Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TT S c'R !AMBLES . r ToledO aet., O reg. 2 m i. N towards Sil e tz o n Hwy. fro m 229 Follow US H wy. sig n s. Sign In 20. 10 am , prac. II. race noon. $4. Ent ry classe s. M ln l ·Qpen Gate sat. op en . n igh t fo r o vernights. M t . Baker Racing Team. 503/336-3587. AMA MOTOCROSS S.O. H. V. P. (f o r me rlY McG l l ls) . F rom on Prai r ie Ci ty R d . R on Sacramento , take Hwy . 50 towa rd Placer ville, tu r n S W h ite Rock R d . t o Pa r k. CM~MX i t'I ~"'"" ." "· A SloM i1> AM Ascot. Gardena, calif. Gate open 5 ern, erac. 6·7, ra ce 7:30. Adm ission $3. HS stud ents $2. Fr ee park ing . Bra ss & super pr izes. 2 13 / 323-1 142. August 20 AMA PRO HALF MILE San t a C lara cw. Fairg ro undS. san Jose. CA. $1200 pu rse . T ime trials 7 e m , ra ce 8 ern, Ad u lt s $ 2. ~~ dtj1~g.l . 4 0 8/438-321 0 . Gate open 6 am. race 9 am . Entry e.e, $8 /$ 15 . 100% E x. O ve r n igh t 916/96 1- 1211 . ca mpi n g. 0 -36 SE M I PRO QUARTER M I L E S~ lIn as A irp o rt. 10 1 Hwy. A i rpo rt & B lvd. • Nov/ Jr $3.50. Sa lin as., Ca li f. Mi ni s. 10 0% p.b. to Ex . Starts 11 :30 am . En t r y Ex. $ 6. 394-822 5 . 4 0 8/899- 2 4 0 1. AMA CLASS A SPEEDWAY sears Pt . Int ', RcwY. Hwy. 101 or 1·80 t o Hwy. 37, then t o Hw y. 121 tu rno ff to So noma. Ga te 5 at Rcwy , Gate ope n no o n . race 1 em. 707/938-8448. 0 -36 ERUO SCRAMS . Prison Hil i, Carson Ci ty, Nev. Su mmer . 8 we ek H I Point series . sem i Pro e.e, Min is, QT. PP brass all classes. Sign up 6 :30, erac, 7 :30, race 9 am. Entry $9/ $1 5 Ex . $3000 mec, ' In s . R TEAM. · 6325 Blackwood D r . Sun Vall eYj N ev. 89431. 702/67 -11 24. CMC MOTOCROSS s a e e re c a c« Pa rk . Orange. Ca li f. Jr/lnt $7 mall, $ 1 0 p ost. Pr os $ 1 2 m a ll. $15 post. Ga te ope n am. sign .u p 7 : 30 7 :30-8 :30, p rae, &-9. ra ce 9:30. CMC. PO BOl( 14 02. Costa Mesa, Calif. 9 2626. 714 /5 57·3323. August 19-22 SCORE WO R L D OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSH IP R ive rs id e Int'l Ra ceway. R iversid e, ca lif. $ 6 0. 0 0 0 9 uar. ca sh p u rse. Sl18,000 In conti n ge n c ies. E nt ry fee: $ 200. Pd. ent r ie s by A ug. 9. $ 100 late fee afte r t ha t. Fo r In fo & e ntry: SCOR E Int e rn a tiona l. 20944 Sh erman Way . Su ite lIS. canoga Pa rk. ca lif. 91303. August 19 SRA& NSL SPEEDWAY Irwindal e Rc wy . , Irwindale, Ca li f. Starts 8 pm. Home of Los Angeles Sprockets. Adm. adults $3.50. Jrs. (13-16) $ 2.S0. ki d s (8 -1 2) $ l. 213/334-4949_ CMCN IGHT M X I rw inda le Rcw y •• Irwindal e. calif. " Night Na tion al Q ua lif ier s.·' Rac e 7 :30 p m , entry $6 per cl ass . Ad m a adu lts $3.5 0, J rs. (1 3 -16 ) $2.50 . ki d s (8-1 2) $1. 2 13/33 4.4949. PERR IS TT Pe rr is Ra ce wa y. Pe rr is. ca lif. Ga t e o pen 6 pm, p ra c. 7 : 30 , race 8 e m, En t ry $3 p lu s ga te . PO Bo x 3 7 1. Perr is. CA 9 2 3 70. 714 /657 -3678 . 657-89 17_ AMCN 'Tf:. MX O .C .I. R.. Ea st Irvi ne. Ca lif . Ga t e o pe n 5 em erac, 6, rac e 7 :30 pm, A li entries $6. Free rid e r gate. 200% e.e, to P ros (Inc. m in is & 100). $3000 med. In s. 714/581 -2778. SE MI PRO CMC MX Sand Hill Ranch , Brentwood. Ca lif. $6 rid e. $3 watch. Si1n up 4-6 :30 ~ga.~~~e8:' 4 5/634-2086, AME MOTOCROSS In dia n Dunes, Valencia. Cal if. Int. tra ck . Helmet House Summer ser ies. Labod Day . F ina Is on wee kend . S ign u p 6-7 :30 ern , prac. 7, ra ce 8. Entry Sptsm, $7. Pro s $10 post on ly. 30% brass, 100% Pro P_b. A ME. PO Box 1421 , Reseda. Ca lli. 9 1335. 2 13/ 8 6 1- 5 77 6. Ol SHORT TRACK Pioneer Arena, Oakdal e., calif. S on Pion eer btwn. Oakd a le & Esca lon. Sign up 4-6 pm, race 7 pm. Entry $ 3. 5 0. second b ike $1.50. Class C t ract ion. sem i Pro $3.50 + $2.50 at 9ate_ 1 0 0% Ex_ p .b. + $25 each Ex. cla ss . 209 /669-1457_ B MMC SHORT TRACK T riang le Speed wa y. 2 m i. SW of He rm ist o n. O re . o n Wes tland Rd . Pra c. 7 e m, ra ce 8 e rn, E n t ry $3 per cla ss . HIO% cash or b ra ss p.b. Class C ti re s, sn. re q , Blue Mtn . Me, Bo x 590. Hermiston , O r.. 503/ 5 6 7 -5744. . CENT RA L 0-20 AMATEUR F LAT T R A CK Bu ffa lo Pa rk Speedwa y . 2 m i. W o f 135E on Bett flne Rd . In Ca rr ollton . Te xa s. Pits o p e n 6 pm.r. ra ce 8 pm , 214/24 1 -~135 • 242-8117. August 22 0-36 A MA SCRAM. ' Ca liforn ia Rode o GroundS. North Ma in S t .• Salinas, Ca lif. Sign up 6·8 am . race 10 am Entry $5. El ks Cerebra l Pal sy F un d . Ben e f it. Sa linas Ramble rs MC. CMC SEMI PRO MX A c t ion R ac eway s . Redd ln9 , Ca li f. 5 99 to Clea r C rre k Rd ., W 8 m i. to water to wer . L at Cloverdale Rd •• 3 mi . to trac k. Gate open 4 ern, ra ce 7 :30 pm. Entry Ex/Pro $15: Nov/Am $8 , Pee Wee $4. 100 % Ex. e.e. 916/241 -1100. SHOR T TRACK B enton Lane Pa rk . Juet. Cit y . O re. N of Eug ene. O re. to Jet. City. W on 99W t o Par k. Prac. 6. rac e 7. Entr y $4 Am/$6 Pros. UP to 400cc & Op en . 503/996 -8 472. CRC MO TOCROSS DeAn za Cycl e Par k, Sun n yrnead, Calif. Cas h t o Ex .. sa m e day brass t o Sp tsm , A ll classes. G ate op en 7 am. race 9:30 am. 3 m otos setsrn. 2 lo n g m otos E x. 21 3 / 8 3 0· 75 19 . ' ROSS DOWN S AMA PRO SHORT T RA C K Ross Dow ns , on Hw y . 121 Bu sin es s b t w n . Ft . Worth & Gra pev ine. TX. Prac. 7 e rn . ra ce 8. $ 12 0 0 p u r s e. 21 4/276·0409. 4 8 1-1 0 71 . August 21 If ~ own a cyde shop and don' t cany Dry Rider rainwear. one afternoonnearthe telephone at our plantwouldbe enoogh to convince ~ that you're missing a lot ci sales. Thefs because eotery mooth we get hundreds ci inqJiries from cyde enthusiasls asking l they can buy Dry Rider cfirectIy from us. And our answer is ~ "SoIT)'. try your kx:aI dealer: Ordel;your supply ci Dry Rider rainwear today by calling one of the dstri butors listed below.Yourcustomers already know about us. And more than 6ke1y. so does 0 -36 HI PT SE R IE S SHORT TRACK Ch ris Beck A re n a, Sono m a e t y . F a ir gr o u nd s, Sa n ta ' Ro sa . Ca lif. S ign 1JP 4-6 e m , e ra c, 5-6. race 6, 3 0 ern, En t ry $4. l 3 for a nc b ike. All c lasse s & min is. No rt h Bay MC. 7 07/5 46 -390 3, 8 2 3-75 71. 0 -37 HARE SCRA MBLES Lucerne Va lley , Ca li f. L imed from v-ca te, Start s 8 a m. E ntry $7 . Dese rt D isys Lace Ch a se. Beg. go 1· rooe, 2·32 m i. loops . o a t s v s• D eser t 2 1 3/96 3-771 4. TT SCRA MBLES Toledo Jct •• Or e g. 2 m i. N tow a rds Sile tz o n Hw y. 2 2 9 f ro m US Hwy_ 2 0 . Fo llo w Sign s. S ign In 10 a m . era c, 11 . rac e noon. En t r y $4. Mini·O p en cl asses. Gate open Sa t. n ight for o ve rn ights. Mt. • Ba ke r Racin g T e am. 5 0 3/3 36- 3 5 87. A ME MO T O C RO SS Ind ian D une s. Va le nCia , CA. G ate open 7 am. sign up 7-8 : 30. ra ce 9 a m . En t ry Sptsm . $ 7 m a il, $ 10 post. Pros $1 2 mail. S1 5 post. Me m b. re q. $8 . $400 0 med, cov. Mall ent ry no la ter th a n F ri. befor e race. A ME. PO Bo x 1421 . Reseda. Ca lif. 91 335. 213/88 1-577 8 . CENTRAL Your customers • • are nnQlng our phone off the wall. Remembe r the bison? They were ki lled in great numbers on the pla ins. Prett y soon there were n't many bison left Now if bison had had any brains at all . they would have organ ized. They would have gotten someone to represent them who would have seen that laws were passed wh ich insured the ir survival. And we would have some bison around today . The motorcycle industry is smarter ! From all areas of the indust ry people have given thei r support to us and we have become a strong , voice fo r them. In a world worried abo ut po llution, conce rned abou t the energy crisis. we make sure that the ind ustry gets a fair break. From federal , state and local Iegislators- as we ll as the pub lic in general. We're the Motorcycle Ind ustry Council. We're strong , but to g row st ronger we need you . It's a matter of surv ival ! Send for the MIC mem bersh ip package today. , , your competition. Dry Rider Distributors Action & Associates. Inc. Phoen ix. Arizona Beck/Arnley Distributors Compton , CA Big Wheel Distributors laPorte. TX Compet:ltion Products Salt Lake City . Utah Ed Tucker. Distributors Dallas. TX Helmet House ~ . Santa Monica . CA WheeJsport Portland, Ore. For free cata log ,wrlte or call: Neese Indus tries. Inc, P. O. Box 626 Gonzales. La. 7073 7 (504 ) 644 -6553 IJryRicler __.... Cyc lewear by ~:r::l:l':';. , HOW t 0 - We're the Consumer Information Center of the government. And _ our free catalog lists over 200 brochures. booklets, and publications that tell you how to ma nage your money better, grow vegetables in containers, buy a used car. How to do a lot of different things. . ~- ~!:a.talog How to get the catalog that lists ...~ "4& -them all? Just write Consumer.Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado 8 1009. - - - - - - - You mu st fill out thi s form co mplete with your name and ph on e number (so we can check bac k wit h you) an d mail it in plenty of time for it to reach us by noon Thursday. in order for it to Dale of Even t IULlriDAB ILlS! 8 , I I I All events must be received by no on Thursday to appear in the , upcoming week's Cycle ,News. No' listings can be. accep ted by phone. Fill out blank a t right and mail to : Cycle News CALENDAR, P.O. g Beach,_ca. 0 )( 498, L_on 90801. _ L;; appear in the nex t week 's Calend ar sec tion. Th e more weeks it run s, th e better you lo ok - so get it in ea rly! No ph on e calls; please. We can only guarantee acc uracy on ite ms we get in writing. Time of even t I Type of eve nt ( IT. MX. Enduro, etc.] Entry fee San cti on Lo cation Maili ng ad d ress How to get th er e I Ad ditio na l in formatio n Your - - - - - name Num be r to call fo r info (wit h area code) _ ;;..I 49

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