Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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--------------------------------------to give him any th in g more th an a . secon d. David Jones rounded ou t th ~ field with th ird. Results in Results Section. - D-G twins tops at Irwindale By To m Blatt ler IRWI ND AL E, CAL. , ocr. 15 D-G Perfo rmance twins, Gary Denton and David Taylor, easily dom inat ed the 125 and 250 Pro classes last Friday night at Irwin dale's weekly CMC ni ght moto cross ac tion . Each ri der scored clean sweeps in their respective ' classes. Denton proved wh y he is called the "King o f Irwindale" wi th three st raigh t five-lap victories in the 12 5 Pro catego ry, and Taylor, known as " Bo nes", scored his sixth st ra igh t moto win in two weeks to clin ch the 2 50 honors. Val Tamietti again took the overall honors in the 500's. In the o p en ing moto for the 12 5's, it was Denton taking the lead in the firs t corn er with one of his paltened holeshots. Taylor wa s second followed by Eddie Clark, John Atwood, and T o ny de la Sora, who was riding his first Pro race . Denton used the horsepower of his Honda to pull away from Taylor's Su zuki fo r an easy win. Taylo r had to settle for seco n d with A twoo d movin g past Clark for third. Round two fo und a re pea t of th e first m oto , as Den ton and Tay lo r ran one-two. Taylor ap pli ed pressu re to Den ton in th e final two laps, bu t once again, Denton 's horsepo wer was too much for Ta y lo r. Clar k and Atwood switch ed positions in the second m o to. . In t he final round, Den ton made it look easy with a convincing wi n ov er Atwood, Tay lor , and de la Sota, In o verall p oint s, Denton too k first, ' with Taylor sec o nd, At woo d th ird , and Clark fo urth , T he 250 's saw Taylor do minate like Denton did in th e l 25 's as the " EI Mon te Te rror" easily swept all th ree five-lap events. T wo -time Night National Champion J e ff Vidic was the on ly rider to challeng e T ay lor all ni gh t. Vidic briefl y pressu red Tay lor in the second rnot o , bu t David u sed the o u tside lin e for power an d traction , and Vidic never re ally h ad a chance. Following Ta yl or in the overall standi ngs were Bill Rubly , riding a Su zu ki fo r the first tim e, Vid ic, also ab oard a Suz u ki, an d T am iet ti. T amietti re turned in th e 50 0 class to scor e the overall wi n over a surprising Rob Mari n o, ab oard a Su zu ki. In fact, Marino defeated Val in the second m o to, and had a sh o t at the o veral l en tering th e fin al ro und. Third o verall was Ro n T urn er. . Irwindale Friday ni ght moto cross will co n t inu e through the mon ths of O ctober and Novem ber be fore closing down in December. _ Resu lts in Results Sec tion . CMC RR: 'Giant-killer' John Higham By John Ulri ch ONTARIO, CAL. , ocr. 17 David Emde and Mike Baed er trad ed win s and DNFs in the 750 and 250 GP classes; T on y Murphy ran away with 4-st roke GP; and John Glover made an auspicious GP debut at today 's CMC Ontario road race. But the biggest new s - and surprise - of the day centered around John Higham and his Yoshima Racing Service 500cc Honda CB400F. Built b y 28 -year-old Kazuo Yo shima, the 500cc Honda ridden by Higham was ridiculously fast . In fact, the m achine was as fast as the Pops Yoshimura 1000cc Kawasaki Z-1 r idden by Dick who won both Open Kilgroe, Production and Super Cafe classes wit h his m achine. In 4-st ro ke GP , Higham sha dowed an d harrassed Kilgroe aft er p assing and be ing repassed earl y in t he race. Fo llo w ing in wait ju st behind Kilgro e until t h e last hal f o f the last lap , Higham d ove underneath t h e drifti ng Kaw in Tum 10 foll owing the back straight , and nev er looked back. Higham's effort was good fo r second ov erall in t he class, just behind veteran racer Tony Murph y on CR o Z Fromall the people at KRW, our sincere congratulations onatruly outstanding season and an unprecedented 4th National Championship, 3170 AIR WAY AVE. COSTA MESA, CA 92828 Ride silent, think deep. I Vic's Competition MC Shop 6236 Mission Gorge Road San Diego, Cal ifornia 92 12 0 741 -2 84-7095 New Shipment Just Arrived Ask about our quan tity discount We mail order bikes and parts 21

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