Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 10 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dem olition Derby . See y ou all ne xt year, " 10·4 . " DO N ' HO NE Y BEAR ' J01':ES Carson , Calif. ilNSIDE ~ t It's about time Riverside Road Race .....6 32 We wo u ld like to th an k Sa lle Hilton for writin g an art icle on the Whi te Knuc kle Grand Prix Women's Motocross D ivisio n. All t he Northern Califo rni a wo men that pa rti cipa ted in the race really appreciated it a lot. It see ms tha t SoCal wo me n always ge t so m e publicity in Cycle News . It's about tim e No rthern Califo rnia Wo m cn arc bei ng no tic ed! In th e art icle. it was m en t ion ed that Nan cy T hom as had raced with a bro ke n leg. whi ch was in a cast, She did no t b rea k her leg and she did n ot have a cast on. She crash ed at Fr em onl nigh t l\IX bu t it wa s n oth ing seriou s. J EA1': PARK ER . D01': A PlJrNEY JOYCE FORD LI:"DA CLARE ; e tc. . .. Way up North 40 Somebody bit Kin g Kenny on Koncrete Trans-AMA round two , . .10 Ro ger roll s to his fir st, this y ear Int 'l. Six Day Trials' . ....13 ~ C'J l-< IU ..0 o ..... u o West Germans win Trophy, Czech take Vase , Am eri ca showed up International Dateline . ..18 Spanish road race G P and Bol D'oi Western Hotline 22 CMC Nigh t Nationalligh ts th e way Desert Hotline 30 Gr and Prix and district Northern Date line A road enduro Results Who did what, where and wh en ON THE COV.ER : Czech Jawa Trophy Team member Jiri St odulka was so delighted to see J od y Weisel on a lon ely Austrian co w p ath that he lofted a front .wheel gree ting. Hi back, J iri, High there Some of us sub scri bers would like to see some more coverage on Sp eedway; su ch as World Champi on ship s, Lon g Track , maybe some wr ite-up s on th e rid ers. It would be interesting to kn ow som e th ing ab out these stran ge peopl e who are st ru ng-ou t on m ethan ol. We 're pleased with y our coverage on othe r ra cin g events and we're not co mp lain ing, ju st offeri ng helpful hin ts. . Al so I'd like to point that if for so m e st range reason, Mike Bast, "The Bionic Sp ee dw ay Man" d oesn 't win the National Championship this yea r, we think he 's number one ! You cou ld n 't m ee t a n ieer guy and 1 don 't know . any!'ne else who can rid e a speed w ay bike standing on his he ad. We're still behind y ou Mike - go for i t -'" October 16. We'll be there. TONY KING Moreno, Calif. Sharon Clayton, Publisher Robert L. Nor Yelle, General Manager Edna Mewto n, Secretary to Pub lisher Advertising Lind a Clark, National Ad vcrtising Sales Manager Debbie Wilkins, Western Regional Advertising Sa lcs Manager Chris Kolber, Advertising Assistant Editorial Lane Campbell, Senior Edito r, J ody Weisel, Editor, Bobi Scott . Edito r. Art and Production Barbara Mizu no. Prod uction Manager: · R it a D r es sen do r f e r , Adv ertising P r o d u ct ion ; De n ni s Cox. Lab Tec hnician; Ma rio n Hat a sh it a , Typographer: Mike Klinger, Lab and Production Assistant. Cirwlation Rhcba Smith. Manager ; Pam Green and Callie Smith. Assistants. . Accounting Gaylcnc Zaionz, Manager; Ken Lorin. Assistant ; Jeanne Hammond, Accts. Receivable: Pamela Dickerson and Carolyn Branham. Assistants : Judy Klinger. Credit Dept. : Rhonda Van Doren. Collection Dept. Serv ice and Support Michael Cohkas, Dennis Watts, Juanita Blanton. recepucnist. West P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801. (2 13) 427·7433 : L.A. Line 636·8844. East P.O . Box 805, Tuc ker, GA 30084. (4041 934-7850 . Subscript ion One year. seco nd cla ss ma il 512 .50: 2 yea rs. second cla ss mail. $22 .50 : 3 ye ar s. seco nd cla ss m ail. $30 .00. A supe r weekend, that's ' wh at ! Despi te a sligh t amou n t of m oisture on the co u rse . (God , did it rain l) th e peop le o f Rockinstraw Gr and Prix showed the visitors fr om California that th ey know how to throw a grea t GP . Beautiful co un try , exc ellen t cou rse m arkin gs. and more rescu e cre ws th an we h ave pu cker bushes m ad e for a great race. The on ly one wh o didn 't ha ve her act together was Mother Nature. It was a real trip (5 25 mil es ) to race out o f state, an d be tre ated as nicely as we wer e. Rockinstraw GP really pu t Globe on the map. Special thanks to th e rescue crew who took such good ca re of o ne our craz ies. (We bailed him out of Gila Hos pital on the way h o me) . He's fine. th ey were glad to ge t rid of him. Als o, a brew or two to th e gre at guys and their FW D s for pulling ev ery b ody to high ground. It was more fun th at wa teh o CLASS . ~ M f: Me f: " CopyriRhl Cvcte ;\Icws. Inc. 197 6. Tr ade mark rcKist~rcd t t. S. Patent Of fice . All right s re serv e d . Publ ished we ek ly e xcept the n ut .1Od loist week of th e cale ndar yc ar U)' (;)'c. II. ='cws . ln c . • P.O. Bo x 4 9 x . : · Long UeJ,c.-h . Ca li fo rnia. Second d ass post age pa id .II l.on li: lkarh . C .\ . 9 01'\0 I. Lc.l it nri.,&1 s to rie s. ca r toons , ph ot o s. e tc '.1J'c,' . wel c om e . Addressed , s t am pe d enve lope assures re turn o f unpurch ascd c,' ui to riJ,l mat t er , Rcpeinr in g in w ho le o r hy pe r missi o n .. rf t he P.1J' t o nly p ub lishe rs. '\ d \'l: r t i s i n ~ rat es and ci rculanon in fo r rn a u o n w ill be scnr u po n rc quc.'SI. Sec S.R .D .S. What's a Rockinstraw ? I' o o OK, wh at 's th e name a nd add ress o f th e o u t fit in Minn esot a th at builds th e MiniM ac k t ruc k tra ct or on a VW chassi s? Sounds like th e way to go . . . J OHN W. OARR Cottage Gr ove, Wisc. Kn eui somebody 'd bile on that one. For the ultimate put-on in tow vehicles, contact Etite Enterprises, 690 E. 3rd si.. Cok ato, Minn. 5532 J. Ph: (612 ) 286-26 60 ... Poppa •••••••• 1' •••••••••••••••••• , The views expressed in this colu mn ana oth er colu mns appearing on the following pages are solely those of the . authors and do no t necessarily reflect th e official position of Cycle New. West or Cycle News, Inc. Qualified readers wishing fre e and equal rebuttal space should contact th~ Editor. o

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