Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HI PERFORMANCESnake EXHAUST SYSTEMS $79.50 Y Z 125 c YZ 125 x YZ 100 Y Z80c Honda D ow n Pipe 549.95 CR 125 XR 75 532.95 P ipe and Silence Megaphone KTM 5 69.95 175-2 50 -400 Complete Line Mototec-CDI Kits Pipe Cust om Cone Sets "Built to Yo ur Specifications" Airco Sheet Metal 15209 Grevillea Ave. • Lawndale. CA 90260 . (2 13) 675 -5290 • Dep t. W $54.95 All Pip es T ested, Proven, and Used By' th e AIRCONE RACING TEAM BUDDHA enterprises 714-~9-3166 - 11050 Magnolia A ve. e SAL ES e SERVICE e pA RTS I~r ~ Hwy.91 inof Magno/7:V;7.:iie~~ atshop Corner the old White Front tire a .12;C1lE4 ~~ 2ACE2 ., TERRYKIT 8 " OF T RAVEL FO R PENTON, KTM, & ' 76 HODAKA 0 .1.0. Alloy Rims WM 3 WM 5 unddlled 11S" '" 19" ) $35.50 ea undrilled (1S'" $44.60 ea WM 5 d rilled for Z·' or cs 750 $46.8 0 ea WM 6 d rilled for z-t o r CS 750$48.20 ea Dist ribu tor fo r : HUN T RACI NG PRODUCTS DUN LOP RACI NG TYRES AZUSA PRODUCTS PI RE L LI TYRES ND SPARK PLUGS D eal en f or: '" uvercla. MV A ug u sta . Mot o Mo rin i. Rickman M otorcyc les • 444 A East Monterey Pomona. CA 91768 Smo othe r aetion - More control Improved handling - More travel Different dampening Air or springs. The front end - kit that beats them all. $50 .00 Dealer or Direct out of state call toll free 800-854-4691 90 day money back guarantee TEIlIl vc.uiu: PO BOX 1321 Hesper ia . CA 92345 7 14 2472 646 714-622-0533 Product evaluation I The Dry Rider rain suit The Baby Blu e Bunny Suit, we called it, not in criticism -- the Dry Rider is really hard to fault -- b ut jus t for fu n. Neese Industries didn 't miss a trick in d esigni ng th eir ra in s ui t to keep the motorcycli st totally dry regardless of co nd itio ns. There's not one hol e in th eir m o isture-proof shield. But yo u. have to wear it all , fr om boot ies to bonne t, an d th at's wh ere Dry Rider we arers are m ost likely to go wrong. If y o u eliminat e a single piece of the N eese sy stem , you'll miss th e surprisingl y pleasant sensation of plowing through downpour and puddles remaining internally undampened. The main attrac tion of the suit is its Wiilingness to be' compressed in to an almost tiny drawstring bag for eas y on -cycle storage. You can take it everywhere, easily, even wi th a buddy on back. When the first drops hit yo ur faceshi eld, simply pull off the road and start yanking the am azing quan tity of nylon gear ou t of the bag. The boot covers go on first ; they fasten with a drawstring around your calves. In our admittedly limited testing time, the thin nylon boot c overs didn't wear through the soles although we suspect they m i g h t after extended periods of trudging around on abrasive asphalt surfaces. We were to ld when we received the suit that boot improvements are in the plan ning stages. . Next are the pants. Stirrups hold th e legs down in place while Velcro strips take up ankle slack. The waist ties with a drawstring. Two Velcro s trips are used along wi th a zipper to fasten the jacket front - an excellent idea - and the hook ' n ' eye st u ff als o keeps the wrists sn ug and attaches the hood the th e j acket co lla r. The ' h ood fi ts unde your helmet attaching as mentioned to th e jack e t c ollar. More Ve lcro fas tens th e fl ap s ac ross the ri der's fa ce , and a d raw string co n tr o ls th e size o f the ey e op ening. We used it with a full face h elme t but it sho uld also wo rk well with open face h elme ts with ei ther goggles or face shield . Last to go o n are th e m its . T hey fasten wi th draws tri ngs aro un d your fo rearms. The be st fe a ture about th e Dry R id er suit is th at i t abs o lutely does not leak. No rain do wn th e neck ; no wet fee t ; nothing up the slee ves ; and th e jacke t with i ts double Velcro sealing keeps th e water off your chest at an y speed. One complaint, and it's hardly valid for a rain suit that packs ' away so compactly, is that the sleeves will whi p in the wind. That happened o nly while we were trying to make it with only a T-shirt on underneath. Once we had a light jacket on, it apparently filled up the loose material and the whipping stopped. . Available in light b lu e, or orange or yellow, the Dry Rider does exactly what the name promises for $44.98 complete. If you insist on bucking the system , the suit only (jacket, pants and bag) go es for $37 .30. The jacket alone sells for $22 .15, or if you'd like only the pants, they're $15 .15 . Neese Industries , Inc. can give yo u the name of a Dry Rider dealer in your ar ea. You may write them at P.O. Box 628 , Gonzales, La . 70537 or call 504/644-6553. Tell 'em the baby blue bunny sent ya. • MOTORCYCLE SHOCK SPRINGS YOUR LARGEST GOODpYEAR STREET TIRE SOURCE .~ rmmIim1 ~ GARY BA NG CYC LE P.O . Bo x 472, Canoga Park , Ca. 9 1303 (213) 341 -8474 All illakes To begin you r adver tising campaign Is a phone call To the advert ising depart ment at Cycle News 213- 427-7433 Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-538-2914 ~~ marzocchl , j COMPETITIO N FORKS & . SHOCKS FROM YOUR HI -PO/NT DEALER Po rt ing. R adia l Heads,Snait Pipes CR 125 - 9.5 Front Forks. F or k A c c u m Ula tors ; D eal er Program; Ca t alog S 1. S0 Hwy. t 9 N, Rt . 2 Por I RIChey . FL 335 6 8 (8 13)863 -2t2 t SAMMY TANNER DISTR IBU TING lUBII-TECH 2139242 111 • Mik e Patrick 's 1101 E. 6th Street , Corona , CA ( 714) 73 57721

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