Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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5 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN 6 YEARS- NOT TOO SHABBY . . AND ROGER DID IT WITH HALLMAN PRODUCTS Belgian bulge at des Nations The Belgi a n motocross team le d five t ime W orld Champi o n R o ge r D eCo s t e r continued i t s winning ways at the M oto cro ss d e s N ati onals in H olland . D eCoster riding a 400 Suzuk i wen t 2 -1 t o win o ve r a ll . Heikki M ikkola (Hus) w as se c ond 3-2, R a ym ond H erlings third (4-3 ), Moisseev fourth (1- 7), Jaak Van Ve lthoven fifth (7-41' Sand specialist Frans Sigmans sixth 5-S) and Tony DeStefano was again top American with a 10·6 score for seventh. Belgium won the event with a low score of 42 points over Holland's sand masters, West Germany, USSR and American finished fifth with 95 points. Complete story next we ek. That's rig ht , Roger DeCoste r has captured 5 o ut of 6 World MX Ch a mpionships and tak e n 1 second s inc e 1971 . Inc re d ible, when yo u c on s ide r tha t Roger has competed in more tha n 26 gr uelling champions hip ra c e s a lo ne per ye ar for 6 ye a rs to win the title of s uperstar. And , he 's re lie d upon Hallman Prod ucts all the way . Reason ... Hallma n- P rod ucts are de s ig ned for the most dema nd ing competitio n-race te sted and proved . Remember, you can re ly on Ha llman e qui pment fo r eas y riding o r a ll-out c ompetitio n. Hallma n Produc ts a re av aila ble ac ross th e nati on a t yo ur local Torsten Ha llma n dealer. Spec ial Offer! Se nd 24¢ posta ge a long with your name and a ddress , and we'll ma il you a full c o lo r De Coste r broc hure . ROGER DECOSTER'S CAREER 1971 World Champion 1972 World Champion 1973 World Champion ~ ~;',e .e by 1974 Runner Up 1975 World Champion 1976 World Champion B~de~A:~:!'~ Sl.. EI ca,on. Ca"l. 92020 (714) 449-ll712 0 440 (3 ' 2) 543-5247 0 9147 Red Brancn Rd.. Columbia. Md. 21045 (301 ) 992-9595 HALLMAN DECOSTER GLOVES San Berdo o silly season's upon us Like an old Dracula r erun, ba ck out of its coffin co m es th e San Bernardino (Calif.) O RV Regu iation County ordinance fro m our good frien ds, th e County Env ironmental Improvem ent Agency. T hi s IS-page draft p ac kage w as "explained" Se ptember 10 to a less-than-en t hu siast ic au dienc e of ORV spo kesmen by ElA st aff p lan ners. T hen t he audi ence, w hich included such Mic key heav ies as S.C.O. R.E.'s T ho mp so n (hisself), AMA 's Ron Slo an , reps fro m t he District Desert Defen se Fund, Ray Mo o n from CO RVA, an d several in divi d ua l club p eople, di d som e ex p la ini ng b ack. They wen t at t he proposed ordi nance in detail; and the upshot of th eir comments was th at as written , the ordi nance wo u ld shut do wn all legit imate activity in the co unty while paving th e way for increased lawlessness. Basically, the ordinance" defines an "event" as an y group of 25 or more vehicles with a common purpose or any "massed start" of 10 or more; then go e s on to r eq uire that all su ch eve nts held on private property much obtain a permit through the county Planning Department. It goes o n to spell out th e prcedures and rul es to be met in issuing such a permit. T he two planners, one p easant, one brown (nam ed Pleasant and Brown,coincidentally ) mi gh t as well Have been tossed into a shark p oo L When th eir boss, Dir ector o f Planning Ken T opping st epped in to p inch-hit, he too felt th e heat and fo un d pressing business elsewhere. It becam e evide nt th at t he p lanners . "have their orders" from so mewhere on high to co m e up with so me sort of ORV ordin an ce to presen t to the County Board o f Supervisor s lat er t his year . It also became evid ent th at o r de rs or no. th e propo sal o n th e table at thi s me eting wo u ld be chewed up and spat at t heir faces. So they pun ted . T hey ap po in ted five of th e m eeting a t te ndees to an adviso ry co mmittee w hich will also incl ude represen ta tives from the deser t business co m m u nity . T here will be at leas t one, p ossibl y seve ral m eetings of th is co m m it te e be fore a revised d raf t and ordian ce is tr otted ou t o nce m ore. Mex ican standoff. . In th e m eantim e, desert rid er s/ racers are urged to tal k up th is ordinance among t he m se lves an d with t he bu sin ess peopl e th ey p atronize in the outlying desert communit ies. Residents of the County sho uld co ntact th eir Supe rv isor and sound him /h er o ut. Det ails of t he proposed o rdinance an d /or cha nge s to emerge fro m further me etings will appear in a co m ing issue. St ay glued. ..-tcKJ Goodyear is Carron Shelby 21 3-538 -2914 Mike Patri ck s YAMAHA 01 CORONA 11 01 E. 6 th Street, Corona , CA p . ( 714J.735-7 72 1 ~~ S1-56 $99.50 Introductory Offe r • 2 13-596-369 1 5900 Marita Long Beach, CA 90815 CMC MOTOCROSS ~ Every Thursday Night 213-323-1142 . ~ ~L.a~ :rIq .. 7 14-427-9 166 will ship an~ here ID O~ - ~ 12 0 B roadway. C h u la V ista , C A 92010 WARDS RIVERSIDE MOJAVE IBy Benell" PARllLA CAPRIDlD MY AG USTA 250 BIANCHI CAPRI SCDDTERS PARTS W orld's largeslinve nlo" torItalian motorcycles.. Rebuilt Engine Exchanges COSMO'Olll l . MQTOR IIlt. S. • Ha tb o ro . Pa 190 40 cao-am H O N D A H @ O A KA Hond a of G le nd o ra 2t3- 4 3

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