Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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it to t he gas poin t at 53 mile s. 11,e cour se con ti n ued on over a series 0 f ri dg es and riders so m eti m es ha d to go ov er, u nder or aro und thicket s and piles of tree limbs and brus h. Anyon e who has bec om e tangled in this octopu s-like ob stacle can ap p reciate the di fficulty of keeping o n on e 's m inute. The fm al sections were re -run backwards over the loop used earlier in the day . Only now the ro ad ways were in ch es deep in powder. The fin ish line was a scene of co n fu sio n an d a little hostility on the part of " A" ride rs wh o knew th at there were, serious di screpan cie s a t the chec ks and in the m ilea ges. T he sky had fall en in on the C.E.R. A. layout men who h ad spent so much time , money and energy in preparing what th ey had thought was going to be a super enduro. This was to be the enduro which would show ev eryone that the club could handle a National. In fact , C.E,R.A. had just joined the A.M .A . and also just applied for sanction to hold the National next acutely y ear. The situation was embarrassing. Strangely enough th ere were no protests. The people m o st concerned "A" riders who were ridin g for points seemed to understand. The club passed out apologies and cold be er at the finish and the members who wore their red, white and blue vests that day sh owed considerable co u rage. Out of the eight chec ks in the 110 mile course, three were retained and the rest called o bservation points. All trophies will be awarded - duplica te trophies for t ies - and everything will b e done to mo llify th ose who haven't yet for given C.E.R.A. The District 36 Enduro Steward, Lynn Ritner, is going to decide whether o r n o t na t ional po in ts will be a warded. Well , there was som e goo d news for C.E .R.A. - they were given permission to hold a National next year. So , maybe in th e long run everything will work ou t for the best. All the m istakes were made last Sat urday and nothing, positively nothing, will go wrong at the National next year. C.E.R.A. promises yo u . • Results pending. 5untarget Chukkar Run By Jan Newman YAKIMA, WASH., OCT. 10 Sun target, one o f the Northwest's newest mo to cross facilities, is loc at ed near Yakima at the site of a forme r , gun club. T he existi ng clu bh ouse lends a t ou ch of luxury no t often ass ociated with dirt b ikes. The secon d floor snack bar an d deck offer a view of the entire co u rse wh ich wi nds up an d do wn th e h illsid e across th e w ay. T he pits are terraced to provide fu ll view for t he less en thu sia sti c sp ectators who would prefer to wa tc h in th e comfort o f th eir ve hi cles . T he co urse itsel f is full o f up hills, downhills, o ff ca mber turns , hum p s, ju mps , et c. T he m ost o m in o us is a double jump right smack in the middle. This jump can b e taken safely tw o ways - both humps at o nce o r a super slo w roll over ea ch . There is an alt erna te one-jump route to the righ t for the super squeamish wh ich is perfectly legal. This double ju mp took its toll. J im J ago w was way ou t front in the first 250 "C" race when he pulled too hard and accord ion ed his Yamaha seat. Dan Wang ler (Suz) fell heir to the win followed by Bill Wilson (Ma n ). In the second mota Wan gler hit the co rn er first and loa ked like a winner until the last couple of lap s. Mike Crevling (Suz ) had been working to the front. On the next to last lap he pulled up to fly over the double jump right beside Wangle r but Dan w a s having none of that. On the fin al lap repeat of the duo night, Mike won out. Ed Davis and Gary Rac ca, looking like two peas in a pod, went 1-2 all the way in the first 125 Pro rac e on identical DG 's. Davis wen t mo st of th e wayan a flat rear tire. Ed went wire to wire in t he second round bu t "Racca en countered problems early in th e first lap wh ich left him picking his way thro ugh the pack. Clin t Calh ou n (Han), Bill Joyce (Ha n) and Pat J acob son (Hon) fought it o ut for second. J o y ce wo n an d took se cond place mo ne y wi th his 3-2 record. Racca pulle d au t a th ird . Ron Pomeroy (Bul) do minated t he 250 Pros. Lee Voss (Hus) ha d a solid sec ond in th e first round. A bid fo r th ird by Duke Coleman was ended abru p tly when he crashed on th e double jump an d pu t h is Hus ky out of co mmission . Dave LaPierre (Suz) hel d secon d in the final round until Voss wen t so deep in to a com er o n t h e ins ide they both went off t he track - Dave _ flying over the b ars on the way. Ron Long (Mai ) was out fron t all t h e way in the first Open B ra ce . The next mota looked like a repeat until the ra ce was st opped after two laps be cause of an injured rider. On the restart Long got the holeshot with Rick McUne (Suz ) in hot pursuit. They goo fed and Jerry Cox (Suz) emerged in fro nt. Rick re covered to take th e win but Ron wound up nursing a broken frame to fin ish. • Resul ts in Results Section . C'l s-. IU ..0 E IU ::> o Z - B.0.5.5. MX opens four race series By Sallee Hilton HE LVETIA PARK, CAL. , OCT . 10 Over make Poin t races . 300 their win The riders sho wed up to bid for the series High at this first o f fou r Mighty Mago o (Danny Ch an dler) was last off the line in a field of twenty 2 50 Expert s, and w ithin two lap s ha d p iloted his flying KTM to thi rd pl ace. Magoo pushed Mike Hersman (Hus) o n aro un d John Minor's Suzuki af t er several laps of' -the three of t hem ri di ng as a sin gle unit. On ce by Min or, Magoo kept the pressu re on Hersman to ta ke over the lead ju st before the white flag. Hersman m ade a mis ta ke th at c ost h im the lead, laying it down in a turn; b ut re covered in time to maintain his secon d position, only because Minor was dropping off the pa ce due to an em ergency type situation - hi s pants were fallin g down! He still man a ged a third. Minor again was out in fron t wh en the sec ond moto go t o ff, but this t im e Magoo didn't h ave as far to go to catch up. It was Hersm an with th e ba d start and ma king a hard d rive to ca tch up to th e leade rs. Magoo began imm ediat ely to reel Min or in and took ov er t he lead wh ile flying off the second of the t wo jumps o n th e back straight. As Mago o was going away, Hersman was co ming up close r to Minor, In t he wh ite flag lap the two dic ed it o ut, bat tl in g fo r th at second pl ace. In the fina l seconds Hersm an got by. In t he fn-st round o f the 125 Exp ert class, Mike Prest on (Suz) sh o wed them t h e w ay to go. The second and third p lac e finis h ers weren 't as cu t and dri ed. AI Hall (Ho n) and Dan a Wax ham (Suz) ha d to co me fr o m further back in the pac k and fight for their positions. Hall's worst o bstacle was T om Bragd on (Yam) who did n't wan t to give up second. The t w o pl ayed swa psies for a while be fore Bragdon fell out o f it . Waxham was by t h en running fifth , an d pressin g Dave Wood (Ha n) to give up fo urt h . Wood an d Waxh am b oth went arou nd Bragdon an d co n tinu ed the fight now fo r third. It was in the white flag lap that Waxham m anaged to take \yo ad. The same four lined up just of f the sec o n d mota start with Preston go ing to the front aga in followed by Hall th en Wood a nd Waxham. The first hal f was like a p arade until Waxham put a challeng e on Wood which fmall y p aid off. The parade then con t in ued following Preston, Hall , Waxham and Wood to the finish. Res ults in Results Section. ~5 TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING WINTER NATIONALS North Florida Raceway - Jacksonville, November 26, 27 & 28 FI~rida PRE:ENTRY INFORMATION AND ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE North Florida Raceway-Palm Valley Road-Ponte Vedra, FL.32082 904/285-2966 Largest Minicycl e event in the East-Comple te program including School Boy 100cc and 125cc to age 17. Compete with the Nation's best . - TOM TURNER'S 2-Stroke Engineering I've built engines for th e best Nati onal racers in A Kenny R oberts, Steve Eklund, Don Castro, Gary Sc etc. Also manm • •~~ Danny Per ns, met: Way ne Re nee, etc. [ will "'~~.~~~~~~

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