Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'76 Suzuk i RM 250 Like new, never 3;36 .8618. ( 3 1 ) raced, $9 0 0.00 . (2 1 3) ** Hey you check this out ** Have for sale three bikes: 1975 R D350B: B i k e new In Nov., has 2000 mi. on i t . Nothing done to enp'lne stone stock. Extras S& W·s. K81 s, redone seat. alloy rims, and much more. Will sell for $950.00. You can't buy a new one for that, w ith this many extras. 1967 Triumph TT500C: Bike apart but runs, will sell for $200.00 complete. Will not sell parts separately. 1972 Steens Hodaka - no enatne, S100.00. Call (213) 849-6191 eavs, (213) 799·7072 nights. weekends, ask f o r Gene. (31) Husky 250 Cross Needs DIDS~ gOOd cond ition. (714) or (213) 43<>-185 7. (31) 821~463 1967 Kawasaki F2-TR parts Engi ne , p,e box. swlngarm , frame, etc. Als o ar IOG y t kit' cy lin de r . p ist on & hea d. Call (2 13) 427·74 33 ask for Mr. N o r V eli e. (1 0fTFN) Motorsport air shocks, $100 Intr. offer . (31/4x) D on Kesler (213 ) . 596·36 91 . Attention DG, TM, Carabela Factory te ams, 1970 Q1evy step van, carries four bikes, sleeps four, fresh big six, automatic, new paint and tires. Interior trick inclUding FM·Tape deck and buckets. S2500.00 firm . (5121 625·9101 days, (512) 625·1026 n ltes . (31) • 76 RM Suzuki 370 3.50)(21 front tire, desert tank. air forks, skid plate, chain tensloner, new chain. extra serceaets, excel. condo Injuries force sale, S1000.00.1 (21 3 ) 3 3 9 · 778 3 . (31) 74 Suzuk i TM125 Fast. Clean, good condition , never raced, stock and desert tank. Unl levers. moved up Boges. air forkS, 5425. (714) 962·7869. (31) '74 PURSANG 360cc MK VII, EXCELLENT CONDITION. Curnutts, Terry kit, 3 1/ gal . tan k & stock tank. new top end 1 lst over. $795. '70 DTI 250cc, new front end, Curnutts, 3 111 gal . tank. Petty fenders, S350. (213) 285·7238. (31/3x) Get a buzz from Ramjet Experienced Honda mechan ic FUll t ime, 3 to 5 years experience. paid vacat ions. insurance, benefits. full commission . Hacienda Heights Honda. 507 N. Azusa, La Puente, 968-6461. (31) CA 91714. (213) Mechanic wanted Honda I .Kawasakl experienced. Lots of work! Company benefits. (714) 531·0742, santa Ana. (31fTFN) . Electric Jawa starter used successfully all season by No. 1 B ake rs fi el d Ban d i t s. Push a button n o t your bike, $125.00 complete. (714) 623·156 8 9-6 , (714) 629-6617 after 6 : 30. (31) 76 RM370 ridden 3 t imes Must sell, ex cellent condo Like n ew , $1000.00' or offer (desperate). John (714) 637-0254. (31) Motocross boots & helmets N e w To p Gea r Mo tocross Boots, size 12. $35.0 0. Ne w chil d 's Bell helmets, 61ft & 6· 5/8 , S25.00 . ( 2 13) 3 31 ·6 130. (31) 73 Elsie 250 Vesco 't an k , new top end, Twin Air. desert seat, Works Performance ShOCkS, and more. 1973, 350 Pursang motor 72, 100 Steens cycle , $100 Call (213) 641·4096 after 6 :00 p.m, Askln9 S50 0. (31) Barely broken in. pipe - no carbo $275.00. Bilstein shocks 12.9 wfT.H. springs, $75.00. 1970 Honda CB 750, full dress, 27,000 miles. (2 13) 4 48-7077. (31) 73 Yamaha 360 MX new in 75 250 YAMAHA. 3 '1 GAL. TANK, lowered. , Curnutts, excellent condition. $325. 00 or offer. Des perate, need money. (213) Sl,100.00. (714) 363-6043. (31) Excellent condition - '74 Yamaha 100 MX. new top end: excellent condition . Also 6 bike trailer wllS ' wheels, tie downs and 2, 6 gal. 175 Penton 365-7384. (31) '73. never raced, en duro kit, c lean condition, gas cans, all excellent condition. $1400.00 fir m. (213) 698-7921 or (714) 528-4199 ask $35 0.00. (213) 545-5861. (31) for Jim. (31) 1972 O S S A ENDURO 250. Stripped for 1974 XL·250 Honda Clean, must see, S575.00. (714) 826-2766. Like new, many ext ras. $800.00. desert or work t ransportation. $350 or trade General Manager wanted with major for lighter bike. ( 213) 832-5457. (31) 74Y.> Suzuk i TM 125 offer. (714) 839-5607. (311 1959 AJS 350Cc Single. 1952 Triumph 500cc Trophy . 1965 BSA 250cc single . Street le9-1l. Richard Renstrom, 2121 Arlington, Caldwell, mlc line. At least ftve years e xperien ce in all cnases of store management. Salary & commiSSion. commensurate. All replies w ill be kept confidential. Wri te Cycle News, P.O . Box Great condition. pipe. carbo FMS Freon. Sages. Tricklt & e xtenders. $550 or best 498 Sherpa T Bultaco 350,1973 Attention salesmen!! L Nor Velie. (46/TFN) • CZ warehouse sale Tremendous savings; brand new '75 . 250 & 400 CZ red frames, 125 MXs & 250 eneurcs In the crate. so ld on f irst come f irst serve basis. Free transmission Ign ition with each purchase. Pr ices at a loss to dealer cost. Ship anywhere In USA on pre·pal d certified c h ec k or money order. (213) 772·1647. (2 5 fTF N ) Speedway dealers wanted f or the fastest growi ng U.S. Sp o rt - Open to all fra nchised d eale rs - Call for deta il s (213 ) 77 2· 16 4 7 . (25fTFN) Trainee (21}) 762-6368. (24fTFN) . Major brand 2 a5 ralls - sm all or large wheels. Utility & car trailers also. Hltche~ TI-downs & acc. All 20% off list. M SC , ::Jun Valley (213) 767·175 7 . (14fTFN) Excellent Conditio n, nickel frame, 8" front, aluminum handlebars. New moved up Telecoes.1 crutcn, ta n k an d slde plates. Other . '72 Husky 450 W.R. 871-9284. (31 ) Excellent condition, many extras.. Call for Information after 5 e.m. $900.00 or best 1975, 250 monoshock offer. (213) 331·3506. (31) Akront aluminum alloy rims IS & 19-1nCh, 4o-sPQke. New. st ili In carton. $30.00. Contact G ino at "Biker" newsmagazine office. Phone: (213) 595·4753. Mooch deals "Munai & Norstar Boots" $59.95 Close out on odd sizes, $51.95. Call for sizes. S & L Yamaha, 5938 Pacific Blvd., Huntington Boulevard, 587·7244. 76 Suzuki RM250 Excellent condition, fast. Must sell, $S95.00. (714) 3 2 7· 9 53 2 . (3 0/2x) 76 Yamaha 125 mono • Po r te d . bigger carb., p ip e. excelle nt con dition. Must see, S6 75. (2 13) 6 76·2126. ( 30 / 2 x) YZ80C 6 e .m, TT500 Pro-Tee prepared motor. C cam, valve springs, ported head, pipe, 38mm Mlkuni & rnanttote. Marzocchl 8 1 /2" forks. Long travel rear with gas Girllngs, p l ated frame. Perfect condition. $145 0.00 or trade for TZ 250. Call Bob (7141 634·8611 days - (714 ) 525·0488 ni9hts. (31 Enc;,aineers, teens, dra ftsmen. mechan ics , deSIgners. Any good work skill - object. to ~u lld off·wall motorcycle projects, someday the GAM. Call (213) 43g·8239 after 6 or Po rted. str oke d 't o 8 3 , . Mo t o Plat Ig nition, plpe.J lay d own shocks & much m o re, S6 5u. ( 2 1~) 676· 2 1 2 6. (3 0/2x ) . 74 Yamaha 360 MX H annem an tank, ne wl y re built c antile ver gas Curn utts. A i r tcrscs, J· bars. t wo ri des on fre sh top end, extnt, cone, D e sert ready . Must Sell, S7 00.00/0ffer. (714) 642·5192. (31) OSSA 25 0 In "M alc o frame, very clean. S395.00. (213) 374·7502. (31) Shoestring wheel works Wheels laced , 516.00. Trued, $6.00. Wheel off mach ine ti r e off. Call for appo intment. (213) 439·8239. 12fTFN) nice. 1975 B ultaco Frontera 36 0 with less than 70 0 miles, fa ntastic dirt bike , with street license. Make offer. Call Mike after 6: 0 0 p. rn, (213) 542·3626. (3 1 ) Two 325 Buls Pursang MK V t wo tanks, FMS, Ski d. Pettys, fresh te e. $5 60 - " 7 3 A lpln a, street legal. $5 0 0 - Bo t h for $9 00 or make offer. ( 805 ) 948·1361. (3 1) 71 EI Camino 75 RM 125 · Perfect cone•• r ode only 4 times. Pl u s heavy dUty bike raCk. $65 0. Call anytime (213) 923-7409. (31) 1975, 360 C R HUSQVARN A. Come Inspect. S1150. Call (415) 823-7234 or (415) 632-6674. (31) 74 Husky 125 P.S ., P.B., air, 4 speed, mags. with ca m per shell, cl ea n, 52.495.0 0. Phone number d ays (213) 8 2 9-43 21 , n igh ts (213) 3 9 6 -6 3 21 . (31) Flat track Triumph Mag rear & disc brake. Norris cam & 10.5 to 1 pistons. set up for Ih mite & S.T. & T.T. All new - fast. (714) 986-6132. (31) Must sell, excellent condition forward mounted snaCks, many extras. $675.00. After BSA 441cc VICTOR; excellent condltloni approximately 7500 milesi all or iginal 1966 eQulpment i has had gentle treatment and 4:00 (213) 973-2418. (31) TLC. $425. (213) 833-7443 evenings. (31) Late '75 Hodaka Super Rat 100 Blu e never used. Will fit all new models, S12~L (714) 551·1390. (31) Excellent condition, K&N filter. Motoplat scaled Ign i ti o n, reliable tra il or fun MX b ike. ASking S390. Call days 1955 MATCHLESS G80-CS ORIGIN AL C ON DITION, $1.200. I also have some parts for A JS and Matchless. Original Matcnless qas-tank, de ca ls. 56.00 pair. G. Shea , P.O. B o x 513, EI Toro, CA 92630. (714) 837-44 71. (31) . BMW 6 gal. tank (714) 685·1581. C&J 250 Elsinore monoshock Malec teras, A I B ak er porting, White Bros. mono mO dS, D & G ra dial head, 36 Mikuni. custom up.plpe, super condition, $1100.0 0. (714) 548-4876. (31) TA 125 Yamaha KTM /Penton parts invento ry Must sell, n eed m oney, fast'!. fresh engine, runs (213) 994-2 8 00. (30fTFN) 8 fo ot c ab-ove r 526·7 8 51. (31) Our entire i nv en t o r y of K.T .M. and Penton par ts are up for gra bS. For only $800.00 or 75% off norma l d ealer cost buys all. Dan 76 Honda XL350, $750 1800 m ile s t u ned exha ust. .t se ll now! l 213 ) 3 4 4· 9 2bl. (31) Clean Yamaha dirt bike Li k e ne w carb~ (213 ) stock - '69 Husky 360 **New Huskies** S & L Yamaha. 5939 Pac ific Huntington Park , CA. (213) a ft e r 125 Zundapp motors - Mickey (714) 532·4351. (31) $475.00. (213) 370-0311 . (31) Park L CA 9 0255. Will shiP anywhere. (213) b ike. S795 .00 . Call 421-4904. (26fTFN) • (714) 552·9103 or (213) 457-7326. (30/3x) Gas B il st eln s, snake p ip e. vesco tank. Pnase II ai r filter, Inter-Am bars. air forkS, ex. cond o 587a.!Z44 IZ OaEN) Perfec t con diti o n , n ever been r aced fa st, new 4.60 T re lleb orv! t wo t ankS, Skyway silen cer. plastic GP repl ica fen ders. Must sell t o b u y new HUSk y, pe rfect endu r o . trail or fu n M X 535·1370. (31) Cherry 360 Frontera 1973 Pursang, great bargain Angeles, Californ ia 90014. (213) 623-6987. (4fTFI'II 73, 250 CR Husky - stock! 72 J.A.P. speedway ' 7 1 J.A.P . engine in '7 2 Hagan frame. new mag.•. fuel, o il. spare tires & other extras. good condition . $850.00 or best offer. (714) Tech Club needs 400 CZ parts, cheap, '72 521-9870. (31) 3.7. Diamond. Terry, jetted , geared Skyway, original owner. $9 00. (714) 987·5373. (31) Yamaha 750 half miler (31) Two heads, two pipes, n ic k el plated frame, reed valve, engine! complete bike, 5350.00. Ask tee Joe (213) 448·7077. (31/3x) 3 - Finisher pins Not Quite finiShed building all new. fast engine, O1amplon. slinger. Be t o r s, tires, batteries, TT equipment, sprockets. Must sell, In hospital! A ~ k tor Dennis (415) 879-0159. Serv ice (714) 963·2038 . (31) Parts hunters RM 250, 76 '75 mono 400 desert ready!! 16735. (814) 837-8480. (31) for Terry k it, desert tank, '76 ShoCk, Trelleborg front t i re and much more. "NEVER Great condition, factory gas reservoir, shocks, fork kit, much more• . Only $885 . (714) 762·6368. (24fTFN) In sales. parts. repair. managerial, tecnntcat, advisory , representative or teaChing ca pacity. William H . Kosbab, P.O. Box 656, Kane. PA Ask BREAKS." (213) 336·0495. (31) Cycle trailers $176 & up Su per sha pe; ne ver ra ce d; moving out of state. Must sell, $575.0 0 or b est offer. (714) Seeking position e xperienced . YZC 125 monoshock - etc. Large In ventory of spares & cycles. Co mple t e restoration and m ainte nance service. s v m o n e s Cycles, ' 5 22 1 Lau rel cvn. B lvd ., No. H o ll y w o o d , CA - 9 16 0 7. (21 3 ) Most of the Fin isher Pins you're wearing we made - Now - Buy factory direct. Save 20%. CaI·Mart Plat ing. 607 South Hill St r eet , Los or Manager Stan (213)466-8451. (30/2x) extras. (f 14 ) 525·7 85 8. (31) AJS, Matchless, BSA, Triumph, Kawasaki mechan ic ABC, Long BeaCh, CA 90801. Two positions open . Mechanic and partsman to work I n English metcrevete shop. Must be experienced enthusiasts. svmones Cycles call ing on dealers? No w you can add to your Income. START you r customers as BIKER dealers. For detail s, w rite to Biker Magazine. Bo x 2610. Long BeaCh. CA 90801. Attn: R. Dept. Idaho 83605. (208) 459-8786. (30/2x) Help wanted Less th an 400 m iles total - l ik e new - $895. (714) 675·9137 or (714) 548·5556. (31) BUsteins. custom pipe, blue G.P. tank, sncwrcom co n d. 5750.00. (213) 654-4775. Desert play·blke, 32mm Mlkuni. Bassanl, VenoUa, Maguras, weece, 3.5 gal. Vesco. 1·(213) 429·3348. (31) Street legal, new bat t., new tires, Curnutts, 75, 125 Bultaco Pursang Classic tra ils bikes . 1975 Yamaha 250 monoshock r69, 250 Ducati 4 st roke dirt. Ported head. Have all street equipment. very c lean. runs soos. $450 or best offer. M ust ' 7 0 Ya m. 1 75 endu ro. T orq ue p ip e, Petty fen ders. plastic ta n k , re built tran n y: su per relia ble, st reet equip. incl u de d. $34:>.00 or goOd, S6 0 0 . (415) 8 83-4294. (31) For sale camper shell with bed, $4 0 0. (8 0 5) BULTACO ASTRO . t his is a fa st one , recent rebu ild. new ti res, sp ools, disc b rake. Willi ams pipe. K&N, 3 Sm m carb, Ch amp ion gl ass, extra gea ri ng an d part s!. spe ci al t r iple clamp s, S790 o r offe r. (4 15 ) ~ 23-44 74. (31) Bultaco 1973 Pursang best. (2 13 ) 865·0 14 7. (3 1) Good sha pe, extra p art s, n res , $3 75.0 0. Call Carol Pf u t zenreu t er at (7 1 41 737·5 096 . (31) DKW 125,73,6 speed Stoc k an d c le an , hardly use d. $55 0. 0 0. (714) Rebuilt, ported , milled hea d. K o b i kit trans. Mlkun i 36 carbo Koni shocks, new rims. many extras, $400. (213) 430·4854 or (714) 898·2244. (31) _ WANTED : Honda Z50 gas tank. Will pay good many for Clean, early model Z·50 gas tank . (213) 459·3929. (31) 380cc Greeves 72 847·0220. (31/2x) Honda CR750 road racer Super fast original factory tank, seat. fairing. magneto, etc. 31mm Kelhln cares, spare engine b y R.C. Eng. Best offer or tra de. Call after 6 p .rn , (713) 467-2557. (31) 51 .

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