Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ would dip dO\\TI five o r six fee t int o t he cu t o u t and th at on the o t he r sid e wo uld be a nearl y vert ica l cli mb h ack u p . Q uite a few top pled over bac kwards at th ese places. One rider re ceived ba d bu ms on his arm when he wa s caught underneath hi s m achine a t o ne of these cu t outs . It was a ba ttl e agai nst overw helm ing im ped imen ts for most com pet it o rs and th ose wh o hung in to the end h ave eve ry rig ht t o m ention, su bt ly of cou rse , t hat they were finishers when people a re gat hered arou nd the ca m p fires and the con ve rsat io n turns to th e ' 76 Cowbell Enduro. T he Hayward r.1 /C has cr eated an enduro which will not be forgotten 'a n d wh ich will be used to me asure o th er en d u res agains t for a long time. It was an ex ceptional enduro : good lay o ut , markin gs, accurate checks , helpful fla g men and checkers and sweepers. _ Results available so o n', New! The dual purpose machine.twornbat'' . C'I l-< Il) ..0 a Il) (a big new adult 125 w ith power) The sleek new 2.9 gallon tank followsthe seat contour to give you unobstructed freedom of movement (it looks neat, too!). More standard equipment: the sturdy luggage rack and easy to -get-at tool canister. ::> o Z 0" Up front, the Wombat rides on the same rugged fork assembly as our new 250 stump puller, with over 7y' inches of travel! Notice, too, the Preston Petty "muder" fender, progressive action throttle with competition quality cables, and enduro speedo with trip meter. The Fool's Gold· Seven Enduro uC.E.R.A.'s Black Saturday" By Mik!l Kinsella G EORGETOWN, CAL., OCT. 9 California Enduro Rid ers Association N orth - ve te ra ns o f some fine, well run en d uros in the past - nearly made a disaster ou t of ill J. J1 1( •J _,' ,n on > their fo ol's Gold Seven Enduro . mis c al cul ati ons M athem a t i c al compounded to produce serious time and dis tan ce errors. Che ck o n e was 0. 3 mile off. Checks four, five , six and seven had key times th at were off fro m o ne t o three minutes an d chec k eight was o ff by about 14 minutes. The enduro was the first o f this fa ll' s events in 0 -36 an d therein lay the prob lem. The Fool's Gold scheduled for December was he ld two months earlier than expected. Or iginally, the Grizzly Bear One Day was to be run on Oct ober 9 , but was postponed. C.E .R.A. took ove r their d ate an d ru shed in to preparatio ns. Even the best planning co u ldn ' t have foreseen the ti mber cutting crew fro m California Lumber Co. Michi gan which began - on the morning of the enduro - to cut trees , felling them across the c o u rse. The foreman of the o perat ion noticed the red arr o ws p osted in the area a nd ca n ta cted the C.E .R.A . layout crew. Afte r a bit o f discussion the foreman genero u sly volunteered to st and down h is crew until the riders had passed through t he a ff ect ed section o f the co urse. Some th ings we re done very well : Dist ri ct 36 · o fficials ra t ed cam p organ izat ion, check in table , and check poin t effi cie n cy as ' excellent. Riders com m en t ed favo rably about the offeri ngs of Gatorade an d ice water at each ch ec k a n ot alt og ether unimportan t aspect consid ering the he at an d d ust o f th e day. T he co urse lay out w as good , except for som e secti ons of fir e road in the first 4 0 m iles wh ich m ost riders sa id o ugh t t o have had fas t er speed averages. The first " AU ride rs left a t 8: 0 1 and immedi ately entered a sec t io n o f tight wo ods t rail which went on for 3 .5 miles, lett in g o u t onto a fire ro ad. These fire roads were interspersed with ex ce llent trails wh ich ran over o ld railroad cu ts - trails wh ich were not du sty but shaded, fairly wide ways where a rider co u ld sa fely and pleasurably enj oy some q uick, sh arp cross co u ntry traveling. At abo ut 35 miles there was a series of ni ce down hills with a stream c ro ssing an d so m e semi-trials terrain at the bottom. Another windin g, hi gh speed woods se ction came up, this one featuring four o r five inch high tree stumps scattered ac ross the trail which popped a few tires and endoed a few riders: but most made • The 123cc oilinjected engine has reed valve induction for more "grunt" at low revs. Other notables: primary kick start ing, big26mm Mikuni carb , and a wide ratio 5 speed box and Hodaka 's unique Alumiferriccylinder that make this 125 go like a 'Bat outta hell! What's left? How about: a folding shift lever. dual downtube (,."me with skid plate. rim locks front & rea r. seet hru oil • tan k. and electronic vo ltage regulato r. The rear suspe nsion is a rough rider's dream come true:longtravel, multi-rate springs and gas·oil shocks with five (count 'em) preload settings and your choice of upright or the popular "laid down" shock mounting positions! There 's a cushioned rear hub to help handle the big 3.50 x 18"tire's traction, and a . braced chain guide to keep trail hazards from hanging you up. Seen enough? Of course not. Get a close look at this new bundle of fun at your nearest Hodaka dealer's. It you're not sure where that is, write to Pabatco, Box 327, Athena, OR 97813. It could be the best 13¢ you ever spent ! This new Wombat is a rare species: a nononsense big adult trail bike with a zippy street machine thrown in just for fun. Everthing you need for both on and off-road iiding is standa rd - lights, signals, hom, mirror - everything! - IF YOU'RE NOT ADVERTISING IN CYCLE NEWS... YOU'RE LOSING BUSINESS! m: rat k 111 as t rr CHAMPION Qu ality Tr ac k R "CIll9 Equ ipm en t ~ LARG EST BEST S E L EC~ PRI CES ~i2 ~ HI} '~~~ Scrul l UI FREE cd",I,, 'I JI II I d" Cd l , 1 • •I!&E• • 24 15 Brown Fld., St. LOllis, Mo .63 1 14 Phone 13 141 4 26 ·6959 m call Chdd ey Ch dppl e 13 131735 ·5453 Stee l S ho e $45.00 St rco $1 .00 T ·S h irt $4 .00 Boots $4 5 .0 0 S rz es G t o 13 0 Wi d t h '; A ll prrces p lu s C.O . D. & P o st a ge * * Ba nke Pip e s Se a t s, Pil lion s , M o t o r c yc le c ov er s, DI SC b l'Jkes , wttce ts, HUb S, SP t oc ke t s & m o t c Also everything to r speedway (714) 7 35 ·0540 ~ M A E LY ENTS.• Rt . i , Bo . 75 B 11530 Bedford Mtr Way, Coron a, CA 9172 0 25

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