Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. ; ! ; • ~ .~. .. " ;. , .,". ,.11.11.1 • ! OPPORTUNITY-OPPORTUNITY-OPPORTUNITY ! = ! • ~ ! i • ~ i ! = ! • ! i • = • ! · i • ! , , ! i • ! ; ! • • : · ! • I ! • . (Above): Dave Solt (turbo-charged Kaw 9001 t em porarily leads Tony Murphy lTri 750) in Open GP. Murphy passed. Solt crashed trying to catch up. (Below . left): Steve "Mr Jags" Peterman and Murphy. (Below. right!: David Emde. Emde, Murphy star at WERA'~ sin city EAS VEGAS. NV .. NOV 27 David Emde, of National City, Ca:. won everything he entered a t WERA's Las Vegas road race. As if it weren't enough to ead 250. 500. and Open GP from the first lap. Emde lapped the entire 250 GP field by the 14th lap of the 20·lap final race. Riding a Mack Kambayashi TZ250 .and a Mel Dinesen TZ350, Emde was iritouchable in 'Iny of the GP classes. F~w riders showe i up in freezing cold alia blustery winds to offer inpetition. Some riders who did dake the drive to Las Vegas went T iiine without racing. ~ Steve Peterm an was out touring th frie nds the night before the race, and saw Tony Murphy at a casino in town. A deal was struck, and five inures before the Cafe class was scarted, Peterman roared int o the.pits , nbolted his Triumph's luggage rack, and turned the machine over to MHrphy . Murphy won 750 Cafe an d 750 Production , took third in 500 EXpert GP (four strokes can ride down one class), and second in Expert Open GP. After the races . Peterman bolted his bike's luggage rack back on, and rode home to Los Ange les. • ! • Best Motorcycle Track in the Nation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Super la n d, ove r 100 acre plus outsta n ding facilities. Four tracks, two with overl 50, 000watts of lig h ti n g each. O wner finan ce with 25% .down . Unlimited poten tial for race and promotional m inded person . T rade area over 3 million pop. Serious principa ls only on your letter-head please. ~ ! • ! , i • ! . . , i • ! • , ill.I.II.II.I.I.I,".II.I.I.I.I.II.I.II.I.I.II.I.I.I.I.I.II.I. ..= Cycle News. PO Box 498 Dept..WWW. Long Beach. CA 90801 Results 200 GP: 1. Pet er Frank (Yam) , 2SO GP: 1. David Emde IYaml. 2. Tony Murphy (Yaml. 3. J im Veillard (Yaml. : : • • Exp. SOO GP: 1. David Emde (yam), 2. Dave Salt (Kaw). 3. Tony Murphy (Tril. 4. Art Chambers CHonl. Nov SOO GP: 1. George Capt'i IKawl. Exp Open GP: 1. David Emde (Yaml. 2. Tony Murphy IYaml. 3. Art Chambers {Honl. Nov Open GP: 1. George Capri{Kawl. Open Prod: 1. Mike Van Natta {Kawl. 7SOProd: 1. Tony Murphy ITri!. 410 Prod: 1. Dave SoIt (Kawl. 2. Tony Evans. Open Cafe: 1. Dave So ll.IKawI. 2. Art Chambers IHon). 7SOCafe: 1. Tony Murphy ITril. 2. Greg Cole IKawl. 410 Cafe: 1. DaveSok lKawI. 2SOCafe: 1. Fred Franklin. Brackets: 1. Dava Sok lKaw). 2. Bob Carnahan. J . Fred Franklin. 4. Tony Evans. 5. Art Chambers . 6. Jan Thomas. Do ing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in th e dark.

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