Volume XIII Number 48 : December 7, 1976
Hurricane destroys
Phoenix rocky roll
Bob 'Hurricane' Hannah won the
Phoenix International Racewayrockstrewn mess. Left spinning in the
Hurricane's wake was a contingent of
foreign visitors including five-time
world champion Roger DeCoster,
Gerrit Wolsink, Adolf Weil, Graham
Noyce , Alberto Angiolini, Jos
Klumper , Dario Na ni , Bruno
Morselli , Akira Wantanabe and Nicky
No one was seriously injured in the
rapid coming and going of the
Hurricane, but the aftermath was said
to have left several egos badly bruised.
• Control was provided by Thomas
Croft who softened much of the blow
during the second part of the storm.
Gaylon Mosier of Huntington Beach,
CA , who stayed as close to the eye of
the Hurricane as possible. declared it
was the most amazing thing he had
ever witnessed . Complete, story page 6.
Meet Bob
Sin City
Road Races
On page 36
Team Lester Wheels won .the 24hour race, beating four other entries
by 142 laps even after parking, their
Kawasaki at the 23rd hour. Gusting
winds whipped up blinding sand and
pushed temperatures down to minus
16 degrees during the long, hard
endurance event. Story:page 20 .
Over 150 riders (estimated) joined the
Phantom Duck on his second annual
trail protest trek from Barstow to Las
Vegas, Saturday November 27 . Also
en route were various Coyotes, Foxes,
Camels, and other assorted fauna ,
riding everything from a square-barrel
Greeves to (Appropriately enough) an
Ossa Desert Phantom.
See page 18
Riding OSSA's 77
Phantolft and
Husky's ne~ 390
and 250 p .• o and .6
MX BICYCLE SPECIAL starts on page 15
Mitch Mayes hurt
Deserr/Baja winner Mitch Mayes is
hospitalized with two crushed
vertebrae following a crash near the ,
' sm oke bomb at SGVMC's Hare &
Hound in Lucerne Valley Saturday.
Ap parently he had gotten out of shape
in a wash and hit a "sand mogul" .