Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. _aaaaaaaaaaaa II • tum, it loops downhill , back up into thejump, to a slow right hand turn and across to rejoin the ov al, Plenty of crude oil is available fo r the track for free from a supporter's storage pit. Some Uta h riders prefer MX bikes with track tires, handlebars an d seat, even aft er tryi ng track frames. Former 250 Expert Blair Cooper who has just bought an Astro, thinks this is because they h av en 't ridden ' the different-handling track bikes enough . Blair says his Astro is the m o st forgiving b ike he's ridden. Meanwhile St eve Sm it h who bought Blair's 25 0 four-stroke Honda in 'a Tr ackrnaster frame has been doing well with it. Fo r wh atever reason, bikes lik e th e Astro wh ich are de signed for track ar e in the minority in Utah (may be m oney ? . . Ed .} , Starting a t 7 p.m. only two he at s were run because th e new lights on the TT section were malfunctionin g. Sweepstakes were therefore held on the oval, because it was by then too dark to _ see on the TT lo op. Bob Best's modified YZ had seized so he borrowed an older Yam to win the 25 0 Expert class, although R ay Markley be at him out in th e second heat. Lonnie Harris made it look easy and fu n t o win th e Open Exper t class, but c rashed in th e Expert Sweepstakes. Ch ris Billings chased Kim Best closely in the 200 Expert class but never overtook him. _ Von Fletcher kept well a he ad o f the rest of th e Open Novice class on his four-stroke Honda, although Don Cannon, seco nd ' p lace r , almost ca ugh t him at the end of the second heat. Beers intends to work the bugs o ut of t he new IT route: in unsanctioned races, holding the nex t few sanctioned events on the ova L • Res ults in Results Se ction. Speedway Central HANFORD, CAL.,JULY 2 0 A ro ugh track sep arated the men from th e boys at Hanford's mid-season speedway sh ow. Denny returns, splits with Faria By W. H. Spencer SACRAMENTO , CAL. , J UL Y 16 Storming Norman Denny of Auburn returned to the Cal-Expo rac eway for his first effort of AMA Class "A" Speedway racin g and look home the Scratch Main . Mike Faria con t in ues to show his stuff, winning the Handicap and losin g th e Scrat ch b y ab out an in ch and a half. ' In the Scratch finale , Dennis Robinson ap p eared to have the winning start b u t Denny put him right d own on the gro u nd in th e first co m e r in such a pile: that the ra ce was stopped to extricat e the body from th e badl y m aul ed frame. Another b ike was wheeled out , Mike Lupo id 's, and Ch oo -Choo was back in ac ti on a lt hough never in co n te n t ion as the ta pe n e w an d so did Denny. Fari a came out next to Rollin ' Rich Mac Murray and battled wi th him for a lap and then se t sights on th e former No . Two sideways k id. Going to th e whit e, Faria ca ug h t but co uld n't pass which put the cro wd in to a frenzy. When the two grasped hands down the back straight, th e cr ow d all stood up, c he ere d and clapped for what had to be a great n ight 'o f ra cin g. Earlie r Far ia had co p p ed the Handicap Main over Robinson with some outasight sideways passing. Manuel Crummett has come into his own now that Reno is on th e schedule. Crummett won the Division 11 Main ov er Tony Alves w ho had two fl at tires during th e co urse of the night 's events. Lan ce Kin g con tin ues t o drive th e o th e r Jun iors a way fro m th e winners' ci rcle and d r ive th e little girls t o a fre nzy with hi s b rash victo ry ci rcle kiss in g an d h ugging. A Super star and bon vivan t in th e rought. • Results in Results Section. • ~ l11JJ"llJlf Presents Stran ge weather co n ditio ns inclu din g rain , wind and 90 p lus temper atures gave the track crew a fit . The resul t was a su rface t hat was unpredictable at best. Out-of-t owncrs co uldn ' t get in to t ransfer sp o ts. The regular high yardage m en took advantage of their experien ce: an d m o to re d throug h the ru ts and tr affic. The on ly real su rp rise of th e evening was th e performance turned in by local n ewcomer Danny Fle tc her . Dan n y d id well las t week and this week did even be tter by ge tting into the Handicap Main . His t en yard lin e start had h im u p fron t for three lap s, bu t the ba ck m arker bo ys go t by him o n lap th ree with Tom Morle y leading t he pack. J ack Martin finally got by. Ferris got third and Fletcher held on for a respect able fourth. Morley's win was his fir st main event vic to ry at Han ford. Tom looked a little tired in th e Scratch Main a n d he sim p ly couldn't cu t the high groove riding that seemed to be th e secret of this tr ack surface. Martin and Salyers, high groove ex pe rt s both, really flew and left pole riders Ferris and Morley battling fo r last pl ace. Martin won it go ing a way. G rant Salyers did ba ttle with Tom . Ferris for Kin g o f the HilL In the first in th e tw o o u t o f three contest Ferris won with such a wide margin it looked like Grant mi gh t as ' well co ncede. Gr an t doesn't d o that, however. He ps ych ed h im self up for th e hol eshot in th e secon d go rou nd, an d to o k it fro m Ferris. The final ride sa w a deter mine d Salyers p ull way ou t and take the win d ecisively, ma kin g him Kin g for three wee ks in a row. Ch all en ger honors we n t t o Don Klo h r as he hu ng on wi th smooth ridin g while the rest o f the fiel d el imi nate d each o t he r . There were three heat s payin g poin ts; hi gh point man t o ta ke home the tr o phy . By heat three the re were onl y tw o m en left : Klohr an d Dan Pa tt erson. Both r ode we ll for beginners an d o~ • finis he d loo kin g g~ . _ l1li t ANOTHER ALL INDOOR RlOTO CYCLE SWAP RlEE'T t.O rO'l ...-1 (A ND RELATED IT EMS ) -oa -Tires - Boots • -Tools · Sh ocks -Silence rs 0 ...-1 I -E ngines -Helmets -Leathers - Even Comp lete Mot orcycles • All New & Used Parts & Accessorie. ' .....

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