Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 10 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hats off to the Double Crossers BINSIDE ~ t Ascot Nat'l. .•........•.6 The newest Number One makes it seven Golden State TT & HM Unadilla Trans-AMA 8 10 There 's this old married gu y from Belgium, see ... Dez .•...•....• ..•.•. •12 Q') ,...., l-< o .c o .... u o Tom Brooks takes the Che ck Super-slidin' hacks 14 My monkey can whip your money . . . Int'l Dateline 16 Palomo wins F750 finale, but Western Hotline .......•18 Bul Preview .....•.....26 Bimbo rides and what you'll next year. ~ ride Politics •...•..•••.•..•30 Get mad, get involved or get ---d Personalities • . . • . • . .32, 35 Speedway National field, Louis Kossuth and Mack Kambayashi ON THE COVER: All right, jorgy and jay! Photo by Dan Mahony. Low Down I thought you might like to know that there are two MX Sidecars being built, one is in Sylmar and the other is in Canyon Country. They . both are using 440cc snowmobile engines and Salsbury Torque converters. One is a "jLO" (pronounced HE-Low") and the other a Yamaha (pronounced Yam-a-ha] , Both are putting out 60 to 65 Hp with a weight of 290 lbs ready to go. One of them features monoshock rear suspension and an inboard rear disc brake. . Both will d:.but at Hopetoum . FRIENDLY SIDECAR RACER Hang in there Sharon Cla yton, Publisher Robert L. Nor Yelle, General ~tanager Edna Mewton, Secretary to Publisher Advenising Linda Clark. National Advertising Sales Manager Debbie Wilkins Western Regional , Advertising Sales Manager Chris Kolber , Advertising Assistant Editorial Lane Campbell, Senior Editor. Jady Weisel. Editor. Bobi Scott. Editor. An and Production Barbara Mizuno , Production Manager; Rita Dre ss e n do r fer , Advertising Production; Dennis Cox, Lab Techn ician; Marion Ha t as h i t a , Typographer : Mike Klinger. Lab and Production Assistant. Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager ; and Pam Green "Assi tant . s I've sent a letter to both U.S. ' Senators and the BLM relating to the ' subject matter in your article of September 14th.(BLM Regs) do thank you for an excellent item on the matter and the way that you led one through the maze of parts, sections, rules, regulations, etc. . Hope that you plan more such articles on this type of legislation and rulemaking. We all need to know what is happening and as far ahead as possible. My own local township has recently passed an ordinance banning R V sand ATVs from the township. We are in the process of fighting same. A slow battle after-the-fact.. Best done before hand if one can get a line on what is planned, as you well know. JOE PACOT Brunswick, N.j. Return of the Duck "..Accounting Gaylene Zaionz, Manager: Ken Lorin. Assistant ; Jeanne Hammond. Acets. Receivable; Pamela Dickerson and Carolyn Branham. Assist ants : Judy Klinger. Credit Dept, '; Rhonda Van Doren. Collection Dept. Service and Suppo" Michael Colikas, Dennis Watts. Juanita Blanton. receptionist. West P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 9080 I. (2 13) 427·7433 : L.A. Line 636-8844. East . P.O.-Box 805 . Tucker. GA 30084. (4 04) 934-7850. Subscription On e year. second class mail 512.50 ; 2 years, second class mail, 522.50: 3 years. second class mail. $30.00. CLASS. £1M:'J .. e.. eEA Copyri~hl Cydc News, Inc. 1976. Trade .. mark registered 1'.5. P.tltnl Offi ce . All rights reserved. Published weekly except the Iirs t and last wec k of the calendar )'t,".,lr by C)'('1<' News, lnc., P.O . Box 49K . Long Beach, Calif ornia. Second class postage paid .ll Long Beach, C .\ . 90X01 . .. Ltlitorial s to ries. cartoons, ph otos , e u. ar v welcome . Addressed. stamped e nvelo pe assures rc turn of unpurl hasvd cd it orial -mat tcr. Ikprinling in whole ur par t unl v bv permission -of the publish ers , . \ J \"n t i s i n ~ rates .lnd . c.irlul.ltion information will IX" sent uJ'On request . St'e S.R .n.S. In 1975, I promoted the first Annual Barstow to Vegas trail ride. I also mailed a poster and packets of literature to all of our Calif. State Assemblymen and Senators, . our U.S . Congressmen and Senators, to various state and federal officials, and to every AMA motorcycle club west of the Mississippi River that was listed in the Cycle News Club Guide. Also, on my mailing list were a large number of motorcycle shops where addresses were obtained · by searching through copies of Cycle News. This year, I kind of held back from any type promotion because of the-lack of response last year. But, I noticed a couple of ads in Cycle News where people were trying to get in ' touch with me. I found out that last year most people maintained a wait and see attitude. And now that they have seen. they really want action. So here is the old Phantom Duck of the Desert again. I secured a P.O. Box in a city other than my own, started running an ad in Cycle News, had some posters printed up, and you have the second Annual Barstow to Vegas trail ride. There is no entry fee . The intent is to ride from the Barstow area to Las Vegas Legally on BLM designated roads . and trails. And the purpose is to show the need for an "organized" Barstow to Vegas race by participating in a gigantic, mass trail ride. It will work, and we have nothing more to lose. If you are interested in this, then do whatever you think is right in the way of spreading the word. Forming a riding group is a good idea. We rode in groups last year, and it worked out real well with each group taking care of their own as far as breakdowns were concerned, etc. I will send posters and info to anyone who mails me a SASE, and I'm sure there will be maps available at the start area showning planned route and gas stops. Hope to see you on the trail. PDOD - QUACK QUACK! P.O. Box 293 Cucamonga, CA 91730 All the enduro clubs are wondering, why only 200 entries on distict 37 enduros. Well, -t he .o n ly difference between enduro riders and scramblers is the timekeeping, which is an art in itself and which the enduro rider enjoys. Every D-37 run for the past three years has been set up to see which club could put o n the fastest scramble race. For some reason each club in competition for th e fastest run ever and no timekeeping, so all the fast riders that were not picked up or sponsored went ot D.R.A. Most of your slower riders went to family enduros. That leaves all the District endures set up for the fast riding Bultaco team, Montesa team, and KTM What happened to the long hard timekeeping Enduros? The events with the 500 rider limit, the events where the enduro clubs had to turn entries back? Those clubs had only certain areas where it was impossible to keep up. Once in a while you had a speed average were you could take your eyes off the trail. No, I'm not saying the enduros should be easier, or softer. Most of the riders know what I'm talking about and a good example was the Cal State Enduro . There were areas in the enduro that were almost impossible to keep up and the rest was a good hard steady run with a heck of alot of timekeeping. That is what Enduros are all about. Hats off to your club Double Crossers for puting on the best real Enduro of the year. JOE ANASTASIO Downey, Calif. Moody blues The Article on the Hook and Ladder Enduro written by Ron Schneiders was excellent, at least to a point. His statement "The hardest thing a fireman does all year is wangle a day off on the weekend of the Hook and Ladder", was a cheap shot and not worthy of being published in your paper. Mr. Schneiders may know about motorcycles and enduros, but he shows a complete lack of knowledge of firemen and their work. Is it possible the hardest thing Mr. Schneiders does is sharpen pencils and remove the cover from his typewriter. DONALD E.L. BETSWORTH Rider 60 A (and a L.A. City Fireman) Sorry you took Mr. Schneider's tongue in check effort at humor so literally. Anyone in their right mind would realize his comment was not to be taken seriously and we apologize for any hurt . feelings it might have created. , . Ed. ·.~·.·.·.f'.·.·.·."·."·A·".·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·N The views expressed in this column ana o th e r columns appearing on the following pages are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Cycle News West or Cycle News , Inc. 0"plified readers wishing free and equal rebuttal space should contact the Editor.

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