Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; . Perfect pit bike-76 XR ·75 x R-75 b o red to 81cc, full race cam an d engine work, Bassa ni pipe, Sage shocks. extra t ravel f ro n t and rear never been raced - used III only as a p it b ike, $350 fi r m . (714) 778-6700 or (714) 581 ~ aSk for Mi ke . (43) a2584 '61 Mat ch 500 single Runs t go Od , 10 No . G80CS $550.00. (714) 89 4 -5 82 6 . (43) '58 T ri Cub T20C (,0 . R uns good, m ost all ori g. pa rt s an d o wner 's manua l. L ig htwei ght cla ssi c, $250.00. (714) r-, 8 9 4-58 26. (43) '76,125 Yamaha YZC O"l ...... c-r Noguch i kit, a ir Triumph parts l-. , W ill sell com plete i n ve n t o ry for 25 % of dealer cos t. Graybeal's Yam ah a. Bloom ington. nt . Cl.I ..0 S :> 0 Z (309) 8 28-5310. (43/2x) I 1 Cl.I Cherry Suzuki **Hey 4-wheelers & vanners! F or sal e : 4 J ackman white o ff-r oad rim s siz e 15xl0 mus 4 Maxl-Trak o ff-road t i re s siz e 1 5x l 1 . 5-lu9, w ere on GM C v an. L oc ks an d lug ~ m~ y be i n c l u d ed. So ld for $ 4 10, aSk ing ~ or B.O. V i rtua ll y ne w! (2 13 ) 421-4904. (35/T F N) PE R F O R MA N C E A tl an t ic Ave., CYC LE Long CENTER, 5105 a eaen , CA. (213) 4 23-1433. (42/2 x) RM 250, 1976 Suzuki Al pine Stars Pro-Fab sw ingarm, G .P . reser vo ir ShOCkS, Me tzeler t i res, h eavy du t y SPok es fro n t & rear, too much m ore to li st. T h l5 b ike i s S ize 8, u se d 6 t im es. $ 50.00. (213) 477 -9 906 . (43) '74 Suzuki TM 125 Help Wanted ***Now in stock * * ~ S ANO! $950.00. Gary (21 3 ) 691 -0 17 3. (43) D G head, T &M p ipe, forward m ounted snacks, r uns c lean, fast, an d stron g. Must sell . Attenti on salesmen!! Call in g o n dealers ? No w y o u can ad d to y our In c o m e. START your cu st omers as B1KER d eal ers. Fo r d et ail s. wr ite to B i k er M agaz i n e, B o x 2 61 0. Lo n g Be ach . CA 90 8 01 . A tt n : R. L. N or Velie. (46/T FN) Service manager & mechanic $400 .00. Call ' after 430-768 0. (43) 6 ,00 p.m . ( 213) V75 Montesa 250 GOOd cooc tt ion, VERY cower tut, $675.00 . Mini in a basket, $100 G o od cond ition . Butt on ma g, v er y f ast rac ing Min i. All p arts ready t o be put together. Can oga Park (213) 884-336 0 . (4 3 ) Garage sale bargains 1928 Ford t ruck, 2 89 - aut o, $1,0 00.0 0 .2 TM400 SuZUkls, m odified su sp en si on . $350.00 each. 50 1 Mal c o rebuilt b y Wheelsm ith, $45 0 .00. 5 01 eng in e. $3 00. 00~ 2 50 Greeves, origi nal, $150.0 0 . 360 Greeves, $25 0 .00. H onda X L2 50 . $375.00. Yamaha min i, $125.00. X R 7 5 mod ified eve rything, $30 0.00 . '72 F ord E200, h eaders. cu stom • i nteri or & pa int, 36,000 mt., $2.700.00. (714) 548-1235 . (43) DUCATI 450 - b est d esert p la yb ike made. Fer9us fr ame, go o d sh ape. (714) 884-9627 . Y Z 2505. Y Z 4005. YZ 125 Xs, XS 7 SOD s, (43) X T 5 0 0 05, TT 500Ds, RD 40005 & IT 400Cs. 5 L & Huntington Y amaha, 5 938 Park, CA. Pacific (2 131 Blvd., 587-7 244. 1976 Yamaha YZ·80-C 1976 Honda CR125 Elsinore E xcellen t c o n dition . S&W F reon sh ockS, new p iston & ri n gs, n e w rea r kn ob bY , fork k it. stock eng ine. M u st sell , be st o ffe r tak es. (213) 1 974 T C I 0 0, has only 4 70 mt., aSking $399.00. Call between 9 a.m . & 6 p.m., aSk f o r Sand i o r G il (21 3) 2 8 0- 8244 . (43) Ask fo r Mike (213) 337-6811. (43) Going out of business sale O ctober 29, 3 0 & 31st, 9 a.m. till 6 prn, Everyt h ing must go. 47 n ew & used motorcycles, Honda, Huscvarna , CZ, auua eo , Kawasaki, d ir t and st reet cycles to choose f rom . BarqainS for c eon tes ! E X A M PL ES: AM ra di os at our $9 .95 table, all filters at our 95t ta b le , spa rk p lugs at our 2 5t t ab le, and c yc le rac k s from $1.99. GIG ANTIC SAV INGS o n all i t em s. ++ FREE PEPIS AND HOT DOGS ++ fe at urin g V ienna franks. HI M od i f ied p ipe, F u n n' F ast f i lt er, cl ean an d f ast , $450 fi rm . ( 213 ) 430- 237 2. Call from 2 :30 t o 8 :30 n.rn , - Dan. (43) PENTON 125 SIX DAYS " 72 " HON D A SLI00, "7 2 " - 427-4356. (43) Experienced Honda mechanic Ga i n more horsepower and reduce w ei gh t b y 10 pounds. 'rcreue p ipe & cust o m S ldplate k w ill also fi t XT500. Ste al b oth fo r $ 37 . Goo d cond ition, aSkin g $800.00. En cl ose d b i k e o r utilit y tr alt er, $2 0 0. 0 0. 8 ' o verhead H o liday Camper , good condit i on, $5 50.00. Suzuki mechanic Hunt ington Beach (714 ) 846-5606. (43) ve ry E xperienced meChan tc with tools wan ted by Suzuk i Shop. M ust be fUlly e xper ienced. Contact Suzu k i of Santa Ba rbara (805) good cond ition . (213) 445-2388. (43) many extras, $7 0 0. 9 6 6-0 11 1. (42/2x) Street British mot orcycles im port ed condit ion. $575.00. (213) 2 4 8- 1205. (43) M /C enthusiast In spe cti on. w ith crati ng , contai ner, facilitie s In stora ge. England. Look ing for partn ers or cus tomers to share ex p e nse s. G ua ra nteed. Se r ious only.. Dave (408) 25 3-0 6 2 7 . (43) Position wanted I have a business degree w rth 5 years o f management experience in cluding a Yamaha dealer ship. Seek ing a position In the mctceev eie i n du st r y . Call (51 2) 595-5266 alter 6 . (43/2x) ligh ts , tu r n si gnals, excellent DG powered Honda 870-7723. (43) Last Chance Enduro fun run . (213) 442-8043. (43/2x ) for the f ast est growi ng U .S. Sport - Open to all franch Ised dealers - Call for c era lis (213) 772-1 647. (2 5 /T F N ) Harley -Davidson mechanic opening Set up and cust o m work. Call R. H utChins (213) 749-6235 L.A. H. D . (32/TFN) Penton MX frame, comp lete Everyth ing b u t eng i ne, ultimate in handl ing. Late model frame, new 8 " Cer lanls, F . M . gas c umuns, Yamaha MX front w hee l m ore. Ma l·or brand 2 & 3 rail + custom 4 & 5 rail tra ters small or large wheels . H itches In s ta lle d. Call t Ot' LOWEST PRICES. MSC (213) 767-1757. (34/TFN/E.O.I .) Husky speedo and hub needed I want a f r o nt HuSk y hub w ith Sp eed o met er an d h oo k u p. If you have It l aying aro und, give me a call. Mike (2 13) 421-4904. (40/TFN) WANT TO GET STARTED ROAORACING ? Send $1 .00 fo r a complete package of info rm ati o n and road rac ing go o d ies. WERA, 1742 Add ison St •• p erfect . 1971 HUSKY 360 EN DURO, 8 SPD. 5 " excellent condition . $395. (213) ' 7 5 H USQVARNA 2 5 0WR e xctnt, cond o with e xtras, $950.0 0 . (714) 63~-7802. (43) Speedway gear 38mm VALER IANS M IK U N I KIT for 4 50 HUSky, $45. Vesco Fa t Sk inny ta nk Husky m ount, $2 5. Sony TC 208. 8 t rack h o m e tape p layer, $50. (714) 894-4970. (43) ~~ , 76, 250 YZ mono E xcellent . Call week-d ays and even ings. (80S) 947·9598. (431 400 CZ ' 7 5 red Trade '75 112 Can -Am 250 M X-2 i n excell e nt condit ion fo r ' 7 5 , 360 B u lt aco Pursang In like Husqvarna . frame Mlku ni ca rb G lr lln g sn ecxs, std. piston. $625. (213) 3 7i.5384 p.m. (43/2x) alte r 6 '7 4, 2 5 0 CZ. NEW TOP E ND. Bo ge LTG's, fork kit. Motoplat, e xcellent cond ition , Mikuni cart>. (2131428-1696. (43) 360 G.P. 1975, barrel & he ad & wheels. mise, ot h er parts. (805) 974· 3 4 49 or (80 S) **BULT ACO * BU LT ACO** PtlUadelph la, PA 19 1 4 6. (41/3 x) 944-3365 . (43) 1967 Kawasak i F2-TR parts '73 YAMAHA 250 M X . Xl nt. cond ., two tan kS (MX, desert), 3 4 M i kuni , Boge Sh OCk S , fo rk kit , m o re. very clean. $550 f irm . Call A lloy spec ials! Tric k alum. si de panels, won't crack, '72-'76 Pursangs, $12.95 ea. T rick al um. filler plugs (breather type) . $1. 50 ea. A lso tr i ck a lum. wheel spacers. Sav e on ear ly & l ate moeet parts & accessories. MK V II 25 0 G .P. motor, $225.00 complet e . Rea r hubs, $35.00. F ront nubs, $30.00. Sea ts tank. f rames, motor part s. W ill buy Bu ltaco I 'bas k et En gine. ?, ar b ox . sw tnaa rrn , fram e, et c. A l so e "G yt kit' cy linder, p iston & he ad . Call (2 1 3) 4 27-7433 ask fo r Mr. Nor V elie. (1 0fTFN) Fin isher pins ~~~~ ~ ~~~n~s~:rfa~~"osr:~r:~~~~::~n~o;.~ Ca l-Mart Pla tin g. 607 South H ili St re e t , Los Angeles, Ca lifo rn ia 90014. (2 13) 623-698 7 . 7 6, 125 Yamaha YZX Excellent con dition - (213 ) 360-5910. (4 3/ 2 X) very fast . $750.00. Can-Am 250 MX-2, 75 Fully modifie d trop hy w i nner; Inclu d ing 1975 A B C-Be ll series, Jr . seco n d p lac e. Over $250 0 In vested . (43) Sa crifice $895. ( 71 4 ) 551 -5648 . 76 mono 125, 74 Kaw. 500 Yam. has st d . bore & lon g travel re ar suspension, $600.0 0 . Kaw. 500 t r iple h as ~JOOO m t., I n m int or lg . can c ., $950.00. F o r Y am. call ChUCk, (714) 5 25-4 243. For K aw. ca l" A rt, (714) 535-8613. (4 3) 76, 125 Elsinore G ood cond ition, raced lit tl e, ai r fOrkS, FM F pipe, mild port ing, $695.00. M ust sell! (7 14) 7 46-7 36 5. (43) Doug, e v es (714) 5 29- 2380. (43) '75 YZ80 Yamaha Good sh aQe. $325.00 or o ff er. Call a ft er 5 :00 360 M X, goo d S hape, " Little Husky" '7 3. 125 - clea n, n ev er raced; cu st o m por t ,milled. bala nced fl i ~h t en ed c ran k ; lowe red , 8" ai r forks" 7"' W o rk s Per fo r mance Sh OCkS; Sun r ims, glass ta nk, Magura 's, e tne on, more ! $700 or offer. A lso size 2 8 Ch icken Lea th e rs. 7 1/4 Bell Magnum~ 7 1ft V i k ing boots e xcellen t i~2~~t ~~~,y ;:,t,wAH~alv15 t,~t~ ~rri~i~rr~~~~e - new carb - 544-2232 . (43) new electrical - $350. (714) MUST SE LL Best o ff e r over $145.00. (213) (weekdays: 9 :00 to 5 :00). (43) 657-8383 Penton 125 1973l/.a, excellent cond ition . New ; pis ton. Mikunl, tire seals, Diamond cha in and c ab l es, etc. Por t ed , cut head, F .M.F. pipe . button Moto plat, etc. Stored 2 y ears. $385.00 . Gene (714 ) 493-3710. (43) CZ '72,250, PLAST IC T ANK , M l k unl, an d more. $375 or best or trade for street bike. 'f6a~.~9a£l (~3~ of Honda 70 en gi n e. (213) St ev e Nutter 15 seiling all speedway equ i pment. Two 1976 Jawas, extra wheelS, gear ing an d leathers. Plu s Rainbow Ent. Speedway Ra ci ng Team Van . (213) 372-5754. 397-3207. (43) YA MAHA 3 rai l mot orcycle tra iler - Sacrif ice $1295 . (213) 887-0372. (43/2 x) Curnutt sj 1973 Motorcycle tra iler. 76 Husky 250 GP CR 1976, 125 Honda cond ition. (805 1 922-2 473. ( 4 3 / 3x) IN (43) (Ha ve pink.) $22 5 firm. (714) 735.1339. (4 3) Sanitary! New sw i n gar m , M u lholl an d snocks, weeee head, etc. 10 h r s. on stock engine. $800 o r best or trade for '7 6 ,2 50 RM. (213) " *Cycle tra ilers . • . $176 & up * " ~ne~~r~~3,~g. ~~~a~~~~a J~O $~~6. $d~Od 431-34 3, . (43) & $ 3 7 5 o r best oller. (21 3 ) 6 9 2 -29 59. (43) '73 PENTON 1 25cc 6 DAY - ' 7 3 Yamaha 360 MX, $450. '73 Yamaha 1 25 U k e new, r lden approx. 8 nrs. - B U LT A CO 360 FRONT ERA . b etter than new , $895. YAMAHA 1 25 Y Z C K&N, Trlc k lt. Skyway. $595 .'(41 5) 59 2-47 56. (43) extra c lean $4 95. - ma ke o ffe rs. (2 13) 790-7.11 . (4 3) Must sell-excellent cond ition helmets. bo ots. gloves. etc. (213) 993·1445. CR 125, OG motor, head, 32 Mlkuni , 8 1f re ar, 2 7 114 f ront , laYdO wn gas B oges, x tn t, ccne.. extra s. M ust sell , $445 or best . (71 4) Tw o d ays. Dec. 4 & 5. A Speedway dealers wanted '7 5 " 2, 2 5 0 fShant om , o wned b y Mid- Va ll ey mechanic. M.V. u p- pi p e, 9 I n c n es travel w it h Fox sncx, new m o tor. Sharp, $700.00. (2 13) 2 8 6-0 7 4 5. (4 3 ) 74 Honda MT Elsinore legal, can a lt e r 6 p.m . (213) 925- 77 2 4 . (43) Mid-Valley Ossa 75,400 mono $225 , very go od '72 Penton 125 St o c k 22 nc., 6 sp eed, m ec han ica lly ex celle n t. Two Honda A.T.C. 90 Yam TT500 pipe & sk idplate Fu ll ti me, ex cellent bene fits. Ko lb e CYCle Sal es. rne., 7514 Reseda Blvd.. Reseda. Cali fo rn ia . (2 13) 345-76 16. (41/T FN ) $27 5 - cond it ion. (714) 884-9627. (43) 595-4188. (43) Sa la ry pl u s c o mm iss ion , good refere nces, p a id vac ati on . Ca ll (71 4) 83 1-0 1 2 2. (42/2x) 44 fo rks and more, $650.00. (213) 360-5910. (43/2 X) cases." For In fo call ( 213) 845-0374. (43) The ultimate playbike X L25 0 in CJ frame . com plete. Long travel Ccrianis an d a c ae, V esco tank. Pettys, green stlckie, etc: Fast and re liabl e. Great fo r d esert yend uros, $900.00 . (213) 820 -2414. (4 3) " V W dune buggy" Very sanitary. Xtnt , tcr desert or san d . Clocked over 100's M .P.H. and h an dles unbetieveabte, Custom trailer and many extras.. $3,000 i n ve st ed Sacrifice $ 2 ,OOO{best offer . As k fo r Ba rry after 6 : 00 p.m. (714) 866-2014. (43) , 75 Ossa . M id·Valley prepared, F oxx Sh OCkS, up-pipe; plast ic air bOX, etc. K ept In pe rf ect c ond ltlon.~ $700.00. (213) 248-1897. (4 3) C&J Honda Thumper H o n da 250, Y os h imura cran k , Jerry BranCh head, Webe r cam . Beto rs, Cu r nu tts, aluminum air box. Elsinore hubs & seat, new rubber. Best oller. (714) 4 96-868 2. (43) My loss your gain ! Help! , Moving to Texas. mu st sell, ' 7 3 C Z 2 5 0, x l n t.;$35 0 .0 0 . '7 6 Honda 400F, like new, only 1200 miles, $900.00 fi r m. Call be fore 2:30 c.m. (714) 821 -9678. (43) 75 Yamaha 250 mono n.m. (714 ) 774-607 2. (43) Custom CZ frame 8 1h" front, 8" rear . Bought In Nov. '75, good c ond ition. $725 or best. (805) 2 5 9-0 1 1 4. (43) 22 ft . Smuggler tra iler centerccrt des ign. aluminum sw lngarm, 9" + trave l and ac c es. $3 50.00 or o f fer. Also 125 Honda for k s, comp lete, $50.00. (213) '741M, Queen size bed, radi o, 20 gals ., propane, 16 ft . awn ing. SPARKLING clean . S3850.00. 681 -1044. (43) My Nat ional Championship 1976Y:. CR125 Honda Husky 250WR 6-spd. Cal- guarde d, bala n c ed . & b lue pr inted . Super fast & su pe r clean . Must sell! $1 2 00. Call (213) 843-2240. (43) Marz occhl fro nt rorks, Pro fab/DG al u m i n u m swingarm, gas G irlings, 8 " tra vel back & fron t, FMF p o rt ed cylin der & pipe . 34mm Mlkuni, 52 0 chain, factory t an k . New tir es. ne w bore , Mag uras, o ver $25 00 invest ed . Chang ing c la sses for 1 977. so fUlly prepared CR1 25 f or o n ly $1 000. Call And y Bain es immed iat ely (213) 570-0597. (43) Clean 360 Husky GP Onl y r idden t wice t nt s y ea r. Sl i o o .o o . (7 14 ) 5 2 3- 5 8 7 8 . (4 3 ) 75 Maic0450 Excellen t cond it ion. M ust sell, $59 5 .0 0 or best ,o lle r. (213) 477 -9 906 . (43 ) sto red 7 -mon ths. perf ec t, $750.0? · (213) 391-1306. (43) 76 A.W. Maico evenings after 9 : 00 (2 13) 693- 2358. ( 4 3 ) 1973 Suzuki TM250 B i ke is in exce llent condi tion . Must sell, owner movina . $5 00. (213) 861· 99 28. ( 4 3) 75, 250 Pursang T h i s bike has never been raced. Immaculate ins id e & out. R uns great . Plastic fe nd ers, 1/4 turn t hrottl e, ste el shift lever . Must sell, S7 50. (2 13) 341-5960. (43) Sexy '75 CB550 Honda Wi n djolm m er fai ri n g, l u ggage r ack & b o x . Perfectly Clean , $1395.00. Ray mond (213) 9 4 3-6 9 7 3 - (714) 523-4988. (4 3) 750cc Yamaha f1attracker Champ ion frame - 452-1422. (42/ 2 x ) I Call Ros s R ober t s (509)

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