Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 29 of 55 NORTHERN DATELINE motorcycles by bombaldier WINNERS T HIS WEEK: 7-18-76 Tom Weatherson - 1st place 250cc Intermediate Santa Maria MX 7-18-76 Kim Clark - 1st place 125cc Production Class Sears Point 7-24-76 Jimmy Ellis - 1st place Superbowl - Los Angeles Coliseum JO IN THE CAN-AM WINNERS LIST AT THESE LOCAT IONS: C . H . MOTORCY CL ES 4020 Tyler R lve n lCle , C A 7 14- 6 8 7· 1 3 7 3 KOLBE C Y CLE SA LES 22123 V entura B lvd. WooCSland H ill s. CA 213·348·7865 RED COLLI NS SPORTCYCLES 36964 A sh St. J & 0 NOR-CAL A CCESSORlES 143 2 M cHe n ry Mod es to, CA 209·524· 1432 ~n~~~~-~:23 COMPETITION SERV ICE 1244 No . G aff ey San Pe dr o. CA 21 3-83 1- 1 2 79 DOUG DOUG LAS MOTORCYCLES 24769 East F ift h S t . San Bern.ud lno. CA 714·889-5070 GEORGE DY E MOTORS 723 £ .I,t A IDst .. Glendora . CA 213·963·5984 DAM CYCLES 4036 Sol" Pablo Dam Rd . £ 1 So bra nte. C A 415·222-2044 FRESNO CYCLE CENTER 2 2 50 , E ast McKinl ey F rnno. CA 2 0 9· 2 3 3· 1 8 34 From Th~ Keepin' scrambles alive - Johnny Jones (52) and Eric Weisler (64) goin ' for it at San Jose. Tavis takes two proven liq uid concentr.te you si m ply ad d to your loul hi·test ...en lor A 1....1. ' vol By W. H. Spencer 01 fuel 10 the co mbustton chamtMr . . • More e fh c ie nl burn ing 01 fuel wit h um. am oun t air . •. The EXTRA HORSEPOWER it t.ake, to 'WIn! · SAN J O SE. CAL., J ULY 18 0' Scrambles racing still isn ' t what it used to be, bu t it certainly wasn't in its death throes at the fourth round of state TT qualifiers at the MONEY·BACK GUARANl[[ -WHEN DIRECTIONS ARE fOLLOWED PRO ELIMINATOR "75" • Is LEGAL (with ma;ew aSlOCllltions) Only beci n~ by M»Ivlnl JOUrpr.·'lnillOn pro~em~! It ~"I also apprecla bl, increase the out pUt of your e nlm_ when dfrKtions 'or re -jetti nc. liming a nd mi.,"g are 101_, WE HAVE TECHNI CAL DATA . TEST REPO RTS AND COMP£T1TION RESULTS IN NAnONAL EVENTS TO BACK OUR P£RFORMANCE CLAIMS. ASK US ABOUT THE " NAM RACERSWHO HAVE SET RECOROS WIT E'· H OUR I"ROOUCT! • R~ uc •• dfton~tion on 1M ~treoet • Run" cooler • Altowt. mm-. tim,nl Mvanee - runs ric"" • Ci... tM U~ pNl ,.Mml as wtt: h ,..u'-' Ca50 CALL DIRECT- ASK fOR DEAlER NLAREST YOU. WE WANT 10 HEl P SOLVE YOUR fU El PROBLEMS. COLORADO RACING FUEU 15516 L 17lh AVENUE. DENVER COlO RADO ..,11 . PHONE: 303 / 3&1·1816 Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. ,....--------------, HOD!II ~E:l= a.. I I 'I I f Suck_ RM II J-ckel - •• .• ,m.l,. 1 M altll' Top - 0"'" l 'IIt "15 a ll Hoolo HIli _ on ll ll l ll I". aM '" _ " Sl ~ .....:... 13 Sl~ _ • 95 _ !l 95 T.Shor1 - •• .• .m.t.1 _. ,, ~ Swlllll""" - Jong SlHYII ' I .m .... 1 I _ 1 ,,~ S.nd c.PMtC~ ot m~., otdo.ot to "00II ... . 1032 W. Irool. It.• Onwlo, t-llf. '1112. C.~ ' ,n ,den ts 1Ckl6' UlIII t•• Sorr, no C O O Ami Ene _ c.... _ _ Orctwrplt _ ~I4W C"'ge l c.d . 30 Sogn8...... z. _ 8Ilr*..........~d E.p o.t._ _ C:'\o I I .1 'I I I I I I I ---------------- THE FINEST COMPLETE LINE OF OFF-ROAD RACING MACHINERY EVER OFFERED KTM Import s U. S . A. Q 82 ~ Ma son Av e. \ C h a ts wor t h . Ca . 9 1 3 1 1 • (213, 8 82 ·8860 Dealer ln quir ies Invited Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Local favorite John Tavis won both the 500 and 650 Expert classes to catch up a few points on current point leader Dennis Spence. Tavis rode to an easy win in the big bike class on his tricko Triumph and lucked out in the 500 to win big when Spence crashed in his heat. Se cond place runners Sal Hoffman and Greg Ferguson got into their own little battle and eliminated each other. The 300 riders who turned out found an interesting three-quarter mile sc ra m bles utilizing the very fast first half mile comer still in great shape from the National, and a lot of loose. dusty infield which. while not in great shape. made for a good. long day 0 f racing. All the mini classes were allowed to run and Fred Merkel downed Do ug Chandler fo r each of the 80 and 100 Expert runs despite Doug winning the heats. Do ug did get second in each after some tantalizing racing. Marvin Woods ca me o u t of the Sierras to win the 125 Novice Mai;' over Mike Fruzen and Craig Weatherton who are more used to the roundy-round bit. Mitch Da vidson. you ngest of the hero racing family. took the 125 Expert class after a race long duel with Rick Woods and Ken Netto, Two Novices who made Junior mighty quick were 250 Novice Mai n winner Rocky Robinson and Bobby Carrasco. Despite grumblings about their classifications for today they came in as Novices and went o ut as J uniors. Den nis Spe nce managed to save a little face by winning the 25 0 Expert Main ove r J o hn "jo ne s an d Eric Weisler . Spence had II back row for the 5 00 Ex pert heat and was in the proc ess of passing th ro ugh traffic when at the first infield tum he gra bbed too much throttle and got it 180 degrees o ut of ph ase. In trying to save it. he highsided just as AI Posey carne on the scene and wo und up wounded with back scratches and elbow rash. Tavis had that 500 Main pretty much all his own when second running Sal Hoffman and Greg Ferguson got in a pushi ng. shoving match. Each rider d isagreed about who did what to wh om but both wound up on the ground. • Results in Results Section. Bailey another double By W. H. Spencer FREMONT. CAL.• J ULY 14 Boss framed and Yamaha moun ted Don Bailey is making mince meat of both the 250 and 360 Expert classes at Fremont Raceway's Wednesday night short track series. As t he 26 eve nt classic passes the ha lfway m ar k, Bailey lea ds the ove rall high point standings over Rick Delacy. Delacy wound up with two mo re seconds t o Bailey and trails by three points. Continuing wins by minibiker Do ug Chandler and 125 Junior Mike Fruzen keep the two youngsters at least in sight of the two top rated Experts while the rest of the crew lags.

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