliant second m oto , took fourth overall. Randy Berkeley in the Open Pro race , set out to sho w the North how it' s really done with a fantastic ride . In th~ first mota, he had Gary Murphy and Chuck Lanrarole out to stop him, These three rea lly made tracks. Side by side over the jumps, hot on each other's tail for 30 mi nutes wit hout a let -up. In the second moto , R a nd y came ba ck on the line with a first from his previous m oto . ready for a nother ' win . This ti me Michael Preston . was ho unding and pushi ng him all the way . . . Gary was back in third giving it all he had to take over. T he final chec kered gave a dou b le win to Randy Berk eley, a well-earned second to Gary Murphy and th ird to Gen e Manhir e. By the time the sun went down and the dust had settled o n th e battlefield th e war was over; at least until next vea r when the No rt hern a nd Southern Armies of A .M. E. ret urn . For five yea rs th is has been go ing on and it probably will continue as long as there a re motorcycles to rac e a nd an old • rive rbed to race them in. Resu lts M INI J R: 1. M ike Baron (Yaml. 2. J am ie lewis (Yam ). J . Troy King !Yam). M INIINT: 1. J oe Dyer !YAMI . ± . Randy Oyer !Yaml. J . Todd Broussard !Yam ). M INI EX: 1. Steve Schm it ISuzl . 2. Scott Grose lYZJ. J. Ed Perry . J r. IVaml . ATC MOO: 1. Larry Greer IHon t 2. J im Nidlols lA TO . J. Rid<.Hom lA T O _ ATC STOC K: 1. Marvin Koens IHan I. 2. Stan Paint er IATO. 3. Tony Machado (Hon l. WOMENS 01V: 1. Cherry Stockton IBull. 2. Rox Ann Dougherty IHon). 3. Pat Holland (Hon). 100 JR : 1. TIm Wilborn ISull. 2 . Ron Coo per ISuzl. J . Bill Dav ison . Jr. (Yaml. 100 INT: 1. Jim Williams (Hon). 2. Burl Beverage ISull. J. B.J. Lehn ISuz). 100 EX: 1. Jim Cote ISuzJ. 2. Jimmy Crowd er (Yaml. 125 JR A : 1. Randy Johns ISuzl. 2. TIm Wilson IVaml. J. Kelly Lawrence. 125 JR B: 1. Glen Cordero ISuzl. 2. Rick Oldha n ISull. J. Bobby Martinda leISuz). 1251NT: 1. Paul LanelVaml. 2. Stuart Carro lllVaml. 3. George Galindo (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Willy S imons IFM A . 2. Bob KlinelHonl. 3. Jim Lesnieski (Husl. 250 JR : 1. Russ Norton IC-A). 2. Rick Forner IBull . J . Terry Evans ISuzl. 250 INT: 1. Greg Bergman {Kawl. 2. Rob Weatherby IKTMI. 3. Cory Sawyer ISuzl . 250 PRO: 1. Mike McGowen IHusl. 2. Fred Price IHus}. 3. Scott Karl ISuz). 500 JR : 1. Chris Bor chard IM all. 2. Dave Robemon ISuzl. 3. Dick FoulkelHusl. 500 INT : 1. TIm Sarian IMall. 2. Ken McAllist ... IBuO. 3 . Ted HiIi IBuJI. VETERANS: 1. Keith Phillips ISull. 2. Lee Hill IBuO. 3. Ron Willey IHon). 500 PRO: 1. Randy BerI

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