Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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co ming off a co rne r and sla mmed in to th e wall . Mike was shaken and sa t o ut th e rest art t o wat ch J o hn Co ok w in, holding Charlie Mo rse an d Paul Orlandi at bay . Mik e Ro o ne y ca m e back t o life to win t he first Scratch even t, foll owed by Mar ty Benck. Man y wa s in third for th re e la ps, b u t he sho t b y Cliff Ball ove r th e fini sh line. The seco nd scratc h ride was outa' sight, havin g Steve Bas t ju m p in to fir st wi th o ne o f h is typical , roc ke tship starts. But Mike Faria put o ne over on Steve as th e y ro de wheel to wheel for three lap s until Mike got a super drive off t he last co rner an d to ok th e win . Dennis Robinson go t o ff to a good st an in th e next scra tc h heat, and took firs t followed by Rich MacMurray. Rich just missed co llid ing with Ch arli e Morse when Charlie pulled a "360" at th e end of th e back st raight. Du rin g the final he at, Pau l Orlandi and Greg Fergusen had a hot batt le go in g until Fergi parked it on th e fin al lap. In the m atch race between Steve Bast and Ri ch MacMurray, both riders we re ove r-anxious and ca m e off the line wearing' the tapes. Rich an d Steve were even on the resta rt , but Rich di aled an ou t side lin e a n d copped th e win . T he Mains go t o ff to a fin e start, with th e J unio rs leadin g o ff . Ji m Sizemore to ok a n early lead with Lan ce Kin g close be hi nd. J im led it fo r three laps but we nt a little wi de o n one corner and Lan ce too k t he win . Manuel Cr um m e tt zipp ed ar ound , Mike Cannon at the st art of t he Division II Main. Crummett held th e lead as J eff Co lard also p asse d Canno n to finish seco nd . J oh n Co ok ca me off the 20 yard line to t ak e the hon or s in th e Divisio n I IIandicap Main . J ohn rode a smooth race even tho ugh he had Mi ke Faria , Char lie Mo rse an d Rich I\lacM urra y b reath ing d own his neck. T he scratch ride rs in these parts ar e doin g t he ir be st to keep th e tape co m p an y in bus iness. After t wo atte mp t s at star ting th e Sc rat ch Mai n, S teve Bast ju mped ou t in front for a m omen t bu t Mike Faria slipped b y. St eve was th en pressured by Dennis Ro b inso n . They stayed that wa y for the four lap s, with Rich MacMurray p lacing fourth, riding easy because of . a fo ot . . Injury. • _ Results in Results Section . . , Vandals strike at Spillway Park By William L.. Mor ley S ANTA MARIA, CAL.,J ULY 18 Some time between Sunday night and Tuesda y m orning, some strange, depraved, un accountable persons visited th e park and p roceeded to t ak e a part the start ers booth an d a spect ators st and. The d am age wa s disco vered in ti me, however, for Gene Dunn an d o u r photographer Dome Hamblin to n ail up en ough boards, that the ra ces could be liel d. A good turnout and exciting eve n ts were th e order of th e d ay. Sammy Holland a nd J ack Neese , in the 125 Exp ert, battled it out for 25 m inutes of th e 30 m inute mo t a, nec k and ne c k. At times only in ches a par t , h ittin g th e berms almost together , b u t in the fin al minutes, Sam 's bi ke co n ke d o u t. The E xpert Open w as all Rick Long in b ot h m ote s until th e last lap s, when Charles Hal comb ca me fr om way back , and scored a firs t in b oth mo to s. It looked as if Long tired . Harsh b ar ger returned fro m J on vacation and cele bra te d w it h a trophy in th e 1 25 Junior A. 11, e crowd was t reate d to a display of side hac ks who ga ve a stirring demonst ration o f team wo rk. T o see th ese da re de vils lean an d ba lance on the turns , is indeed an interesti ng chan ge of p ace. • Resul t s in Results sect io n : When you drink the beers • Don't shift the gears BAY AREA BULTACO e=lL. e=lNOERG ~~ ,- O 'OJ ~~L..T~C= HONDA Can tilever rear suseenslon as low as $50 Call fo r de ta ils H 00 AKA Honda of Glendora ~ We ~ ~ Frame Mods, @ Porting.. Welding Race Preparati on . 2334 New po rt Blvd ., Cost a Mesa , CA • 1401 South Beach. Un it G La Ha bra, CA 90631 also 8 We l d i ng 5606 W. Ma nchest er Blvd . Westch est er . CA 90045 754 fo r ca lal 09 Ke1e) ~'{.e.J~"'"~ 41 6 W. 6th ST COR ON A. CA. • 91720 17141 735-5600 Bu.taco Parts Bullaco CZ PARTS NATI ONWIDE -.;,T ;'" ;,),., \ ... c o~stl Hodaka Ma i l or d er/w ill Shi p anywhere 1300 East Ed inger Ave~ Santa An a, CA 92705 714·835-78 21 Se r v ic e A cc esso rie s II ~ (.)~" ••:J~" urgest inve n t o ry o n West $1 00 Bu lt aco Bonus Sal es - Port i ng - mail order 2 13-649-1700 7 14-870-999Q _ _. 1. 3·5 .4 _ _" , 3. (714) 645-8008 ~ Fas t . dependable se rvice Quality Mo to rc yc le Repair m '., ~ V \ 0; .' 1123'Francisco Blvd ., San Rafael ,~.~" ·· CA 94901 415454·3406 CS~ WE CA R R Y THE COMPLETE LINE SACHS HER C ULES III ST. LTi l . SACHS 98 27 M ason A ve. Phu ne : Ch a tswo r t h. Calif. 9 1J I I (2IJ ) 8 82- 8272 27

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