Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._-------------ho me the gold, ' with second o verall going to Alex Downs and third overall to Gary Payne. _ Results in Results Se ction. David Taylor/DG take 2505 at Irwindale C'J ... IlJ ..c By Tom Blattler IRWI ND ALE, CAL., ocr. S IlJ :> 22 o Z For the t hird co nsecutive wee k at Irwindale Raceway, David Taylor of EI Monte ro de his D-G-sponsored Yamaha to the overall victory in th e 25 0 Pro class last Fr id ay night in t he w eek ly CMC Nigh t Motocross action . As Tay lor entered th e first m o t a last Fri day, Davi d had ca p tu red six .straight m otos aboard hi s mono-sh ocked and lo oked almost unbeat abl e on th e Ir win d ale course . However, in the o pe ni ng five -Iap pe r last week, Taylor co uld only manage a sec on d p lace finish , to J eff Vidic . At the start of the race, Vidic, still ridin g the Sweet Duck Suzuki , grabbed the holeshot followed by T ay lo r a nd Mai co -mounted Tim Lunde, who has really been showing some great riding in the 250's as of late. Tim slip ped by Taylor for second in the early stages of t he first mot o, bu t David ca me ba ck strong t o pass Lunde and later ch allenge Vidic for the lead. On the final lap, Vidic looked to have trouble with his Suzuki and Taylor closed q uickly. In the final comer, Tay lor went for the lead spot over Vidic, but the "Rabbit" from Glendale was able to hold on over Taylor and Lunde. Round two for the 250's found Taylor this time with th e holeshot and easily ru nning away fro m the rest of t he field. Lu nde was able to hold off Vidic fo r second with fo urth goi ng to Ro n J T urner, (Suz) . Entering t he fina l mo t a , Taylor held the points . lead wi th th ree fo llowed by Vidic w ith four and Lu n de _with five. Again , at t he start , Tay lo r we nt t o t he front and was never headed. T urner an d Vidi c ro de t he ir Suzukis t o the second and third spo ts r espective ly with Maico-mounted Mik e DePhillip s an d Lunde ro u nding ou t the top five. In t he overall points Taylo r took the wi n with four fo llowed by Vidic with seven, Lunde with te n, a n d T u rner wi t h eleven. The 125 Pro division was another {ben efit for the " King of Irwin dal e " , Gary Denton and his D-G Honda. De nton easily captured all t hree motos fover an o th er field of 125 riders. Taylor, Jwho finished fif th, fo urth, and third in the three five-lap eve nts, p laced second overall followed by Eddie Clar k in third and Mark MMMad Man" Lawrence in fourth. The 500 Pro class also was a clean .sw eep with Turner, riding a 370cc Suzu ki from the " Fly in g Machine Fa ctory", taking all three rounds. Rob Marino, also on a Suzuki, was second .aft er the three mo t os and Shawn ! Und erwo od rode his Maico to the third position . • Results in Results Section. Congratulations to UP-TIGHT HUSQVARNA 21 10 E ~ McFadden Santa Ana, CA 92705 7 14-558-1511 A New Authorized Husqvarna Dealer . HUKlvarna Ma~ Co., Inc. 933 Rich _ Antioch. ren_ R,*, 37013 Husqvarna to win! . r ~ W h ECRA MX at Racing World By Rex -&- Reese T RABUCO CAN YON, OCT. 23 Heavy clouds and the possib ility o f some rain in the morning (not to m en tion some rain the night before) kept some moto cro ssers in bed as the ECRA put on the second weeklv ro u nd of its San ta Clau s Series at R acing World (w hich we all u sed to know as Escape Country) . Mark Brooks ... h D EA L ERS ' - ., ' ATTENTION_HERCULES _ _ IF YOU ARE HAVING DI F FI CULTY FINDI NG _ -DKWr.SACHS- MOTORCYC LE PARTS _ YOU CAN NO W ORDER DI R ECT (DE AL ERS ONLV ) . • HERCULES DIST. LT D. 9827 Maso n A ve., Chatswort h, C l. rJ 91311 _ Pho ne (213 ) 882·8272 \: •••••• Yamaha Family Cycles "So meday you'll own a Yama ha." Sales & Se rvice Part s & 213 -3 3 1·96 5 1 Ac cesso r ies 444 N. Ba r r a nca , C o v ina , CA 917 2 2 PARTS World', largest invenlory lor Italian molorcycles Rebuilt Engi.e Exchanges COSMOf'DlITA. _,DRS. die . Haroo ro. Pa 19040 121~1 6 n ·9100 R EP. A R EA S AVAI L . .au~·"BI1t&lI8 Sa le . . Suvdti .g TIre Sa les & Service Fast UPS Mail Orders Anywhere 8 29 W. Co lton Ave. 714R edlands CA 92 373 793-204 1 ~ . ~ L.. e ~ 71 4-4 27 -91 66 w ill ship anywh ere .)';!L:)(\ 1 I0 0 •IiHf 72 0 B ro adwa y, Ch u la Vista. CA 9 201 0 15

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